The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 985

"It is commendable for me to re-enter the world after a long absence, but let me experience this unpleasant feeling... Don't think that I will let it go! Next time, when my avatar returns to action, it will be you and Nyarlathoti The end of Pu!"


Rope was speechless.

He just rushed over and said a few words, it seems that he is about to be hated by a superior old ruler?

What is this...

Even if we can almost analyze the cause and effect from Cthugha's words, this inexplicable feeling of being blamed still makes Luo Pei unhappy.

But it's not good to be unhappy.

If he just watched Cthugha's incarnation return, then it would be really troublesome.

Once the old ruler believes that this farce is a conspiracy between himself and Nyarlathotep, and refuses Rope's summoning and sacrifice from now on, and has a lot of hatred for him, then no matter how you think about it, it will be a big deal. Trouble.

In particular, Cthugha is still a powder keg temperament.

He rubbed the space between his brows, and walked towards Cthugya who had just arrived and was about to disappear.

The latter showed no sign of even taking a half step back.

She is Cthugya, who has the strongest direct destructive power among the "Four Elements". Even if the Chosen One is not sure to have anything to do with Nyarlathotep, what can she do?

"Your Majesty Cthugya, calm down a little bit. I can swear to you that your coming this time has absolutely nothing to do with me and His Majesty Nyarlathotep." Luo Pei said truthfully.

"No mystic can fool me!"

Cthugya's red pupils stared at Rope.

"Even if it's this gesture, as long as I... huh?"

Not lying.

The caller in front of him has a heart as clear as a mirror.

This means that what he said is the truth, and there is no possibility of deception.

While Cthugya was peeping into Rope's mind, the black-haired young man cut his wrist, blood that was no longer red flowed out, and splashed on her head when the detonator was unaware.

The illusory flames gradually solidified.

The power of Rope, as well as the "identity card" inside the world, was attached to Cthugya's body along with the blood of the God of Disaster.


"Please forgive me for keeping you at my own discretion. I think, rather than gaining His Majesty Cthugha's resentment, I hope to obtain your blessing—after explaining everything clearly."

Luo Pei's etiquette is meticulous, without any sense of contempt.

Hearing this, Cthugya, whose face gradually became normal, blinked his big eyes, and asked a little strangely.

"...Didn't you come to cheat me with Nyarlathotep?"

"How dare." Luo Pei said: "I am walking in the trial right now, and I am not a close servant of the great gods. How can I join forces with His Majesty Nyarlathotep to harm you?"

Again, no lie.

Now it was Cthugya's turn to look wonderful.

Although she is straight-tempered, irritable and irritable, she is not a fool. If the other party speaks so clearly and does not understand it, she is not worthy of the title of "Blaster".

——I misunderstood myself.

The surrounding flames gradually extinguished, and Cthugya scratched the long red hair in embarrassment.

"Is it……"

Seeing this, Luo Pei put a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Your wisdom shines like a star."


Uh, it seems a bit embarrassing... Who is wrong, but the one who called...

Ordinary mystics, demigods, and His Majesty the Burning Bomber make mistakes, so there is no need to care about the mood of the other party, but Rope is different. His identity is destined to make Cthugya unable to laugh it off.

If she hadn't teamed up with Nyarlathotep, who she hated the most, then she would have to consider how Rope felt now.

The red-haired girl hesitated, and after a while, she said something.

"Sorry, I fell asleep..."

"Often things, please don't pay attention."

Luo Pei breathed a sigh of relief.

There was a moment of silence between the two. The black-haired young man looked at the collapsed battlefield and the ground turned into magma, and then he turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

"This coming is not what you wished, but it is the case now, so let me entertain you. The cause and effect of the time can be explained in a leisurely atmosphere. What do you think? His Majesty Cthugya. "


Cthugya agreed immediately.

Because of its nature, her seal is the strongest among the evil gods. Therefore, every time an incarnation enters the world, it is more difficult than other evil gods.

After clearing up the misunderstanding and obtaining the "Resident Certificate", Cthugya has no plans to leave immediately.

Her "Fomalhaut" is a world where only flames exist. It is comfortable, but it is meaningless, and it is completely inferior to the richness and variety of the Great Thousand World.

"You guy, the unexpected is quite pleasing to the eye. It's great that you are the one who is called."

"Thanks for the compliment."

Luo Pei glanced at the red-haired girl beside him, thinking that maybe it wasn't that he was good, but that Cthugha seldom communicated with other beings.

Once an ordinary great mystic summons Cthugha, the first thing he will suffer is a nuclear bomb. Let alone communicating with Cthugya, even the ashes cannot be found intact. Don't you see that just now Cthugha was about to give him a face and explode. If it wasn't just that the incarnation of the residue was unable to contribute, then Rope would be fighting against the incarnation of Cthugha right now.

Then, how many evil gods who are not afraid of Cthugha's flame explosion are normal?

In short, after meeting Rope, it seems that as long as he can survive the hands of Cthugha, who he met for the first time, this violent evil god is still very easy to communicate with.

Well, take notes...

The luck of the misfortune is not some guy with a troublesome personality.

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