The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 961

"God of Blacksmithing" Okan stopped his beating movements, raised his head to feel the slightly sad breeze, and the flames of his beard were blown wildly.

"What's the matter, my lord?"

Standing aside, the leader of the goblins asked.

Okan shook his head and continued his forging movements.

"It's nothing, the old friend from the past seems to be gone, and I feel a little lonely in my heart...Compared to this, how is your "Marrow Explosion" made, brat? "


The goblin leader smiled, raised five fingers and one index finger.

"Six pieces of finished products! This time is definitely enough to blast that god of disaster into outer space!"

"Accelerate as soon as possible, brat, the final death wind of war is coming."


With the penetration of the God of Nature's essence as the fuse, all the races in this world that can participate in the war have taken thorough action in order to cope with the tense atmosphere that is about to come.

In the outer space, the light produced by the collapse of Kaynas's marrow seems to have a chain reaction, constantly refracting, and spreading in multiple dimensions.

The light touched something before exhaustion faded away.

A greater, more complete, ancient marrow!

As if being suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, the spirit emitted a surging breath.

After an unknown amount of time, a pair of silver-colored eyes opened in the pitch-black, silent universe.

Confused and puzzled.

""Suppose" I have already penetrated the essence...then, why can I still think? "

The oldest spirit species, the first thought of reviving is doubt.

This is also of course.

Because that's the only thing she can be sure of the answer to.

Born to "doubt", born to "do not know", a god species composed of "doubts" - the god of doubt.

Chapter 35: Captive deep-sea mermaids, demon species annihilation operations

The battle between the gods and the gods ended with the victory of the god of disaster.

Just as the lower species were worried, the topography of the planet has changed to a great extent.

A large part of the seawater was suddenly evaporated, and the entire southern part of the continent disappeared from the surface, leaving no residue. The huge inland ocean that was formed, the boiling hot water, was later named the "Sea of ​​Disaster", and it was listed as a forbidden zone that cannot be touched, just like the roaring crack.

After all, no one knows what kind of "surprise" the Deity will leave there.

Everyone is very sorry for their lives.


In the gloomy city of the dream, the victor is enjoying the peace after the battle.

His subordinates are formulating strategies for the actions of various forces, as well as detailed plans for the next war, but for Rope himself, there is no need to think so much.

The only enemies that require his own hands are the "God" and "Plural Phantasm" from beginning to end, or even the latter can be omitted.

From a long time ago, I had the idea that the war of the family members should be handed over to the family members, and the disadvantages of doing everything by themselves definitely outweigh the benefits.

Then, the God of Disaster naturally began to relax.

On the one hand, fighting and troubles can make people mentally boring. On the other hand, he was indeed injured in the war with Cainas. body.

But who is Rope?

The hero of the demigods of the evil gods, the regeneration ability is so strong that the soul is immortal, and even the wounded soul can be healed.

In general, it is a situation like "digesting the power of the marrow while resting and healing the wounds at the same time".

Like returning to the "everyday" painting style of the previous worlds, Luo Pei relieved his spirit, thought about the next enemy he could identify, and had some fun for himself.

Not just playing with women.

Xin Ke Nilvalen's body is indeed superior, but it is not enough to make Luo Pei obsessed all day long.

In addition to having sex with the elf girl, the God of Disaster also opened a small pond in the Star Garden and raised fish.

That is, marine species.

It was completely ignored by the powerful races during the Great War, and it was slightly better than the human race, but it also stood at the bottom of the food chain.

This group of races that are all female mermaids can be counted, and only the ability to "charm" in the sea is not bad. Other abilities, including IQ, are all useless.

The battle between Rope and Cainas evaporated part of the ocean. This fish frying behavior washed a small number of marine species that should have been in the deep sea to the shore, and then the remaining hard-fated individuals that did not die of dehydration were cleaned up from the battlefield. The Nightmare species found it, and captured it and offered it to the lord.

It was impossible to resist.

The Nightmare Species, whose combat power is similar to that of the Flügel Species, can easily wipe out the minds of the Sea Dwelling Species with just one glance.

Thus, the mermaid in the deep sea entered the private fishing pond of the God of Disaster.

"Do you want to eat?"

The black-haired young man squatted by the water, holding an oversized strawberry cake in his right hand, and asked the trembling mermaids behind the rockery.

Beside her, a beautiful elf girl raised her forehead.

When her lord is majestic, people feel fear from the heart, but when she is offline, people don't know what to say.

Is this kind of behavior really what the gods who rule the world should do?

If Luo Pei knew Xinke Nierbalian's thoughts, the God of Disaster would definitely sneer, he was still too young.

Even the only god can starve to the side of the road. For the gods, as long as the interest comes, there is nothing impossible.

"It's terrible, it's terrible, it's terrible! Sister, I'm going to be eaten!"

"Don't be afraid...well! If you are afraid, I will be scared too...I don't want to die yet..."

"...The thing in the hands of the gods, it smells so good."

"Idiot! I'm dying, and I still want to eat!"

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