The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 979


Vowados rejected the servant's suggestion and said.

"It's pointless to get involved. Everything is going according to plan. The main goal this time is to prevent Lord Azakalon from returning to the multiverse. Those evil gods... let them kill each other, they are just incarnations anyway."

Now that the enemy is fighting on its own, it doesn't bother to disturb the muddy water.

"Follow your orders."

The silent watchers took the lead, hiding in the warp one by one like bubble-like phantoms.

Afterwards, Vovados began to move, heading in the direction of Fomalhaut, the divine kingdom of "Blaster" Cthugha.

In its heart, the key to unlock "Order Power" is shining brightly.

Your Majesty Azakalon, please wander for a while longer. When I wake up, I will definitely apologize for this...


Fire, cold, chaos, death, storm, darkness—

Irrelevant elements and concepts conflict with each other, and the battle between several evil gods has entered a fierce stage in the center of the battlefield.

"Lord of the Crabs" Basatan, as the secondary old ruler, had the weakest avatar power, so he was first dragged into the body by Nyarlathotep, disintegrated and exited.

But His Majesty Chaos is not feeling well either.

The power of "death" has eroded part of the avatar. In addition, as the main target of fire, her ink-like shapeless body has shrunk a lot under the repeated bombing of Nyogda and Cthugya, and the majesty brought by the divine power continues The weakness is only half of the original.

Beside her, an indescribable high priest dressed in yellow and behind a mask stood quietly.

Hastur waved the tentacles skillfully, one after another evil divine spells that could make the world tremble were cast from the tip of the tentacles, using superb magical countermeasures to disintegrate the tide-like attack of the "ghostly cold bone god" Mordiggian .

The chill in the fixed space is constantly spreading.

"Your Majesty Hastur, you have even begun to help the hypocritical Nyarlathotep."

Mordiggian smiled grimly, his sharp teeth like dense bamboo shoots were covered with frost.

The Great Old One, also known as "The Ghoul Lord," hates all life, including its own kind.

"Is the opera at Lake Harry not enough for you?"

"...Shut up." The high priest in yellow said indifferently: "Mordiggian, you lowly savage ghoul, even your voice will stain my robe."

"Hey. You are the "Four Elements", high above you. In your eyes, I am of course humble..."

A cold light shone in Mordiggian's scarlet pupils.

"But now that we all appear as avatars, your words don't apply..."

Here is just a carnival banquet, like a dream of nothingness.

No one is more noble than anyone else, only everyone fights heartily, and then the incarnation dissipates.

Hastur sighed silently.

"...This is not the first time, I still want to say, Nyarlathotep, you have made too many enemies for yourself."

"Woooo! Hasta, why didn't I find out before that you care so much about me..."

Ink welled up, expressing gratitude.

"In the future, I will never accept payment for delivering letters to you!"

If it was in human form, I'm afraid Nyarlathotep would have shed two tears affectionately at this moment.

—Of course, this is also a performance.

Hastur saw through this and didn't like Nyarlathotep at all.

"Don't get me wrong. I just hope that your actions can reduce the rule of those ancient gods, so that the sweet Chosen One will indulge in my arms forever. This group of brainless bastards, stupid should have a Limits, even trying to block the path of the Chosen One!"

"That's right...not right!"

Nyarlathotep reacted, Mo Mo's body shrank into a ball, and his tone of voice suddenly changed.

"Hasta, when is it your turn to decide the whereabouts of Little Rope?"


The king in yellow turned his head slightly, his eyes under the mask scanning his "allies".


Not to be outdone, Nyarlathotep opened his fangs.

In an instant, the friendly atmosphere of Hastur and Nyarlathotep was gone.

The two evil gods, who were originally allies, just had a disagreement with one word, and they almost immediately abandoned the alliance and started a war to make a happy posture.

"... Forget it, I'm not in the mood to argue with you about this."

Hastur gave up his hostility towards Nyarlathotep and flew towards Mordiggian.

"Let's make a quick decision. I have an ominous premonition that if you drag it on, your plan may be stranded."

"Tsk. You don't need to tell me I can feel it...Vaudous, that imbecile dared to come to me alone..."

But it really can't go on like this.

Nyarlathotep twisted the space and drifted towards the culprit who hindered her action, "Blaster" Cthugha.

The situation of the latter is not as good as expected.

"Inhabitant of Darkness" Nyogda. Although the deity was at odds with Nyarlathotep, that didn't mean she had a good relationship with Cthugha.

Flames represent light and heat, the two things Nyogda hates most.

There is no need to deliberately provoke, even if it is just a little friction of divine power, it is easy to ignite the conflict between the two evil gods.

- A veritable melee.

"Cthugya, pure waste fireball, you are really an eyesore..."

"Nyogda, wait a moment, I will use the most painful way to burn you to ashes right away..."

The dark silt covered the surface of the flame sphere like the sun, mimicking sharp "thorns", penetrating towards the core of Cthugha's avatar.

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