The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 964

The leader of the nightmare species sighed and walked out the door.

But when he walked to William's side, Mikolash suddenly reacted and looked at his companion strangely.

"William, since when did that long-eared woman become the commander-in-chief?"

"Maybe it's because your brain is not working well, so you can only do rough work."

William's mimicked mouth showed a subtle smile.

"Besides, Ms. Nierbalian is indeed directing very well. Do you have any comments?"

The decision to annihilate the demon species was dictated by the God of Disaster to Xinke Nierbalian.

This also means that the elf girl has obtained the first authorization of war.


Mikolash, who was ridiculed every day, curled his lips, turned and walked out of the command room.

After the person whose mind was full of "kill kill kill" left, William shook his head and looked at Xin Ke Nilvalen.

"Miss Nierbalen, let's talk about the next battle in detail. The investigators of the nightmare species discovered the moving mind signs of multiple phantom species, probably those phantom species that agree with the concept of the "God of Forging". It would be very bad if they intervened in the battlefield before the support arrived. "

"I already know this." Xin Ke nodded: "After the sea dwellers surrendered to Lord Luo Pei, the coastal line can become our supply ground, and the "spell capture ship" is already in transit. When necessary, Lord Inzahn Nibia will also participate in the battle. "

"The battle between fantasy species and fantasy species..."

William stroked his chin.

"Master Nibia is also in the upper order of the fantasy species, and with the protection of the Lord Creator's divine essence, there should be no problem..."

As the "Apostle of Oneiroi", Inzan Nibia has also undergone some transformations.



William put on a hood to hide his face.

"I tried to lead a small number of nightmare species through the battle line to see if I could find additional hatching grounds for demon species and kill them all. To be honest, the hearts here have long been turned into a pot of porridge under the influence of the war, and their positioning has changed. It's very difficult..."

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

The first large-scale battle of the nightmare species is underway.


To the north of the Grass Dome Fleet, about three thousand kilometers away, the figure of Mikolash appeared in the dry forest.

Along with him, there are more than fifty nightmare species.

"What a brutal and savage race, giants..."

Looking at the mountains in the distance, several gray and red giants carrying heavy mechanical equipment, Mikolash drew his weapon.

This kind of race is not comparable to the dragon spirit, and with the strength of Mikolash, it is easy to kill them.

But if the number increases, it will be difficult to deal with.

‘My lord, there are mind fluctuations in the southwest direction. '


Mikolash, who was about to attack, was interrupted by his subordinates.

With the convenience of the mind network, the investigation of the subordinate nightmare species was passed to Mikolash in an instant.

"Isn't this... the beastman species? There are quite a few of them. What are these bastards doing on the battlefield?"

'What are your instructions? '

Mikolash glanced at the resting giants and lowered the brim of his hat.

"These giants won't be moving for the time being. Let's go and see what the beasts are doing. After all, we seem to be working part-time for intelligence gathering..."

'clear. '

Quietly, the dark children of nightmares disappeared in place.

Chapter 37 Miserable orcs, the moment of fear

The trees on both sides of the road receded rapidly.

Of course, this is just an illusion that catches the eye.

Except for the magic of elves and elves, there is no other existence in this world that can make trees run on their own legs.

It was she who moved—

With furry fox ears on the top of the head, two blue fluffy tails swinging behind her, and dressed in simple coarse cloth clothing, the orc-like female was walking through the forest at an extremely fast speed.

"Master Huan..."

Her ears trembled, and Yu Wuhuan suddenly stopped in her tracks at the call of her companion, and turned around.

A dozen meters behind, is a male beastman standing on a branch.

Even with the mask on, the fox woman could smell the uneasiness emanating from him.

"What's the matter, Yi Yan?"

She deliberately lowered her voice and said angrily.

"Have you not arrived at the scheduled rest place? The camp of the giants is right next door, and this place will soon be involved in the battlefield. You know the consequences of not evacuating quickly, right? There is no time to worry about small things now. Delayed!"


The male orc named Yi Yan pointed behind him and said bitterly.

"Master Huan, the men in the tribe are alright, but running at full speed for five days without sleep, the children and women can no longer hold on..."

Only then did Yu Wuhuan realize that those tribal people who should have followed closely behind him had collapsed scattered at the roots of the tree, panting vigorously, looking exhausted.

It dawned on her.

That's right, there is no problem with the physical strength of myself and the soldiers, but such a long-distance migration, even for the orcs known for their physical strength, is already a sport beyond the limit. Especially the old and weak individuals in the tribe.

Yu Wuhuan gritted her teeth angrily. She knew that if this situation continued, she might not even be able to reach the scheduled location, and more than half of the tribe would be lost.

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