The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 986


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Chapter 49: Cthugha Intended to Burn the World

According to common sense, the end of a large-scale battle is often accompanied by post-war celebrations of "rewarding for meritorious service" and "sharing the fruits".

But this world is a little different.

Even if they win and wipe out the enemy race, there is nothing rare about the dilapidated land left by the monsters. Originally, the purpose of the war between the elves and the nightmares was not for "something after victory", but simply "victory".

Victory, and then let the top ruler, the god of disaster, obtain the star cup of "world domination".

The current course of action of the nightmare species and the elves is only this.

However, those lairs occupied by demon species are at least one of the few areas on the planet that are not too seriously polluted by spirit bones. With a wave, all the rewards were awarded to the elves.

To be precise, it is the leader of the elves, Miss Xinke Nierbalian.

The south that was destroyed by fighting with the God of Nature, Cainas; the territory of the demon species in the middle; As the emperor, the "empire" in which various leaders are courtiers has begun to take shape.

Thanks to this, the elves now have countless times more territory than before, and there are countless forests available for living.

Xinke Nierbalian was sincerely grateful to his main god.


In the most luxurious temple in Finland, the new capital of the elves, Lopez is sitting on the throne, listening to the elves girl report on trivial matters with a dull face.

"Master Luo Pei, the things you ordered have been completed. With the military support of the elves and nightmares, the group of beasts...I mean the beastmen have been unified. I will take part of the coastal forest suitable for survival and hunting. It was given to them, and at the same time ordered the sea dwelling species to deliver some "food" to them to survive the difficult time. "

The girl in the bright crimson dress carefully looked at her main god, carefully considering her words, not wishing to offend the god of disaster when he was not in a very happy mood.

Rope waved his hand.

"Thanks a lot……"

His voice was weak, as if it had been hollowed out.

Of course, this is definitely not the reason for indulgence with Xinke for a few days, the physical strength of the gods is unlimited. Let Luo Pei appear in this mental state, in the final analysis, it is the goddess that exists in this city.

From outside the world, the unexpected, irritable and moody old ruler, "Blaster" Cthugha.

He wants to take back the comment that "it's not a troublesome guy".

The great god who has obtained the right to stay is like a child who has received a beloved toy. Her long-lost arrival made her curious and joyful about everything in the world.

And Cthugya’s way of expressing joy is basically “Ah! This is so interesting, let’s burn it” “Ah! A living person! Burn it” “I don’t know what it is, let’s burn it.”

So these days, apart from being with Xin Ke, Rope almost followed Cthugya to put out the fire.

A complete problem child, Luo Pei almost regretted leaving His Majesty the Bomber behind.

—but it was worse not to stay.

Xinke Nierbalian glanced left and right quietly, and after making sure that there was no one around, he walked a little over to the side of the black-haired young man's throne, knelt down and held the back of the God of Disaster's hand.

"How about you relax?"

she said softly.

"No matter which one of the two Lord Gods is, I will order my subordinates to serve them with all my heart. The loss caused by the Fire God Lord is nothing, and there is no need for Lord Luo Pei to bother you so much. If you think I can't satisfy you, There are many beautiful elves girls..."

Luo Pei was amused by the girl's flattery.

He shook his head, caressing Xin Ke Nierbalian's smooth long golden hair.

"I accept your wishes, but I have already passed that stage. What do you think of the gods? Are you a rotten upper-class noble who only knows how to enjoy?"

"Please forgive me..." Xin Ke lowered her head in fear.

"Let me just say it casually, don't apologize for everything, it's boring."

Lopez sighed and stood up from the throne.

"Although I've been thinking of a solution once and for all, I still can't do it... I have to talk to His Majesty Cthugya seriously, and there will be a question-and-answer time for the little sister of Fanlou..."

Not to mention making Cthugya settle down, at least be a bystander and not hinder yourself during this trial. Rope thought so.

"That..." Xin Ke hesitated: "That His Majesty Cthugya, who is Lord Ropey? Shouldn't the gods be hostile to each other..."

Luo Pei looked at the elf girl with interest.

"It's the same story as last time. Xinke likes to find the truth about secrets."

"If it's inconvenient..."

"No, you have already asked this level, there is no inconvenience."

Rope walked towards the outside of the temple.

"Go to William, just say it's my order, and let him tell you everything. This will be a grand and somewhat scary story, and you must be mentally prepared..."

Obtaining permission is obviously something to be happy about, but Xin Ke can't be happy about it.

In the dark, as if the truth has a terrible magic power, it surrounds the heart of the elf girl, but the same curiosity competes with it and crushes her heart.

Or, just ask... just to serve that red-haired flame god...

Xin Ke secretly made a decision.


Walking on the magic road that only the upper nobles of the elves are allowed to use, Lopez looked at the scenery of the new capital of the elves around him.

This was the first time he observed it carefully in these days, and other times he was either jumping to deal with Cthugha's nonsense, or moldy in the temple.

From the outside, there is no difference between the new capital and the old capital.

Except for a little less people, the infrastructure of the elves is complete, which makes people sigh the convenience of magic.

If I have to say something different, then in the streets and alleys of this verdant city, you can see elves holding "wine bottles" and drinking heavily in broad daylight.

Luo Pei knew that what was contained in the wooden jug was not liquor, but extremely diluted "blood of the old gods".

Are you addicted to blood... This is one of the prices for gaining power...

The elves who were fortunate enough to see the black-haired young men walking on the upper floor, they all put down the things in their hands, and the highest etiquette knelt down on the ground, bowing down to respect the ruler and ruler of the city and race, the god of disaster grown ups.

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