The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 960

"The ocean welcomes you, don't disappoint their kindness."

With a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, the four swords in Rope's hand stabbed towards Cainas.

The resisting technique didn't hold up even for a second.

There was no time for Kainas to organize another high-intensity spell, and the four ominous swords of the dark blue demon pierced his shoulders and chest.

Bang, boom, boom.

Cainas could feel that something in his body was pierced.

The bad feeling is spreading, and the strength is rapidly weakening at a rate of more than ten times than before.

Is it... the marrow...

With just one blow, is it linked to my soul...

If that's the case, I won't be able to regenerate...

Kainas's handsome face was distorted by the pain. He grasped the blade that polluted the soul, and fell weakly into the vortex formed by the water of death below.


With the sound of water and air bubbles, the shell of Cainas continued to be limed and disintegrated, until finally, only a ball of emerald green light remained in the dark deep sea.

The dark blue demon god wrapped the ball of light with his tentacles, and the power of the essence exploded completely, disintegrating the last resistance of Kainas.

"If you don't resist, it should be easier for you to die. How about it? It doesn't feel good to be eroded by "chaos", doesn't it? "

The dark blue demon god strengthened the strength of his palm, opened the eyes on the four blades in his hand, and stared straight at the emerald green light group - the essence of the god of nature, Kainas.

Penetrate, disintegrate defenses, erode.

Rope is pushing Cainas to the abyss of death step by step.

"You... do you desire my death that much?"

Enduring the pain of the marrow, Kaynas's voice was unbelievably transmitted in the sea water.

"Your essence is "disaster", and Artosh's essence is "war". If the two of you get the star cup, the consequences will be unimaginable... Don't you have a trace of love for the birth of your own planet? "

"No. I only have victory in my eyes."

The spiritual vision of the dark blue demon god is as cold and piercing as a blade.

"In this world, only the strong have the right to speak. Even if you are a god, as long as you are not strong enough to stand on the stage, you will become the nourishment of others... This is the situation now."

Luo Pei's palm began to glow faintly, passing along the four swords.

The light of the emerald green light group dimmed, like a short-circuited light bulb, flickering on and off.

The marrow is about to be penetrated.

"Unreasonable world... unreasonable gods..."

In an instant, Kainas gave up resistance.

His spiritual essence swelled up, floating like a ribbon, creating a huge forest in the ocean, in the deep sea filled with the water of death.

"I won't... just sit back and watch this...result."

Cainas spoke intermittently.

"You and I... Let's return to the Elven Corridor together! God of Disaster!"

Luo Pei's first thought was to blow himself up.

After all, it's not like I haven't experienced this kind of thing before. The enemy's loss will naturally produce the idea of ​​​​"taking the opponent along with me" in the end.

but no.

——Boom boom boom!

The emerald beams of light squeezed through the sea and went straight to the sky.

That was the ray of shattered spirit, the end of a god-species.

In the collapse of the essence of the god of nature Cainas, the essence of Rope continued to absorb power, just like the original script.

that is it?

The dark blue demon god was puzzled.

However, it didn't take long for Luo Pei to feel something, and looked up at the direction of the sea, or even higher, the sky above the sea and the earth.

""Ni Suzheng" has been lifted..."

The impact of the collapse of the marrow, the death of a god species, was directly reflected in the "Hoid Flower Infinite Repertoire", putting the strongest spell into an overloaded state.

Maintaining the state of receiving power, Luo Pei instantly moved out of the sea and into the sky.

Flowers, fully bloomed.

Under the nourishment of Kainas's spiritual power, all the magic flowers fully bloomed, which was too beautiful to behold.

But where there is bloom, there is decay.

Decay is the curtain call and the ending of flowers.

Countless phantom flowers, each one began to swell, as if it contained terrifying power.

In the crimson sky, in the empty space, every area is not occupied by phantom flowers, and there are crunching and ear-piercing wailings as the flowers expand.

Then, an area of ​​the planet.

Disappeared in the light of withered flowers.


The storm formed by the impact surrounds the planet, constantly blowing.

Even the highest building of the Flügel fortress, the Temple of the God of War, could not help but feel the storm.

"God of War" Artoxiu had a smile on his mouth, supported his cheek with his right hand, and swung his left hand lightly, annihilating the violent wind.

"The essence of Kainas has disappeared... Your hunt has already begun. Then quickly stand in front of me, challenge my "strongest" and let me understand what "strongest" is... ..."

At the same time, the sacred place of the goblins burns with the "God Furnace" that never goes out.

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