The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 995

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cthugha leaving the Star Clock Tower and jumping down from the stands towards the city. Luo Pei closed the book in his hand.

After calculating the time, it's time to come.

Elves, Nightmare, Beastmen, Sea Dwellers——

The leaders of the existing races under his command will gather in front of the throne of the God of Disaster for the first time.

For the ensuing huge war with the "God of Blacksmithing" Orkan, the Goblins, and the Giants.


"Ah, someone committed suicide..."

On the silent streets of Nightmare City, a sweet, silly voice sounded.

A few nightmarish guards wearing hunter uniforms stopped, waiting for the leaders of the races.

The one who spoke was the queen of the sea dwellers. The mermaid was soaked in the floating water bubbles, pointing at the red figure who jumped down from the top of the star clock tower.

Beside her, the three leaders of the nightmare species, the high priest of the elves, and the priestess of the orc species were all present.

——They are on the way to meet the god of disaster.

"Queen Freya, this is the domain of the God of Disaster, there is no such thing as "someone committing suicide", please don't forget this. "

Xin Ke explained with a smile, but she looked at the mermaid with lingering contempt.

No way, who made Her Majesty the leader of the weakest chicken present.

The combat power on land is equal to zero, and in terms of IQ, even if it is a ring of witches who have never seen anything in the world, ten sea dwelling species can't catch up.

"Is that so..."

Freya nodded dumbly.

"Will you eat cake later? The Lord God of Disaster told me that as long as I am willing to come here, there will be a lot of delicious food that I have never eaten before, and then the Lord God of Disaster will reward me by touching my tail..."

"There will be. The elves will also prepare delicious food for you."

Xin Ke forced herself to be patient and explained the mental retardation of the mermaid.

The ghost knows how this group of salted fish thought of eating on the eve of the upcoming war. They are indeed useless salted fish heads.

But there is no way.

Sea dwellers are already the pets of the God of Disaster, and Xin Ke will not disobey the will of the God of Disaster, as long as it is something that Luo Pei believes, she will do her best to work and guarantee it.

Including the orcs and sea dwellers that she doesn't like.

"It's getting lively here too. I remember that there was not even half a voice in this city except us and Lord Inzan Nibia before. What do you think, Lawrence?"

One of the leaders of the nightmare species, William sighed.

But the other leader, Lawrence, didn't answer him—nor did the Psychic Network.


"Huh?...Oh, sorry." Lawrence recovered from the gaze and said apologetically.

"It's really lively. If this is what the Creator wants, I'll just accept it happily."

"Do you care about that adult?"

William asked.

"The source of the evil flames in your body, His Majesty Cthugya..."

A wry smile emerged from Lawrence's mimetic mouth.

""care"? William, your use of the term is not appropriate. To be precise, it should be "fear". I use His Majesty Cthugya's power but don't believe in her existence, such a great god is so close to me, I will definitely feel uneasy..."

"Relax, Your Majesty Cthugha has a very good relationship with the Creator."


Lawrence pondered, and then connected to the spiritual network.

After a while, he spoke to William again.

"I'm sorry, you can go to the war meeting William alone, and you can post the details on the spiritual network later. I... still have to meet His Majesty Cthugha, so I can implement it."

In other words, Lawrence wanted an "identity" recognized by Cthugha.

In order to use the power of this great god in the future, he will not be instantly burned to dregs because of the other party's unhappiness.

"Has the Creator allowed it?"



A slightly pitiful voice interrupted the conversation between the two leaders of the nightmare species—Mikolash was still in confinement for punishment.

Yuhuan looked at Lawrence and William in embarrassment, and pointed to the timetable of the Star Clock Tower.

"My lords, it's almost time to start..."

"Well, let's go."

"Cake! Big cake! Sweet! Unbelievable!"

Watching the others go away, Lawrence jumped lightly, floating like a kite in the dreamland, and flew towards the place where Cthugha the "Blaster" fell.

Everything is moving forward steadily.

Chapter 55 Addicted to "Blood", Ex-Machinas who came after the old master

The war is approaching, and the two main forces under the God of Disaster, the Nightmare and the Elves, can clearly sense it.

After Xinke Nierbalian, the council leader of the elves, set off for the dreamland, the new city was full of indescribable tension. The pressure made the elves' soldiers more dependent on "polluted blood" and ingested it wantonly. The whole emerald green city was filled with the smell of blood, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Under the towering tree on the border of Xindu, two elf sentries in charge of defense were chatting with each other.

"Losley, you lost the bet."

Senman threw the wooden bottle containing "re-diluted blood" in his hand, and another soldier took it with a smile on his face.

"Thanks. To be honest, my share is not enough to drink..."

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