The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 981

"Your violence should be able to quickly destroy that phantom species, right? Isn't the war you described just destroying the enemy and then gaining benefits related to yourself?"

"How should I put it...Since the enemy has complied with the rules, it's not easy for me to break it."

The black-haired young man spread his hands.

"Well, at this level, my servant can easily solve it."


Fan Lou's silver iron eyes stared straight at Luo Pei.

"You are my ally, the one who answers questions, and you are not allowed to lie in front of me."

"It's really strict, Xiaofanlou."

Rope pouted and turned around.

"To be honest, I feel a little disgusted fighting against that kind of guy... It has nothing to do with appearance and strength. If possible, I hope to fight with a more shining existence."

Just like the ancient warriors felt that the blood of common people would stain their weapons, so Lopez felt the same way about the phantasmagoric "devil king".


"The reason for this, I will explain to you in detail..."

Rope said with a smile.

"After a while, the war will be over, and they will come back. Let's temper our tempers now, and bring your pet fox, and I will give her a little bit of charity first... that's right. , does Fanlou like sweets?"

"What are sweets? Neither you nor I need food."

"Don't say that, sometimes "meaningless" things are the source of happiness, you will like sweets. "

Something new needs to be tried.

Fan Lou did not refute Luo Pei, but nodded his head lightly, and followed the black-haired god to fly from the cliff to the position behind the camp.

Perhaps for the God of Suspicion, the world is the same everywhere.

But now, after she got the hope of answering her questions, she is instinctively looking for the existence that can give her the answer.


The two top-ranking gods were calm, but as subordinates, the situation of the nightmares and the elves was very difficult.

Mikolash, William, Lawrence.

All the three leaders of the nightmare species were dispatched, supplemented by the sky support and cover of the elf species' magic fleet, in the form of general cleaning, to completely end the demon species, goblin species and giant species.

It was as expected by Xinke Nierbalian.

The giants and goblins began to retreat gradually.

They have already paid enough combat power for the demon species, but the nightmare species and the elf species do not intend to stop, so after calculating the benefits, they chose to give up the demon species and the fantasy species "devil king".

For the goblins, now is not the time for a decisive battle with the "God of Disaster".

‘My lords, please try to clean up the battlefield as much as possible. The elves’ main cannon will take some time to prepare. When the “Devil Lord” appears within range, please don’t let irrelevant targets disturb you. '

Xinke Nierbalian sat in the control room of the main ship elegantly while holding black tea, and gave orders.

'Tsk... I'm entangled by five giants and can't move, don't suddenly enter our spiritual network without authorization! '

‘That’s just the reason why you don’t bring your own subordinates, Mr. Mikolash, right? '

Xin Ke changed her sitting position, crossed her slender legs in black stockings, and smiled.

‘In addition, the authority and power of the mind network were all granted to me by Mr. Luo Pei. '

‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! '

Growling, Mikolash hung up and exited the telepathic communication.

The leader of the nightmare species was in a state of panic because he had done something wrong again, frantically wanting to do something to restore his reputation in the eyes of the disaster god, praying for a reduction in punishment.

For the lively and bloodthirsty Mikolash, the confinement in the closed dream is a torment.

‘Miss Nierbalen, please don’t provoke that idiot too much. '

‘Well, how about you, Lord William? '

'Here? Ah... I just chopped off the head of one of the "Four Heavenly Kings", and the surrounding demons have also been wiped out, and there are no traces of goblins. Sure enough, they have retreated far away. '

In the depths of the battlefield, dark blue tentacles danced all over the body, and the faceless nightmare species threw the things in their hands under their feet, and trampled them to pieces.

It was the head of a huge demon species.

The leader of the race that originally belonged to the demon species, the head of one of the "Four Heavenly Kings".

'Then, only the "Demon King" is left. '

'Yes. '

'Do you have any good countermeasures? To be honest, although the elves have done research on phantasmal species, if the enemy is a "demon king" who has the authority to create...'

‘Miss Nilbalen, you only need to activate the main cannon of the surgery, and Lawrence will take care of the rest. '

'Only Lord Lawrence? '

'Yes, it is preparing a very exaggerated thing, and it is going to be given to the "devil king" as a meeting and dying gift...'

William glanced at the tall Nightmare who was holding a spiral sword in both hands and burning with flames.

Although the Creator-sama said it's okay...But, is it really okay to take the initiative to contact the power of "Blaster" Cthugya...

William questioned Lawrence's trick.

Possessing the secret technique and Cthulhu knowledge bestowed by Rope, they certainly know the danger of the Old Ones. Even if the remaining fire of Cthugha is buried in Lawrence's body, it is guaranteed that it will be annihilated by the crazy evil god first.

But, you can't always rely on the Creator, wouldn't that make the Nightmare species useless...

Reining in his thoughts, William held the secret handaxe on his shoulder and gradually disappeared from the space.

‘Miss Nierbalen, I will now lead the Nightmare Seeds to kill the remaining “Four Heavenly Kings”. Mikolash continues to be in charge of the giants. When you get to the location, just attack directly without hesitation, and leave the follow-up matters to Lawrence. '

'learn. '

The sun gradually went down.

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