The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 967

Yu Wuhuan took a deep breath, barely suppressed the fear, and wagged his tail unnaturally behind him.

She looked at the faceless monsters who were motionless, as if they were waiting for something, and said softly.

"Masters of the Nightmare... We just want to leave this area and have nothing to do with this war... If you can let me pass, I am really grateful..."

Wordless silence, ordinary nightmare species do not like to communicate through sound.

Yi Yan who activated "Blood Destruction" swallowed his saliva, his nerves were extremely tense, and he made up his mind that once the nightmare species wanted to do something, even if it cost their lives, they would protect the witch and the tribe to leave.

This is the responsibility that "Blood Bad" individuals must bear after enjoying material convenience!

Suddenly, in the tense confrontation, or the one-sided tension of the orcs, a slightly teasing and cruel voice sounded.

"I thought you started working for the goblins, but it turned out that they were just wandering tribes who fled the war and abandoned their homes..."

The last nightmare that came out of the shadows was a strange individual.

He has the organ of this mouth, and the style of the windbreaker is also different from that of ordinary nightmares. More importantly, he has the terrifying sawtooth weapon on his shoulders.

""Crazy Blade" Mikolash..."

Yu Wuhuan read out the name of the visitor in a hoarse voice.

A daimyo who has heard of even the uninformed orcs, one of the three leaders of the nightmares, a powerful existence who likes to hunt dragon spirits.

How come... even the leader of the nightmare species... Could it be that today is the day of the tribe's extinction?

Yu Wuhuan became more and more desperate.

Mikolash walked slowly, and the rest of the nightmare species consciously moved out of the way without ordering them.

Coming in front of the female fox clan, the leader of the nightmare species looked down at the witch ring, without even a little appreciation for "beauty" in his eyes, only the cruelty of killing.

"Master Mikolash..."

Yu Wuhuan continued to work hard.

"As I said just now, we are not participants in the war, and I implore you to let me go... We will disappear in this area before dark."


Mikolash spoke up.

But it wasn't against Yuhuan, but the nightmare species behind him.

"There's no big deal here. Pass the information about the orcs to the Psychic Network, and then go and kill the giants over there yourself. Is there any problem?"

'No problem, Mikolash-sama. ’ replied the nightmare species.

'What about you? '

"I'll give myself a little vacation and have fun..."

Mikolash smiled, and looked at the suspected strongest orc around him with his mimic eyes.

In other words, Yi Yan, who has entered the state of "blood damage".

"It's the first time I've seen the "Blood Bad" individuals of the Beastman species, and I really want to know how far they can go by "beyond the limits of the body". "

‘Please come back as soon as possible, Lord Lawrence will be here soon. '

"... Long-winded!"

The subordinate nightmare species disappeared one after another, leaving only Mikolash as a nightmare species present.

He pointed the serrated blade at the witch ring.

"I'm not very interested in ordinary beasts, let them go away. But the "Blood Bad" individuals among you must stay and fight me with all your strength. "

"……I see."

No complaints, no sorrow.

When the death notice was announced, Yu Wuhuan was surprisingly relaxed.

In this way, at least the people of the tribe can survive...

She turned around, gritted her teeth, and said with a smile to the Lion Clan Elder who was unwilling.

"Then, from now on, the tribe will entrust you, my lord elder."

"Master Huan..."

The old lion was in tears, but he didn't say anything more. He nodded firmly at Yuwuhuan, and then led the soldiers and clansmen to continue their way forward without looking back.

Up to the present, there were only six "Blood Bad" individual Beastmen left.

Among them is the witch ring.

"You seem to be their leader?"

Mikolash stared at the fox woman strangely.

"You should know that the Nightmare species can't perceive the "Blood Bad" individual. Why don't you pretend that you are not the owner of "Blood Bad" and leave with the army? "

"You can't perceive "Blood Bad" individuals, but I know that Nightmare species can easily detect whether others are lying. "

Yu Wuhuan said firmly, her pupils and hair gradually turned red.

"I don't want you to change your mind. At the same time, even if it's bravado and daydreaming, I want to bring these fighters to survive!"

Not victory.

but to survive.

Although this alone is already approaching the impossible probability, but Yuhuan still stays, hoping that with himself, he and the other "Blood Bad" individuals can find a way of life under the hands of the Nightmare Species.

It's okay if only one survives.

In this way, even if the tribe arrives at the predetermined location, they will not be bullied by the same tribe because they lose the protection of "blood damage".

"Oh, oh, I've been underestimated..."

Nightmare shook his head.

"Anything is fine, come here quickly, if Lawrence knows that I am giving myself a vacation during the mission, it will be terrible..."

Before the last syllable dissipated in the air, a thunderous attack landed on Mikolash's neck.

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