The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 980

And Cthugha raised his burning to a higher level, burning Nyogda...

In this area, darkness and flames blur the rules.

Sigh, what kind of evil is this... How come there are such a group of wonderful compatriots...

Nyarlathotep sighed wearily.

But her actions did not mean the slightest mercy.

Ink's body rotated, forming a hollow, and the inner magic continued to ferment, and the vast divine power targeted Nyogda and Cthugya together.

——Give it to my mother to die!

Closing and bursting.

Nyarlathotep's attack took away the "order" in every possible way, and chaos, like a tsunami, re-occupied the entire space of Fomalhaut.

A scene that cannot be described in words.

Maybe for a moment, maybe for a long time.

The "neutralization" effect of chaos was fully displayed in front of Nyogda and Cthugya.

Even though she is also an incarnation, after all, as one of the three pillar gods, Nyarlathotep is fundamentally superior to all the evil gods present.


The attack was successful, but suddenly Nyarlathotep looked vigilantly at the direction of Vovados's breath as if he had been poured a basin of cold water.

After the chaos came, there was a strange feeling.

This is... the "key"! ?

"Bastard! Norden, that bastard who deserves to be crushed! The "key" was actually authorized to Vovados! "

This is no small matter.

Naiyazi's plan is that even if it is messed up this time because of Cthugha's obstruction, he just needs to find another opportunity. The ancient gods have no ability to influence Azakalon on the outer wall of the multiverse, so there is no need to rush this moment.

But if the key to "order power" is counted, then it's hard to say.

It is very likely that Azakalon will be exiled from "near the outer wall" to an unknown place.

"Hey, slime, big fireball!" Naiyazi was really anxious.

"You two don't fight! Let's temporarily truce, truce! I order you in the name of the Three Pillars God, now immediately stop the incarnation of Vovados..."


what is fire

Vitality, heat, light, rage, burning, incinerating...

It is the purest form of violence.

"Blaster" Cthugha, just like its name, is definitely not a calm evil god.

When it feels irritable and the battle has not been decided yet, Cthugha will often choose a very straightforward way to resolve the battle.

That is--

"...You won't come for real, will you?"

Naiyako watched in disbelief as Cthugha gradually expanded within the "neutralizing" effect of chaos, raising the embodiment of light and heat.

Once this phenomenon reaches the limit, the incarnation of Cthugha and all the incarnations of evil gods present will cease to exist.

The most fundamental lethality of flame - explosion.

This is an incarnation of the highest evil god who blew himself up!


While Vovados was moving forward, a burst of scorching flames suddenly came from the direction of the battlefield.

Even if it was too far away to be believed, one could clearly feel the surging power.

Looking over, except for the divine kingdom "Fomhaut" of Cthugya, the entire vast area is occupied by the eternal evil flame.

...Is it the self-explosive attack of the detonator?

Vovados watched with a delicate mood as these evil gods killed each other.

To say that these people didn't feel his arrival, Vovados himself didn't believe it.

But after sensing the arrival of an ancient god, he still chose his compatriots for self-destruct attacks first, which...

Pausing for a moment, Vovados' mercury-like body stretched out a pair of palms, applauding lightly in the dark and empty space.

Chapter 46 The Demon King is Annihilated, and the Flame Comes

Due to their respective positions, persistence, grievances, and conflicts of ideas, the evil gods of course will not know within the world.

The war between the five major races is still going on.

Nightmares, elves, giants, goblins, demons——

The sky was wrapped in gray miasma, and the remains of dead elves fell like heavy winter snow, burying the traces of life after death.

But that's all there is to it.

Neither the giants nor the goblins were willing to put their hole cards and real combat power into the hands of the demons. Slowly confirming the Flügel's movements, the Nightmare species are getting more and more support, coupled with the "Oneiroi Apostle" Inzaen Nibia's interference with the Phantasmal species, the end of this war is imminent.

On the towering cliff, the black-haired god looked at the enemy leader who appeared in the valley in the distance——the phantasmagorical "devil king".

That phantom species is different from any one that Rope has seen.

If I had to say it, the "Demon Lord" is more like an immature Shoggoth. The jelly-flowing body uses the "authority of creation" obtained somehow to create demon species and enslaves them.

"It's ugly..."

Rope sighed helplessly.

"This is just a nasty "tumor". Compared with the Cthulhu group, it doesn't have the unknown fear of disaster and frenzy at all, and it doesn't have glory...inferior existence. "

"You, don't you want to make a move?"

Beside him, the God of Suspicion sat on the ink fountain, tilting his head to see.

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