The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 994

In this conversation, he only solved one problem from the beginning to the end, no, or he didn't solve even one problem, it just opened a gap in Fan Lou's stubborn heart.

But, that's enough.

As someone said, use theology to solve problems that cannot be explained by science. For issues that cannot be explained by theology, use philosophy. But in the final analysis, what everyone solves is the mentality problem.

The mentality is resolved, and everything has an answer.

This is called "truth".

Chapter 54: The Great War Horn Sounded

After Luo Pei talked with Fanlou, for two full months, the God of Suspicion locked himself in the library and did not move. Luo Pei was not surprised.

The gods are a race that lacks a sense of time. It is impossible for Fanlou to reverse the inherent concepts brought about by his long life without spending some time.

When the girl comes out, there must be something different.

The God of Disaster is looking forward to it.

"Hey, little Luo Pei, let me help you turn your own attributes into "fire"? "

"His Majesty Cthugha..."

"Throw away those redundant and useless powers, those are not gorgeous and powerful enough, I will give you better, you and I are like flames and oil..."

In the clock tower of the City of Dreams, Luo Pei sat on the throne, looking at the red-haired fiery evil god nestled in his arms like a squirrel, with indescribable helplessness in his eyes.

Just because he can bluff Fanlou, doesn't mean he can eat Dingktugya with just one intimate exchange.

The ruler of the flame, even though he promised not to do anything, has no intention of settling down. After Luo Pei left the new capital of the elves, he immediately followed the black-haired youth to his territory—the dream.

According to Cthugya himself, it is almost as if he has dealt with Cthulhu more times, and such small things can be done "naturally".

Luo Pei couldn't imagine how a Cthugha without a "dream" was a matter of course, but the evil gods were beyond common sense, and caring about these trivial things was simply asking for trouble.

"Little Luo Pei, don't you want to?"

Cthugha stared at Rope with watery eyes.

The current blaster is more like an "intellectual creature" than when it came.

Luo Pei pushed the red-haired girl away with a headache.

"...Even if you say that, my growth and future path have basically been finalized along the way. Your words are undoubtedly tantamount to letting me abolish my martial arts and start from scratch."

The implication is of course impossible.

"Is that so..." Cthugha withdrew his gaze and wrapped his index finger around his hair: "I think it's because Little Rope didn't understand the greatness of "Flame". Vitality, explosion, thermal energy, compared to those soft powers, mine is obviously more direct. "

This is really not nonsense.

The evil gods are full of viciousness, mystery, and chaos, but there are "exceptions" in everything. Among these terrifying and chilling old masters, the nature of Cthugha's power is the closest to the conventional "pure violence".

That is the "macho type" that Luo Pei often talks about.

With the incarnation of Cthugha in its complete state, blasting the world is not a problem. I am afraid that only the ancient gods, the old enemies of the evil gods, can fully understand the violent feeling of burning all things in Hell.

"I appreciate your kindness. If I have any difficulties in the future, please support me a lot." Luo Pei politely refused again.

Cthugya didn't force it either, and jumped up from Rope's arms with a laugh, standing in front of his throne.

"No problem. That's what we agreed."

The evil flame god said softly.

"When this incarnation returns to the Kingdom of God, I will immediately use the main body to conceive a new flame for you. The father of the child is in trouble. Of course I am obliged... By the way, next time I see Nyarlathotep I will Let's show off this thing... It seems that I have been idle for so many years, I have something to do..."

Luo Pei frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

"You don't know how to add oil and vinegar?"


Cthugha smiled and elongated his tone, then suddenly changed his face.


No matter how close the Bomber is to Rope, after so many years of grievances with Nyarlathotep, even if he has long forgotten why he was hostile in the first place, there is no possibility of suddenly letting go.

Luo Pei sighed helplessly in his heart. Anyway, even if the evil gods are destroyed, they will not die, so just hit them, and treat them as the "cute" attribute of those evil gods.

I have to say that Luo Pei's heart is quite big in this regard.

——The fire couldn't burn him.

"I heard that little Luo Pei is preparing for a new war?"

"Well." Luo Pei flipped through the forbidden book in his hand and responded: "There are still two specific targets. I have no intention of wasting time and wasting time. I will start a real war of annihilation against one of the camps in the near future. Cthugya Is Your Majesty interested?"

"Well... no. Besides, my current strength can't help much, not even your little Luo Pei."

"Don't say that." Luo Pei said with a smile: "Your wisdom is the most powerful weapon. If you prepare seriously, I don't think there is anything in this world that can stop you." Including Artosh, the god of war.

Cthugha is a terrifying evil god who has lived for an unknown number of years. If any thing stored in his mind is taken out, it can surpass a great mystic, causing incalculable and terrible consequences.

"Forget it, I'm not in the mood." Cthugya frowned.

Since ancient times, Cthugha has grown weary of long wars. In the middle and late stages, she couldn't even command her own flame spirits, and most of them were slaughtered by the ancient gods.

The war between order and chaos is still like this, let alone the small fights within the world.

But she didn't completely refuse, and immediately said with a playful smile.

"If you come to beg me, little Luo Pei, I might consider lending you my power~ Of course, little Luo Pei has to ask me to charge some interest~"

"Please enjoy yourself in this world, just leave the trivial matters to me."

Luo Pei lowered his head and continued to read the forbidden text.

According to his plan, it doesn't matter whether there is Cthugha or not, he just mentioned it casually, and he will not force the other party to help.

"Where are the boring kids..."

Another attempt to drive a wedge between Nyarlathotep and Rope failed, and Cthugha dropped his shoulders.

"I'll go to your territory to have a look. I remember the last time I came to "Dreamland", it was when I cooperated with Cthulhu during the war..."


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