The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 983

Lawrence's mimetic pupils kept shrinking, trying to find signs from the sun wheel that denied his guess.

but no.

So it didn't care about confirming its glorious results of killing fantasy species, and quickly mobilized its spiritual power to include the nightmare species and elf species in the entire battlefield.

'All fighting and tail mopping stop! Exit here immediately, as far as you can go! Nightmare species are allowed to use Dream Leap! Assist the elves in their retreat! '

'Hey, Lawrence, why are you retreating? The annihilation of the demon species has not been completely completed yet. '

"Lord Lawrence, the aftermath of this flame, the elves have a technique of "avoiding fire"..."

'Retreat immediately! '

Lawrence scolded undoubtedly in his mind.

That's right, if it's really the case of the incarnation of Cthugha, with the characteristics of the evil sun and the god of drought, the next thing is the main story...

The authority of "Blaster" Cthugha is revealed!

Of all the mysteries that invoke the Avatar of the Great Old One, Cthugha ranks among the top three most dangerous. Not referring to its cursed and frenzied nature, but once Cthugha descends, the first thing it often does is to completely burn its surroundings—a large area to cinders.

That is the flame of the evil god, and there is no way to counter it in the world!

——If you get hit, it's completely over.

‘Lawrence is right, you should retreat. '

‘Master Creator! ? '

Just when the rest of the people were still hesitating, not wanting to let go of the glory of completely annihilating the demon species, the voice of the God of Disaster sounded in the spiritual network.

At the same time, Lawrence also saw the black-haired youth appear from scratch beside it.

'The doubts are swallowed back into my stomach. After five minutes, I don't want to see any creatures under me on the battlefield. '

After a brief order was issued, Rope cut off the mind link, looked at Lawrence and asked.

"You've always been the one who reassured me the most. How could you make such a ridiculous mistake? Cthugya's Advent Curse and Fire Curse are two completely different mysteries, right?"


Lawrence shook his head blankly.

"Master Creator, the great secret technique I use is indeed the "Cthugha Divine Fire" given by you...but I don't know why..."


The black-haired youth was slightly surprised.

He turned his gaze to the fully displayed sun disk in the sky, narrowed his eyes, and demigod's keen perception was fully activated.

Undoubtedly, it was one of the great Four Elements, an incarnation of Cthugha, the Great Old One.

Unexpected synchronization? Or Cthugha's active arrival?

Luo Pei could not infer that the behavior of the evil god was as absurd as a powerful and unconstrained style, and it was not something that could be determined in one word.

Now is obviously not the time to worry about this.

"...Forget it." Luo Pei waved his hand, "The thing has already happened, how to deal with it is the most correct. Although you are burying the flame of Cthugha, but the belief is me, in order to prevent Cthugya His Majesty Geya will wake up and do something bad, and I will take over the rest."


Lawrence clenched the spiral sword tightly in his palm, and lowered his head unwillingly.

Rope noticed his child's small movements, smiled and patted Lawrence on the shoulder.

"You have done enough to wipe out the leader of the demons and severely damage the goblins and giants." His eyes were gentle.


Lawrence responded emotionally.

The leader of the nightmare species left, and the black-haired youth moved his neck.

Putting aside the question of why the "four elements" came to be, that's not the point, the result is the most troublesome.

He is not familiar with "Blaster" Cthugha at all.

Whether it is the attribute "water" or the mysterious path that Rope walks, it doesn't match up with this violent old ruler who symbolizes "fire". "This grade.

Such an old ruler appeared in front of him... and that character who was rumored to burn everything...

"...It's true that way of thinking is like this, but I seem to be used to this kind of experience." After thinking about it, Luo Pei popped out such a sentence.

The system mother who had hung up for a long time sighed deeply.

'You and these guys are destined to be entangled endlessly...'

She who can't interfere with the reality is already too lazy to care about these old rulers who came to Luo Pei. She plans to spy on her baby, and the revenge is over.

Azalia said: ‘As for Cthugya, as long as you can successfully communicate with her, this child is much more innocent than other evil gods...the type that can be easily sent away. '

"The so-called "communication success", this precondition is very difficult to achieve. His Majesty Cthugya was rumored to be a fanatic who exploded upon meeting. "

'It hasn't exploded yet. '

"It might happen in a while."

Looking at the big fireball hanging in the night sky, Luo Pei secretly made preparations for defense.

The strange thing is that until the black-haired youth moved below the big fireball, Cthugha didn't use the power of "flame" or "burning" to affect the surroundings. At best, it was just some natural fires ignited by the heat . Those fire pairs are not a threat at all, but will be used as food by Luo Pei.

The blaster just floated in the air quietly.

"What does it feel like..."

After approaching, Rope frowned.

The incarnation of Cthugha in front of him was different from the feeling he had received from Hastur, Nyogda, and Nyarlathotep before.

How should I say it?

Like the faint embers of firewood after burning, it reveals a sense of weakness from the inside out.

In this incarnation of Cthugya, the weak Lopei felt as if he could snuff it out as soon as he stretched out his hand. It didn't seem like the power an evil god incarnation should have at all.

While thinking, Luo Pei will exercise due courtesy.

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