The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 962

Four or five mermaids huddled together, none of them dared to swim forward. A few more sank to the bottom of the pond, deceiving themselves like ostriches, and dared not face Rope.

This is also of course.

The most noble existence these little mermaids have ever seen is their own queen. Not to mention going ashore, even on the beach, the orcs could treat them as real fish and prey on them.

Such a weak race faced the strongest god species, and they were scared and fainted countless times just in the past few days.

For example now——

Seeing some sea dwellers tilt their heads and sink into the water, Luo Pei sighed.

He had already paid attention to his breath, but in the end, the little mermaids still frightened themselves, enough to frighten them.

"Come here for me."

He spoke in a commanding tone for the first time.

The sea dwellers who hadn't passed out froze for a moment, then with tears hanging from the corners of their eyes, they reluctantly swam over and laid down on the bank of the pond cautiously.

They exposed half of their small heads and looked at the God of Disaster.

"Woooooooo...Master God, I don't taste good at all...Dabai is delicious, you let me go back, I can help you catch a lot of Dabai..."

"And Xiaolan..."

Regardless of what the "big white" and "little blue" these sea-dwelling species were talking about, Luo Pei gently placed the cake in his hand in front of the sea-dwelling species.

"After all, you are still the lower species, you will be very hungry if you don't eat?" Luo Pei said. "I won't hurt you. Don't you understand how dangerous it is for sea dwellers to be dehydrated in that situation? Some of your companions have died, right? Strictly speaking, it was my subordinates who saved you. "

The little mermaids looked at each other, and finally a sea-dwelling girl with blond curly hair who looked about fourteen or fifteen years old boldly spoke up.

This was the first time in days that the little mermaid answered Rope's words apart from fear.

"...Master God, if you want to save Lilia and everyone, why don't you send Lilia and everyone back to the ocean... This place is so scary..."

Watson! You found your blind spot!

Rope frowned.

The sea dwellers who sensed the expression on the face of the God of Disaster shrank back as if frightened.

The black-haired youth didn't answer, but finally pushed the cake with a gentle smile on his face.

"Don't think so much, eat something first. These are sweet, right? You can't eat sweets in the sea, right?"

Rustle whispers.

Finally, the green-haired sea-dwelling girl who was first attracted by the cake swallowed her saliva, and stretched her white arms towards the strawberry cake.

He grabbed a handful and stuffed it into his mouth.

Immediately, the girl's eyes brightened.

The taste that has not been tried before explodes in the mouth, sweet and cloying.

"How, how?"


"What? Me too!"

"Don't squeeze me, you stinky fish!"

"You are a fish too!"

In less than a moment, several little mermaids were in a mess, scrambling for the strawberry cake brought by Luo Pei, and threw the gods and previous fears to the back of their minds.

—Because I'm an idiot.

Almost all the sea dwellers are idiots with an IQ of less than seventy.

Luo Pei gently stroked the heads of the sea-dwelling girls, and their fear gradually dissipated.

"Lord Rope."

At this time, Xin Ke spoke.

"You adopted these idiots...cough, I mean sea dwellers, is there any deep meaning?"


Luo Pei thought for a while, and then denied his words.

"I can't say no, I like this group of cute mermaids very much. It should be a good thing if the whole family can become my pets. It's just a small matter of this level."


Xin Ke Nilvalen nodded thoughtfully.

When she heard about the Nightmare and Ex-Machinas, the girl was a little skeptical, but now she is finally sure.

——The God of Disaster has a strong interest in gathering things that are not his own creations!

She shook her head, throwing the thought out of her mind.

What interests the Lord God has is a private matter, and those who are servants and subordinates only need to rest and do their best to serve the Lord God.

"There is one more thing, Mr. Rope. I observed the contact between the phantom species "Devil King" and the giant species a few months ago. Can we directly determine that the monster species joined the goblin species alliance directly before their headquarters moved? war? "

"Demon species?"

Luo Pei stopped the hand that continued to make cakes and touch fish, and tilted his head.

"Is it worth asking me about those bastards? Lawrence can make a decision, right?"

"If possible, I think we should kill it once and for all, together with the mutant "devil king" of the phantom species. "

Xinke Nilvalen smiled.

"Using its core, it should be able to create a very powerful "Void Zero Protection". This may provide negligible help to your future battles. After all, the elves cannot always accept your favors without being grateful. "

The mutant "devil king" of the fantasy species.

A fantasy species that has obtained the creation authority of the god species.

Except for not having the essence, the power is almost the same as that of the weak gods.

But also because there is no spirit, unable to draw strength through destruction, the God of Disaster is not interested at all.

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