The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 963

"The decision is left to you and the leader of the nightmare species."

Rope said flatly.

"It's just that you must make sufficient preparations, and don't underestimate it just because it is a phantom species... Well, it's gone."

"Keep your order in mind."

Xin Ke bent down, her fringed blond hair hanging down.

she asked in a low voice.

"Then, Master Luo Pei, do you want me to carry out your order immediately, you want me to stay in your palace for a while?"

The meaning in Xin Ke's words is the same as her slightly red cheeks.

The black-haired young man threw down a few cakes and stood up with a smile.

"Of course it's the latter. We have plenty of time, don't we?"

Chapter 36 War, the eternal theme of the world

Just as few people pay attention to the moment when the sun rises from the horizon, so the beginning of the war.

It may be a slight friction, or a small-scale encounter, or even the whim of the initiator. Anyway, the war started under such inadvertent circumstances.

No, or in other words, from the moment the Deities decided to compete for the Holy Grail tens of thousands of years ago, chaos has never stopped.

Headed by 30,000 Elves, 133 Grass Dome Ships, 20 Magic Destroyers, and a total of 1,500, the Nightmare as senior commanders and combat power, the God of Disaster camp There is a war with demon species and their creator fantasy species "Demon King".

Because the demon species will not all gather together, and because of the large number, the battle line between the elves and nightmare species has been stretched longer and longer, so that between the central part of the continent and the north, with the Cassallo Canyon as the boundary, there is It was divided into the fighting fields of the two sides.

Just the war of the first confrontation lasted for three months.

It's not that the nightmare and elf species are not strong here, they are already desperately improving their killing efficiency, but the number of demon species is really too much.

Viviparous and oviparous, there are more than a dozen larvae at a time, and they can participate in battle as recruits the moment they land on the ground. Even the lowest-level ogres and trolls, even if their intelligence is inferior and can only be driven by instinct, but those few One hundred thousand, nearly a million scattered numbers are still confusing.

Not only that.

In the middle of the war, giants and goblins also joined in, making it more difficult for elves and nightmares to break through the front line.

You know, the giant species is better than the nightmare species in terms of individual combat power. The purely violent machines and mechanical warships made by goblins are also quite a headache.

- Boom!

On the main command ship at the front line, "Mad Blade" Mikolash smashed the hard round wooden table with one punch.

"When are we going to dawdle?"

He growled at the other two conductors.

"Every day, every day, every day! Those monsters are multiplying geometrically, and they can't be killed no matter how hard they are, let alone breaking into the lair of the fantasy "devil king", if the fleet of giants and goblins continues to provide support , we will be in trouble! "

"Lord Mikolash, please be calm."

The blond elf girl pointed in the air, and the map drawn by magic was constantly changing under her hands.

"The elves' troops, the follow-up 20,000 people are coming with supplies and new warships, Lord Lawrence is also among them, and there must be some new breakthroughs by then."

"In this case, then I also order the nightmare species..."


William interrupted Mikolash indifferently.

"It is necessary to leave enough troops for the Creator to deal with the Flügel. Although Artoxiu and Avant Heim have no signs of moving, we have to guard against it. If the Creator suddenly starts fighting with Artoxiu, the subordinates will Without a force equal to that of the Flügel, they will be in a very disadvantageous situation."

"So we just watch the long ears consume? They are not nightmare species. Even if they can absorb "tainted blood", there will always be a moment of exhaustion in a high-intensity battle of attrition. At that moment, their end is death! "

Mikolash pulled up the collar of William's windbreaker, imitating angry facial features on his face.

"The Creator asked us to protect the elves as much as possible! In this situation, isn't it time for us to go all out and start the battle?"

"Lord Mikolash."

Xin Ke sighed, scattered the magic map in her hand, and put her hands on her lap.

"Your concern has touched us very much, but please don't throw the plan into the trash because of a little bit of dignity. The demons are dealt with by the elves, and the nightmares must concentrate their forces to deal with the attacks of the goblins and giants. In this way, the war will become difficult."


Mikolash let go of William's collar, and said bitterly.

"If I can perform the "space jump", I will jump directly in front of that phantom species and dismember it, so that it will no longer have the strength to spawn monsters! "

"If I could do that, I would have gone with you long ago."

William used his spiritual power to glue the wooden table together again, and pointed to a certain position on the wooden table.

"This place has long been pulled into its own "small world" by the "devil king", whether it is to invade the dream world or jump through space, it is impossible to succeed. We can only take a frontal breakthrough, enter from the "Four Heavenly Kings" resident, and face the fantasy "devil king". "

Nightmare species are not gods of dreams, they do not have the ability to invade a fantasy species' small world at will.

Mikolash is also very clear about this.

It is just dissatisfied with the current situation.

"Well, the only good thing is that the goblins didn't take out the "weapon" last time, and the main fleet didn't show signs of dispatching, and it seems that they are also guarding against the Creator. "

William shrugged.

"As long as we can clean it up as soon as possible, the giants and goblins won't do their best for mere demons."

All races are selfish, even if they are alliances, they are not deep enough to fight with all their strength for the sake of the monsters.

Once the main force and unique moves are put in, it means that the gods of both sides will step into the battlefield from behind the scenes, and it will evolve into a desperate battle between races and races.

The "God of Forging" Okan doesn't have the confidence, and Rope is not willing to take the risk of "God of War" Artoxiu appearing suddenly after fighting the "God of Forging" Okan, and makes a quick move.

Even if there is a ninety-nine percent chance that God of War will stand on the sidelines, he is not afraid of 10,000, just in case.

Try not to do things that are a joke to your life.

Ever since, the mutual checks and balances of the superior existence have formed the current situation.

"Then, Mikolash-sama, you will also deal with the rock giants and fire giants in the north direction today. I will wait for the fleet to provide air support and confront the goblin fleet."

"Yes, I know..."

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