The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 953

Inzahn Nibia was dubbed the "Fog of Death", the most violent fantasy species.

But its involuntary destruction was not so much anger as it was instinctively moving forward, and then trampled to death the weeds on the roadside.

Therefore, Injaen Nibia doesn't know what "fighting" is, and naturally he can't understand warriors.

"Well, these things are going to happen, it's probably the tail end of the end...Nibia, have you ever thought about how you will use it after you gain world domination?"

"Me?" Inzahn Nibia thought for a while.

"Probably let all the living things in this world disappear..."

"Sure enough, you are a "fraternity" terrorist, and you are on par with the priests of Azakalon. "

Ignoring the incomprehensible words of the gods and running out again, the phantasy asked rhetorically.

"Then what about you? My lord, the gods will show their own essence when they get the star cup. If you gain the domination of the world, are you planning to let the world sink into disaster forever?"


In a simple word, Rope not only denied Nibia's words, but also denied his own essence.

In the final analysis, he is the essence of eating, not the essence of fusion, and the two should not be confused.

——The God of Disaster is not affected by the Essence.

"The theme of the world, it depends on the mood at that time. Before that, my primary goal is "absolute centralization", not allowing any existence to resist my will, and not allowing any existence to violate my orders! "

"...It's kind of scary."

All things obey the will of one being.

This kind of world sounds a little cold, revealing the smell of despair.

"Of course the god of disaster must be scary."

Rope smiled, not caring at all.

It was not the first time that world domination had been placed in front of him, but it was the first time that a situation like this world had occurred.

True rules can be made, even if they are absurd, they can be shaped arbitrarily by their own mind——

This made Luo Pei also look forward to it.

"Get ready, Nibia."

Luo Pei stepped on the handrail, and his body gradually began to transform into the appearance of a dark blue demon.

"If the battle is too long and attracts people who shouldn't come, you have to help those monitoring nightmares to meet the enemy."

"Do your best, and I will make your wish come true!"

"See you later."

The Oneiroi has disappeared into its domain.

With a sharp butcher's knife, with a war horn.

To seek its first target.

Chapter 31 The Aggregate of All Nature, "God of Nature" Kainas

In the remote southern part of the mainland, in the lush forest at the central point, the grass-dome boats of the elves circled in a circle, floating above the place in extremely dense numbers.

They constantly use the power of the elves to weave complex spells and inscribe them on the earth.

Its range is so large that it even covers the entire forest.

"Hua Guanqing, the formula you wrote has been fully set up, and there is nothing abnormal in the inspection."


Xin Ke Nilvalen supported the handrail of the Grass Dome, turned his gaze, and looked at the adjutant standing beside him.

The original standard blond hair and long ears disappeared, as if he was deliberately imitating the costume of the nightmare species. The elf adjutant changed into a windbreaker made of fine grass and vines, with a mask covering his eyes even on his face. Wearing a thick one-handed ax that was impossible for the elves to use.

she couldn't help asking.

"I've wanted to ask for a long time... You didn't use the spell of "eye", so you can see things clearly? "

The adjutant froze for a moment, then reached out and took off the mask.

"You can see it very clearly, Your Excellency Hua Guanqing. Very, very clear."

The appearance under the mask made the girl's heart tremble, and her disgust rose sharply.

Multiple eyes, tattoos like face tattoos, criss-crossing his adjutant's handsome face.

He kept a strangely happy smile and continued.

"Master "Mad Blade" Mikolash advocates the upgrading and self-transformation of the body. "Mysterious Mercury" Master William is the opposite, it pays more attention to spiritual vision and inner transformation. At present, most of the elves who use "tainted blood" choose to follow in the footsteps of Lord Mikolash because they have no experience in performing arts. But we practitioners are more inclined to master William's inner spiritual vision improvement than the physical body. "

"...Don't you find it strange?"

"Physical mutations are nothing compared to power. I have learned this clearly from my studies with Master William and the Nightmare Species."

The elf lieutenant smiled.

"Besides, Hua Guanqing, since you have already chosen to pollute your own blood, why do you care about these small things? It is a pity that you chose not to use "polluted blood". If you, an eight-fold practitioner, use it, you will definitely become the strongest elf in history! "

……as long as you are happy.

Xin Ke didn't say this, but that was what was expressed in her eyes.

Like the oldies who can't take culture shock. Even though the elves have been developing in a good direction after obtaining the gift of the God of Disaster—that is, on a powerful road, Xinke still can’t accept the use of "tainted blood" and join the glorious elves with the elves. evolution.

Because aside from these major principles, it is beyond recognition for a young girl to transform herself... Xin Ke Nilvalen thinks that he still doesn't have that kind of courage.

Even if she is very thin, she is quite proud of her appearance.

"Now that the spell weaving is complete, let's order the elves on the ground to return to the boat. After a while, Mr. Rope will let you enter the dreamland, and then return to the new capital with the help of virtual and real jumps. Your mission is over."


Xin Ke no longer looked at his adjutant, turned around and walked towards the exit of the grass dome boat.

The power of spirits and spells lifted the girl up and flew towards the earth.

After landing, several elves who were dressed like the elves' adjutants nodded to Xinke Nierbalian, and at the same time moved out of the way.

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