The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 988

""Chaos" Nyarlathotep. "

Cthugha gritted his teeth and read the name, and even the temperature in the temple rose several levels in an instant.

"The one who should be thrown out of the multiverse, crawling around like a bug all day, despicable guy..."

"...Your evaluation of His Majesty Nyarlathotep is really spicy."

When he saw another protagonist in "The Famous Evil God Story", Luo Pei understood how deep the contradiction between Naiazi and Cthugya was.

Fire and water are simply incompatible.

He considered his words and said with a smile.

"It should be regarded as a very good friend. In the last trial, His Majesty Nyarlathotep gave me a lot of help. I am very grateful for that."


It's not that Cthugya doesn't understand this word, she just finds it incredible that this word is used on Nyarlathotep.

That dark and cunning guy would be so kind to help others for free? Cthugha didn't believe it.

no, wait...

If the benefits in the future are greater than the present sacrifices, with Nyarlathotep's character, maybe he will really donate for free.

The Chosen One...the future...the changes of some evil gods...Nyarlathotep's personal end...

It turns out that they are all making this plan...

Cthugya, who knew the nature of the caller, took a short time to sort out the cause and effect, and at the same time, Xiao Jiujiu began to appear in his heart.

It should be said that it is the "Blaster".

The first thought that came to the red-haired girl's mind was not to use Rope's "power" like other evil gods, but to add obstacles to Nyarlathotep.

No doubt she would be delighted if Nyarlathotep's plans could be ruined by the Chosen's loathing for him.

"Chosen... No, Little Rope."

Cthugha changed his name.

"Ask an irrelevant question, how did those guys come into contact with you? Or, what behavior made you have them as "friends"? "

"Help like charcoal in the snow."

Rope said without hesitation.

"I am personally very grateful to be able to take care of the immature me as a noble god, and I am willing to contribute to your highness and your majesty."

"Just help?"

Cthugha's mouth pulled a wicked smile.

"I heard that a certain water octopus is going to give birth to a son of God for you..."


The scene fell silent for a moment.

The sound of burning flames surrounded the temple, and Luo Pei had a delicate expression, and asked after a while.

"... Has this incident become public news?"

"Of course." Cthugya said: "Not long ago, that water octopus personally executed Ghatanothoa, and deprived him of his qualifications as a god. I know all about it, and probably the other Old Ones know it too."


It's so embarrassing and I want to die.

Luo Pei was silent, completely ignoring Miss Du Juanhua's cold snort in his mind, indulging in the despair of being "publicly executed".

Will I be rumored to be a lunatic who won't let go of the indescribable evil god...

Cthugha had no intention of waiting for Rope to recover.

"Leave the matter of the water octopus aside, little Luo Pei, I have a proposal here, you can listen to it."

"……You say."

"Although you haven't prayed to me or prayed for strength, in the short few days of our acquaintance, apart from the confrontation just now, I have a surprisingly good sense of your senses, which is the only one in thousands of years. "

"I think it's because your average and poor senses have been burned to ashes..."

"It does not matter!"

Cthugya interrupted Rope and continued.

"Nyarlathotep is not trustworthy, it is undoubtedly a despicable guy, your relationship with him will only push yourself into the abyss... But I am different!"

She spread her hands, and her smile grew brighter.

"My nature determines that I am only interested in "burning" and "burning". I don't want anything else. Although I am weaker than Nyarlathotep in terms of strength, I am not as weak as that. . What it can do and what it can give, I can do the same. There is absolutely no need for you to risk being betrayed and continue to associate with Nyarlathotep. "

Luo Pei suddenly felt a little bad.

I always feel that Cthugha will say something extraordinary next.

Sure enough, his premonition came true.

The girl with long red hair, the evil god of flames, dropped a bombshell in the burning temple.

"If you are willing to give up Nyarlathotep, Little Rope, I can replace her and provide you with everything you need—including giving birth to a real son of God for you like a water octopus."


Chapter 51 The fate of Luo Pei and fire, the curtain is opened

The familiar scene was staged again.

However, after experiencing the baptism of Miss Siren and the silver-haired girl, Luo Pei was no longer as shocked as he was at first.

He was a little stunned by the bomb dropped by Cthugha, then pressed his temple, and said helplessly while keeping Azalia quiet.

"You are truly an evil god, every suggestion makes me feel unbelievable..."

"My mind is very clear."

Cthugya said calmly.

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