The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 978

In the Kingdom of God of "Lord of Space" Vovados, the owner of the Kingdom of God is locating the target.

No longer an avatar wreathed in green flames, Vovados is now a quicksilver creature with a hazy, inhuman appearance.

In front of it was a huge black cat.

Beautiful, calm, noble, self-sufficient, possessing a philosophical tranquility but not losing wildness, the golden vertical pupils are full of maternity and charm.

"Cat Goddess" Bast.

Although he is not a powerful person among the ancient gods, he is in charge of most of the "hidden" priesthood. It is rumored that the source of "black cats are always linked to mystery" comes from this goddess.

"Are you alright? Your Highness Buster." Vovados asked eagerly.

The black cat shook his head.

"You are too impatient. "Secret" is the power to peek at fate. If Nyarlathotep planned this operation with Yog-Sothoth, then it will be even more difficult for me. That great god is the existence that dominates all time and space. "

"Please hurry up, I'm worried that if it's too late, His Majesty Azakalon will return to this universe."

"I will do my best."

Suddenly, nothing happened in the Kingdom of God, but the two ancient gods stopped their actions at the same time.

In the perception of divine power, it is like an earthquake from the end, which cannot be ignored.

The black cat tilted its head, and a sarcastic smile appeared on the cat's mouth.

"It seems that I don't need to search hard anymore, Nyarlathotep has taken the initiative to expose his location..."

"Is there another feeling... "Blaster" Cthugya? "

There was also a smile in Vovados' voice.

"Although these two are terrifying opponents to us, they have been completely incompatible since a long time ago. I remember that in the world of Fatila, Nyarlathotep and Kthugya Mingming Working together can destroy the "Order Center", but the two of them fought each other, buying time for His Majesty Norden to return...haha. "

"His Royal Highness Vovados, it's time for you to set off."

"Hmm. Sorry to trouble you, Your Highness Buster."

The hazy incarnation of quicksilver and the black cat gradually disappeared from the Kingdom of God.


Flame clashes with the forces of Chaos.

"Neutralization" and "burning", the space was destroyed by violence, and the world around Fomalhaut was affected to a greater or lesser extent.

The fireball burning with evil flames was at an all-time high.

She made an understandably cheerful sound.

"Sure enough! Sure enough! Only when I burn your body can I feel happy! Nyarlathotep, you must have the same idea for being able to walk to the edge of my kingdom of God by yourself? Come and see today Whose incarnation can't hold it first!"

"I have no words to describe your idiot!"

The amorphous body of the ink covered the big fireball, desperately neutralizing the existence of the evil god of fire.

"I told you about the big things about my camp, but you just don't listen! I'll fight you for the next time! Now get the hell out of here and go back to sleep!"


Cthugya's spiritual voice only uttered a single syllable, expressing his disdain for Nayak.

In her eyes, nothing can compare to her mortal enemy.

Otherwise, Cthugha wouldn't have had a great time fighting Nyarlathotep during the "Order and Chaos" war.

Annihilation, change, the roar of power—

The battle between fire and chaos not only attracted the arrival of the ancient gods, but also the divine powers of several evil gods gradually formed incarnations in the far distance.

The "Crab Lord" Basatan was reborn after being killed once because of the enmity between the Chosen One and Nyarlathotep recently.

Nyogda, the old enemy "Inhabitant of Darkness".

And Mordiggian, the "Ghostly God of Cold Bones", who is also idle when it rains and beats the children, and is ready to come to the banquet.

They all aimed their spearheads at one of the three pillar gods, "Chaos" Nyarlathotep.

"So! Is there really any need for this camp to run around!?"

His Majesty Chaos became even more unbearable when he noticed the guys who were about to come over.

But Naiyako is by no means alone.

A great being from "Pleiades Zengjiu", a powerful evil god named "Lord of the Deep Space Star Sea", extended a helping hand to Naiyako, unleashing her most famous incarnation, "The King in Yellow".

The war of evil gods in ancient times was about to break out.

Maybe, this is "chaos"...

Chapter 45: The End of the Flame Is the Brightest Light

In the eyes of the evil gods, the boundaries between fighting and carnival have blurred since some time ago.

The gods wield terrifying power and wreak havoc on the void universe of Fomalhaut. Pieces of unformed worlds were crushed, and negative and positive energies were mixed together, almost turning into a mess.

The aftermath of the phenomenon in front of me alone is enough to form the enhanced version of "Chaos. Entropy Increase".

The ridiculous battle continues.

On the side of the nebula, a burst of silvery light streaked across the darkness.

At the same time, the gods passed down from mouth to mouth in ancient Yamafra have the titles of "Defender of Nothingness" and "Lord of the Universe". here.

In the eyes of God, distance is meaningless.

Vovados clearly "saw" the battlefield where the evil gods were tearing apart and roaring.

The silver-gray divine power spread out barriers, forming overlapping spaces with each other, serving it intimately to prevent the aftermath of the battle of the evil gods.

"...This is really a nostalgic scene."

Looking at the enthusiastic "banquet" like neon lights, Vovados couldn't help showing a hearty smile.

A long time ago, as the "Pioneer of War", it was in such an environment, using its avatar and body, racking its brains and exerting all its strength to fight with these chaotic villains in various worlds, and finally after long and difficult years Ushered in the absolute victory of the ancient gods and order.

"My lord, do you need me to intervene in the war?" The voice of the silent watcher sounded without emotion.

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