The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 975

"Aren't you happy that you got a cute subordinate with a "heart"? "


Fanlou felt strange about Luo Pei's words, but she didn't bother with them, and drove the ink fountain to the window at the edge of the hall, looking at the black smoke constantly rising from the ground below the grass dome boat.

Nightmare species, elf species, goblin species, giant species, demon species.

The battlefield of the five major races is gradually becoming crazy.

"I have been wondering since I woke up, why are your creations and these intelligent creatures depriving each other of their lives? It seems that all creatures on this land are like this."

"This is war."


"For the star cup, the props of world domination, the eternal war between the gods and their creations." Luo Pei walked to Fanlou.

The girl frowned.

"As a "connected person", I ask you to explain in detail. "

When she was born, the world didn't have the item "Star Cup".

"Probably because of the struggle for "rights". The dark-haired youth shrugged: "A game that is neither interesting nor boring." The gods fight each other, and the victorious one sits on top of the world. "

"Oh... Since the star cup can dominate the world, can it bring omniscience?"

"What if I say yes?"

With a smile, Luo Pei looked at the girl of the spirit species out of the corner of his eye.

Fan Lou took a breath.

"...I may be hostile to you."

"Hahahaha, what an honest child."

"No. According to the age of life, I am older than you."

"Haha..." Luo Pei shook his head.

"It is impossible to be omniscient. In the final analysis, it is just a tool for world domination and concept modification. Even in the multiverse, there are not many existences who can vow to be "omniscient"..."

It is certain that the star cup can be omnipotent within this world, and can even slightly affect other worlds.

But omniscient...

This is not something to talk about casually.

"Multiple universes? I use "associates"..."

"OK OK."

Luo Pei dragged the ink fountain in Fanlou and pulled it in front of him.

"Prioritize your own questions, and you'll never have enough questions to answer."

The girl of the spirit species thought for a moment and nodded.

"Request accepted. I will prioritize my concerns."

"It may be said that it is still too early compared to the time we met. But, Fanlou."

Luo Peicong bent down and stared straight at the pretty face of the gods.

"I hope that you and I can conclude an eternal contract as allies. You have "please" in your spirit, right? Do not know this wish, can you accept it? "

"I don't understand your thoughts..."

"Is it."

Rope laughed.

"Then save this wish until you have a "heart" before answering. Before that, I will try my best to fulfill my responsibilities... After all, I was the one who took the initiative to provoke you. "

""Tentatively" Luo Pei, the rest of my compatriots, those gods, are they as strange as you? "

"No, they are not surprised at all. Just like you, they are tortured by the essence. The god of war is tortured by the strongest, and the god of forging is tortured by forging. They are all a group of poor people."

Luo Pei patted Fanlou on the head.

This time the spirit-kind girl didn't dodge.

The meeting between the gods and the gods, the changes may have been buried in the conversation, but the suspicious god himself has not noticed it yet.

She is getting used to communicating.

Also getting used to it.

—Accept Rope's ideas.


Far away from the battlefield, in the strange building made of steel, the lights driven by elves are lighting up.

——99% similarity of "detection" essence...

——“Judgment” is based on the problem of attrition, and the error comes from itself, so the judgment similarity is 100%.

——"Result" The return of the creator, the props will find their owners...

The five small box-like things have been activated again after being silent for countless years.

The moment they woke up, they took away the control and command rights of the Ex-Machinas, and became the highest-ranking machines.

"Observation", "analysis", "argumentation", "correspondence" and "command".

Manufactured by the God of Doubt himself, the proto-mechanisms of the five Ex-Machina species are revived today.

Chasing after the smell of the owner who has long forgotten, so that the props can be mastered by the existence that uses the props.

Ex-Machinas, all take the initiative to activate!

Chapter 43 Chaos and Flame, Cthugya the "Blaster"

The universe does not revolve around a person, which is a basic truth that any creature can understand.

When Rope gathered races in the world, launched wars, and worked hard for the "star cup" of world domination, some changes occurred in the void of the multiverse.

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