The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 987

After the death of Kainas, the god of nature, Lopei's reputation among the elves was not only at the level of "successor god", but almost comparable to that of "savior" and "only dawn". The blood is infecting the thinking of the elves, making them obey the brilliant demigods of the same tree from the soul.

Less than a moment later, Rope arrived at the temple where Cthugha was housed.

Unlike the regular buildings of the elves, the exterior is made of heat-resistant obsidian. For these, the elves have spent a lot of effort.

Ordinary materials couldn't resist Cthugha's unintentional flames.

Pushing open the gate of the temple, a gust of melting foehn blows towards the face, blowing the temples of the black-haired young man.

The interior of the temple has long been turned into a hell of fire.

Orange, burning everywhere. And the instigator of the flames, "Blaster" Cthugya was sitting on a big rock kicking his white and tender feet, looking at the sky outside the window with great interest.

Luo Pei sighed again, smoothed the corners of the black suit, dispersed the flames and walked in.

"Your Majesty Cthugya, it seems that you are in a good mood today..."

"Oh, it's the Chosen One!"

The red-haired girl turned her head and looked at Luo Pei with bright eyes.

"It's just in time! Come and discuss with me how to burn this world into a cute look! Oh! It's been a long time since I saw such an intoxicating scenery, I really want to burn it..."

That's the source of Rope's headache.

Chapter 50 A real man should be on fire!

Cthugha's opening remarks made the black-haired youth choke.

He sighed silently, then walked to the side of the obsidian seat closest to the red-haired girl and sat down.

"Your Majesty, I think we need to have a serious talk."

Luo Pei looked at His Majesty the Demolitionist seriously.

"I understand that burning everything is your essence, but this is a test that will affect my life. Your burning and setting fires before are still within the tolerance range, but please don't always expect to raise your behavior to the "world" At the same level, that will undoubtedly have an impact on my trial plan. "

——His plan was stable, how could Cthugya mess with it.

The red-haired girl tilted her head, as if she didn't expect that Luo Pei would suddenly go online like this.

After explaining each other's misunderstandings in the past few days, although they didn't communicate much, the relationship between Cthugya and Rope is absolutely pleasant. The latter's utterance of fully understanding the thinking of evil gods made Cthugha almost forget that Rope's identity is just a demigod, and she thought it was an extremely rare old ruler who shared the same goals with her.

But at this moment, this illusion was pierced by sharp language.

The subtle discomfort made the smile on Cthugha's face disappear.

"Caller, are you ordering me?"

"No, I'm just stating a fact."

Rope shook his head.

"Besides, your current strength is very weak. Instead of doing things that require a lot of mental effort, I prefer your majesty to appreciate the rare inner scenery of the world."

Because he is the incarnation of the residue, even if he obtained Lopei's blood and "Resident Certificate", Cthugha's strength is still very weak, so weak that even Lopei is far inferior.

Cthugya snorted irrefutably, folded his hands on his chest, and turned his head away awkwardly.

"Don't compare me with the guys who can't live without divine power! Even with my current body, if I want to pry this world into glass beads, there are hundreds of ways!"

"So how long will it take you?" Rope asked.

"If you want to help me, it will be about two thousand years." Kthugya said nonchalantly.

"It's not a long time, it's gone in the blink of an eye."

Rope nodded and said.

"With the current state, it will take less than three hundred years for me to complete the trial. At that time, this world will belong to me. At that time, with the abnormality of your avatar, even if you get the "Resident Certificate" will be repelled in an instant. You should know what that means. "

It means that if Rope refuses to help Cthugha, she can only do useless work from beginning to end.

Hearing this, Cthugya's expression became a little irritable, and he grabbed his soft long hair fiercely.

"You bastard...why did you become so hateful all of a sudden?"

If this was an ordinary mystic, Cthugha would have been on fire long ago. But Luo Pei is a very special caller, the hope of the evil god, even for the sake of lifting the seal in the future, the detonator cannot do this.

If everyone ran out and she was still inside the seal, wouldn't it be very embarrassing?

Bearing the brunt, that Nyarlathotep who she hated so much would never let go of the opportunity to laugh at her.

Although she is irritable and irritable, she is not without brains.

Cthugha struggled for a while, and finally let out a sigh of relief as if he compromised.

"I know the importance of trials to the chosen ones, but I...forget it, let's take it as a reward for letting me stay in the world. Your request, Cthugya agreed."

The dark-haired young man stretched his frown and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your understanding."

As long as Cthugha can change his mind and stop messing around, then Rope will be satisfied.

He wasn't worried that "Blaster" would backtrack.

Even if there are indeed many such existences among the evil gods, they definitely do not include Cthugya.

In the few records in the classics, the girl is as pure as a flame, and if she agrees, she agrees;

"I agree to your request, should the serious talk be over?"

Cthugya stared at Luo Pei and asked, if the black-haired young man dared to ask for any conditions, she would definitely raise her fist and fight with Luo Pei.

Not burning the world was her last compromise.

Although the Elector is important, it is not so important that Cthugha violates the principle again and again.

"Of course." Luo Pei said: "Besides burning the world, if you have any other wishes in this world, I will try my best to help you."

"I'm not interested in anything other than burning things."

Cthugha shook his head.

"I have some questions for you, what the hell is going on with you and that guy?"

"'That guy'? "Rope was puzzled.

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