The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 952

In front of him are all the utensils needed for afternoon tea. Opposite the wooden table is a beautiful elf girl in a long skirt who is listening faithfully.

Xinke Nierbalian opened his gorgeous eyes and smiled wryly.

"Sorry, Lord Rope, I still can't understand the mystery of the story you dictated, let alone learn from it..."

"It doesn't matter."

Rope showed a bright smile.

"It's just a small story chatting at the tea party. If you can fully understand it, you will be in big trouble." The third chapter of "The Poetry of the Eternal Sleeper" is about "Dream Understanding". The connection between you and the "dream" is stronger. "

On dreams, one of the four elements, Cthulhu, who symbolizes "water", is the real authority.

Not only is it the title of "Eternal Sleeper", but the phrase "Cthulhu who sleeps forever waits for you to fall into a dream" is a household name. So much so that even the "Raliyah Text", which focuses on sacrifices and summons, also records Cthulhu's chapters about dreams.


Xin Ke shook his head.

She didn't feel any changes, the soul stone and the elves in her body were the same as before.

"However, I have never heard of your stories. The gloomy and bright, with the permeating horror, makes people feel very interesting. Are these the stories of the ancient gods?"

"If these stories are to be traced back, they will be very, very far away..."

Luo Pei said ambiguously, and at the same time closed the book in his hand.

Seeing that the Lord God she was serving had no intention of explaining, the girl wisely stopped asking, and just gently revealed it.

As the God of Disaster said—it was just tea party chat.

"How is the establishment of the new capital of the elves?"

"Well, the tree magic, plus there are no goblins to make trouble, the infrastructure is complete. It's just that compared with the scope of the forest you gave, the number of elves is a bit pitiful, and it seems a bit empty."

Xin Ke looked at the amber tea in the porcelain cup and stirred it gently with a spoon, causing ripples.

"Will be fine."


The girl stopped her hands, stood up after taking a sip of tea, and stood respectfully in front of Luo Pei.

The black-haired god knows that Xin Ke's state of clear relationship between superiority and inferiority means that the leisurely tea party is over.

"Is it today?" he asked.

Xin Ke nodded.

"If you didn't deliberately speed up the flow of time in the dream, then at exactly this moment, the ceremony of "Spirit Calling" will be completed. I'll be there in person in a little while to do the most critical execution work. "

She will then offer the life of her Creator with her own hands.

——There is no doubt that the God of Disaster cannot defeat the God of Nature.

The power of the new lord she serves is absolute, no less than the strongest god of war, Artosh.

"Staying here makes the sense of time blurred..."

Luo Pei tapped his index finger, and the afternoon tea tables and chairs, together with the forbidden texts on the desk, disappeared like a hallucination.

The garden floor roared and turned like a jigsaw puzzle, and in an instant the two were back between the thrones on the top floor of the Star Clock Tower.

"Nibia, open the blockade of the dream, and a large number of elves may enter after a while, using this as a transfer point for space jumps."

"Obey, my lord."

A thick voice of fantasy was transmitted in the hall.

Xin Ke looked down from the high platform, and the fog that seemed to linger in the city forever was slowly fading away. This also represents that the fantasy species "Oneiroi Apostle" Inzan Nibia has opened the city blockade, making it easier to enter the dream world.

"Are you...?"

"Once the ritual is performed, there is no telling when Cainas will come. If there is a war, your clansmen who are helping the ceremony will have no time to retreat. I will directly pull them into the dream, so that no matter how big the storm is, it will not blow Pour out these weak grasses."

"...Your favor makes the servants fearful."

The girl lowered her head, and was about to say some more words of thanks and compliments, but when she caught sight of the expression of the black-haired god, she stopped talking immediately.

The original indifferent smile on the corner of Luo Pei's mouth became a bit permeable.

Like a death-obsessed murderer sharpening his blade. Like an immoral hangman preparing to pull down the wrench of the gallows.

The murderous intent and greed aimed at Cainas spread silently in the tranquil atmosphere.

Even if it had nothing to do with him, this killing intent still made Xinke Nierbalian break out in a cold sweat.

After getting along for a long time, the elf girl has already figured out a little bit about the characteristics of her main god.

The God of Disaster is extremely gentle when he is gentle, but when he enters the state, or when he is unhappy or extremely happy, he will emit an aura that even his family of nightmares cannot bear.

Now, the God of Disaster is obviously in a very happy mood.

In just a few seconds, Xin Ke Nilvalen felt extremely uncomfortable, and coupled with the instinctive timidity of facing the higher species, the girl whispered and retreated towards the stairs.

"...Then I will go ahead and wait for your arrival at the ceremony site."

After Xinke Nierbalian left, Luo Pei came to the stand on the top floor of the clock tower, put his hands on the handrails, and looked down at the gloomy city that had lost its fog.

"Nibia, the war to end the war is about to begin."

"I feel it."

Fantasy agrees.

"Your act of killing Cainas will instantly intensify the war. The goblins who have the protection of the gods will bear the brunt, followed by the giants of the alliance, a small number of phantoms who agree with the idea of ​​​​the God of Forging, and even the Flügel. Leaving aside the cowardly bastards of the demon species, their creator, the "Demon King", should follow the whirlpool of war. "

Inzahn Nibia sighed.

"There are so many definite factors, and there are still uncertain factors... Should I say it is the darkness before dawn? What I can see ahead is a catastrophic chaos."

"Disaster is my essence, and I like chaos very much."

Rope maintained a perceptive smile.

"Wars and disasters—like Artoxiu, my strength will also increase dramatically in this war, until in the end only the two of us are left standing in the duel arena, even thinking about it makes people excited What about the scene..."

"...I can't understand it."

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