The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 968

Roaring, the bovine orc named Yiyan exerted his strange power, coupled with the boost of "Blood Destruction", it exploded as if disintegrating.

- Boom!

Mikolash was kicked out.

It's not over yet, except for the witch ring, the other four orcs also entered the state of "blood destruction", flying into the dust without fear of death.

Rocks were smashed and trees uprooted.

The orcs, who had obtained the same physical fitness as the Flügel, attacked the leader of the Nightmare species like crazy with all their strength.

No, that's not enough...

The ring of witches captured the shadows in the gray mist with its dynamic vision enhanced several times. She knew very well that none of this series of exaggerated attacks fell on Mikolash's body except for the first one. body.

And Yi Yan's mountain-collapsing attack did not cause any damage.

The leader of the nightmare species, Mikolash, was still intact, not even the corner of his clothes was scratched.

"Happy and happy. Because I missed the battle between the Creator-sama and the Flügel last time, this is the first time I have a race battle with this speed and attack style."

Not even for an instant, Mikolash's movements reversed.

Stretching out his hand, he grabbed a beastman's arm, and without any hindrance, it was easily torn off by Mikolash.


The orc groaned in pain.

"Working harder, I haven't used my spiritual power yet."

Mikolash smiled.

"Compared to the dragon spirits, you are just like paper. If the Flügel is the same, I may have to consider proposing an early attack on the Flügel to the Creator."

There is no time to think about countermeasures.

Yu Wuhuan clenched her silver teeth, stomped her foot, and joined the chaotic battlefield with the help of reaction force.


Above the sky, even higher than the goblin and elf fleets, there is a strange existence looking down on the earth.

Silver-colored eyes, a petite body, and a more perfect face than finely cut diamonds.

Sitting on a tall ink pot, holding a large brush in one hand and supporting his cheek with the other, it seems to be the embodiment of the word "sacred".

She is powerful, but also void.

Here, not here.

Older than any deity species, the first deity at the beginning of the world's birth, the "uncertainty" possessed by the girl, even the strongest "God of War" Artosh can't be sure.

Not because of power, but because of something more fundamental.

——The marrow.

The god girl moved her eyes little by little, skipping the confrontation between elves and goblins, skipping the slaughter of nightmares against demons, and finally focused on the battlefield between several orcs and Mikolash.

It's much more lively than before...

It seems that there are more and more guys who can communicate with each other...

The girl thought this way, but afterward, endless questions emerged.

What is the nature of communication?

Why is the world like this? What is the world?

Under the effect of "suspicious" spirit, the girl's silver-colored eyes became more and more empty.

Obviously at that time, he had penetrated his own soul, but in the end, he refused to give me even the only sure answer "I have lived"...

The gods who always have questions, the gods who can never find the answer.

The girl is like a leaf swaying in the wind, at will, without reason, driven by instinct, and drifts towards the battlefield where the orcs are.

Chapter 39 New and Ancient, God of Disaster and God of Suspicion

Claws, kicks, elbows.

With the help of body functions to throw objects, steel pierces through the atmosphere.

Digging holes in solid rock in an instant, sneaking from under the enemy's feet.

Block the opponent's limbs and penetrate the body directly from the back.

In order to survive, the orcs have given full play to the advantages of "blood destruction", and some have even surpassed the original "blood destruction" time that can be maintained, the limit of the limit.

And the leader of the nightmare species, "Mad Blade" Mikolash is still unscathed.

Even in this series of non-resting attacks, he could still keep "not killing a single orc", as if for more fun, encouraging Yu Wuhuan and the others.

"Hurry up, hurry up, if you go faster, you can catch me."

Mikolash yelled.

"Hope is right in front of you, don't give up. I will definitely not use my spiritual power now, nor will I use space jump. As long as I can destroy me enough to use "Foul Blood", then I will be your victory! Ha ha ha ha! "

——It’s just a one-sided game.

The fox woman was grinding her sharp teeth, and her blood-red pupils were already showing signs of blurring.

If you continue to use "Blood Bad", you will die.

The power of the berserk spirit is not a simple thing, it is like a double-edged sword, while cutting the enemy, it will also continue to hurt itself.

Her internal organs, especially her heart, were on the verge of failure.

"Don't stop, I'm giving you a reminder, my next move is..."

'Mikolash! '

"Wow wow!"

The leader of the nightmare species was distracted for a moment, and the witch ring and the remaining two orcs who still had combat power rushed forward and stamped their sharp claws on Mikolash's chest.


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