The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 976


A huge abyss space composed of nothingness and imagination.

This is a paradise for countless independent races, servant races, and dark creatures. They carnival, worship, and enjoy themselves in the dark and invisible, forgetting themselves in the chaos.

Not only these mortal beings, but in the suspended center of the bottom layer, the kingdom of spider webs of the old ruler "Spider God" Atlak Nakya was also established here. It commands all the spiders in the Dreamland, every day, every day, there is no idle thread weaving the spider web.

Plural evil gods and dark family members form the deepest frenzied space in the multiverse.

In order to prevent this evil leak, one of the leaders of the ancient gods was named "God of the Abyss", "Emperor of the Abyss", "God of Magic" and "King of Fantasy". Press steadily above the dreamland.

He monitors the evil gods and their families, and eliminates Atlach Nakya's ambition to link the dreamland with reality every fifty thousand years.

Mountain forests and clear lakes, countless tall towers stand tall, and five rounds of bright crescent moons are arranged in the sky.

This is the divine kingdom of "Abyss Great" Norden - Sternk.

In the ancient dragon language, Stetik means "Kingdom of Mysteries". This is also the country that normal spellcasters in the multiverse are most eager to enter. It is rumored that the ultimate secret of magic is buried in Stetik, and the key is the coral jewel crown of "Abyss King". Whoever gets it can become a new god of magic.

Of course, this is just a rumor without actual evidence.

Putting aside these trivial matters, in the tower of Corona, the highest position in Stetik, the "Abyss Emperor" is in a very bad mood at the moment.

On the throne made of star diamonds, the old man with white hair and gray beard silently stroked his scepter. In front of it was an existence covered with green flames, red eyes, and a masked cloak.

That was another ancient god.

The incarnation of "Lord of Cosmic Space" Vovados.

"Your Excellency, the President, the matter is almost like this."

Vowados said.

"The return of His Majesty "Lord of Death" Azakalon, "Chaos" Nyarlathotep has begun to move. If we don't do something about it soon, a powerful evil god who works chaos out of order will emerge. This time is not the ancient battlefield, the fall of His Majesty Azakalon will have very dire consequences. "

The stillborn fetuses of the five gods merged into one body and became the complete and fallen "Lord of Death" Azakaron. The power that represented "death" could annihilate countless worlds.

Norden's luminous pupils shone, he held his scepter for a long time, and stood up from the throne.

"Can you determine the location of Nyarlathotep?"

"...No." Vovados said in a sad tone: "It has the priesthood of "messenger", and it is not restricted by the rules... We have no way of finding its trace, and even this matter is in charge of "secret" Compatriots said. "

"Chaos" Nyarlathotep is an unlimited evil god.

"It was my fault."

Norden held his scepter and sighed.

"I noticed the vision of Nyarlathotep not long ago, and cut off its way to transmit divine power to the inside of the world. But at that time, I thought it was just another carnival of cultists, please ask Nyarlathotep Arlathotep's peripheral vision appeared, and he didn't care too much, I didn't expect it to plot such a big conspiracy..."

"The high-ranking evil god of the Three Pillars God has always been a blockbuster if he doesn't make a sound."

"Is Yog Sothoth not moving?" Norden asked.

Vovados was taken aback.

Immediately, the green flame on its body seemed to be a little wilted, and it said in a distressed voice.

"Your Excellency, the President of the Council, I am not qualified to monitor the One Who Returns Everything. If you ask me, I can't come to a conclusion..."

Rather than saying that Yog Sothoth was sealed by the ancient gods, it would be better to say that it was sealed by the One Who Turns All Things into One.

——No ancient god can seal Yog Sothoth.

This somewhat special evil god, apart from the top few among the ancient gods, there is really no other existence that can compare with it. Even those few can't help Yog Sothoth.

All the ancient gods could clearly see the fate of "Lord of Death" Azaccalon.

"Is that so..." Norden frowned whitely.

"Unfortunately, Your Highness Vovados, I can't leave the Kingdom of God. The spider web of Atrak Nakya will soon form again, and I must stay here to prevent the link between the dreamland and reality."

"The other ancient gods also have their own responsibilities. If you say so, then it is too difficult for me to search and stop Nyarlathotep alone."

"I will give you the key to unlock the Power of Order. "

Norden's glowing pupils are like falcons.

Vovados was shaken all over, and the green flame swayed like a gust of wind.

"You...Your Excellency of the Council, is this really good?" It asked in shock: "Now that everything is in order, use the "order power" again? "

"No problem."

Nordenton held the scepter in his hand.

"If our old friend, Azakalon, has completely fallen and merged into one, then its threat is not under the three pillars of gods, and it must be sealed or exiled before then."

"...I understand."

The green flames of Vovados fell silent.

"I will contact the compatriots in charge of "Secret" and ask them to help find the whereabouts of Nyarlathotep. At the same time, I will immediately activate the "Power of Order" and seal His Majesty Azakalon... "

"Don't be so sad, Your Highness Vervados."

Norden looked nostalgic.

"Azakalon is my old friend. Thousands of years, ten thousand years, even after innumerable years, I believe he will definitely come back to us... Chaos has started to reactivate, we can no longer indulge in the past."


Vovados' figure began to dissipate.

"Then I will take my leave first."


After Vovados left, Norden shook his head, leaning on his scepter, and walked towards the periphery of the Corona Tower.

A new round of work is about to begin.


After the ancient gods decided on a countermeasure against Azakalon, in another void where the space and distance could not be calculated, a group of shapeless dark matter like ink moved rapidly.

It is one of the most powerful avatars of Nyarlathotep "Chaos", the triad of chaotic exaltation.

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