The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 982

The killing war is ending at an incredible speed.

Without the help of goblins and giants, monsters faced elves and nightmares and were just fish on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Finally, the grass dome fleet arrived within the attack range of the phantom species "Devil Lord".

The latter had already stopped making demon species, and was vigilantly watching these ants that gathered to kill the elephant.

Because of its large size, it cannot move in a conventional sense. It can only expand the erosive "small world" around the body, and use it as a weapon and shield to guard against the coming attacks of the enemy.


In the sky, there was a rustling sound, which should be the curse and angry words of the "devil king" without accident.

But neither the nightmare species nor the elves could understand.

Xin Ke Nilvalen didn't hesitate, and at the moment when Fantasia couldn't hold back, he activated the main cannon of the grass dome ship.

With the emerald green magic light, the prows of the ships light up one by one, the magic pattern of the spell is concentrated, the power is concentrated, and finally the violent roar impacts.

Hundreds of torrents of emerald green light streaked across the sky like shooting stars, illuminating the dark night at dusk.

The resistance of the small world, the breakthrough and neutralization of magic.

Xinke Nierbalian should be regarded as the most in-depth study of fantasy species in this world before he surrendered to the God of Disaster.

Similarly, the spells she compiled were completely aimed at weaknesses.

Even with the "Creation Authority", a phantasy is a phantom, and it is impossible to become a god anyway. Therefore, the individual nature of the "devil king" is no different from that of a regular phantom.

Slowly, a gap was opened in the iron wall of "Small World".

'Lawrence. '

'Um. '

In the dark night, the leader of the nightmare species who swallowed the flames and remained motionless for a long time moved.

It pulled out the spiral sword from the ground and held it up high, as if guiding something, the flames on its body burned hotter and hotter.

Lawrence whispered in a substantive voice.

"Star of Fingary, King of Fomalhaut, Source of Vitality, Primordial Sun, Disperser of Darkness and Mists, Enemy of Cold, O Cthugha, please hear this chant, please give Great and inextinguishable flame, burn the enemy into dust under your seat..."

The great mystery of calling the "Cthugha Flame".

Pure violence, pure heat.

After being taught by the former great mystic, it was used in the hands of Lawrence, the leader of the nightmare species.

The sky looked like a hole in the holy grail flowing out of black mud, and there was a vibrant orange in the darkness.

Then, the orange color followed the gap opened by the elves, and penetrated into the body of the phantom demon king before the small world repaired itself.

Flame, broke out.


"This is……?"

The black-haired young man who was making cakes for Fanlou stopped his movements.

The next moment, the God of Disaster easily tore the top of the Grass Dome Boat. He didn't care about the startled Beast Ear Girl, and the God of Suspicion who felt strange, narrowed their eyes and stared at the orange flame pillar linking the sky and the earth. .

This feeling...why? That big secret technique is not for summoning...

""Tentative" Rope, what happened? "

"Excuse me a little bit, Fanlou."

Luo Pei's figure gradually disappeared from the space.

"Some strange things have happened, I have to deal with them. Regarding the answer to "name", let's continue after returning..."


Fanlou nodded obediently, and then continued to concentrate on digging the small piece of cake in his hand.


Really good stuff.

Chapter 47: The Beautiful Girl of Flame, Cthugya Part 1

The pillar of flame didn't have any exaggerated effect. The so-called storm of burning ember was just the aftermath of the position.

The orange-red "river" hanging from the sky quietly melted the body of the fantasy species "devil king" like magma.

The latter couldn't even resist.

The heat is incomparable, and the sublime does not allow violation.

As if as long as the flame appears, it can only stand there waiting to die. The development of the "small world", the spells, and other abilities of the fantasy species are all useless.

The noise beyond the limit of hearing acceptance, after a round of flaming objects like the sun descended in the sky, the life of the fantasy species "devil king" ended.

It turns into the most basic ether in the universe.

While defending against the baptism of flames, all the intelligent creatures present held their breath, looking up at the sun and fire clouds hanging high in the night sky.

——The greatness engraved into the soul.

'...Lawrence, is His Majesty Ketegia's flame so exaggerated? '

'No, it's my first time using it too. '

The flames on Lawrence's body completely disappeared, and like other nightmares and elves, it stared at the fireball that should have been summoned by itself.

It is very similar to the effect of the great secret technique recorded in its memory, but Lawrence always has a feeling that something is wrong.

This spirituality, this dignity, this sense of threat that makes people frightened to the point of madness, wishing to tear their bodies apart...

No, this is definitely not a simple "Cthugha Divine Fire"!

Wait, could it be...! ?

There were not many similar alternative answers. After a short thought, Lawrence thought of a terrible result. This idea almost made the leader of the nightmare species feel cold from head to toe.

No, it won't be... This secret technique is not that effective...

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