Inside the secret realm, in the middle of the place.

A three-meter-tall diamond demon ran quickly in the mountain stream, running in front of it was a half-bloodstained, limping long-nosed tapir, and in the sky, there was also a thunderfly staggering guarding, and from time to time it released thunder and lightning into the distance behind it.

On the back of the diamond demon, there are several thick metal backspines, and at the angle between the backstabs and the back, there is a man dressed in the battle uniform of the city defense army, who seems to be seriously injured and has fallen into a coma.

And on the shoulders of the diamond demon, there were three people who were angry and pale, and they looked back from time to time, with panic in their eyes, as if something was chasing them.

In this line, it is the three of Jin Feng.

"Why don't you say Xie Ning hasn't come yet, if you don't come again, you'll have to collect our corpses!" Ye Chong said anxiously.

Jin Feng was also very emotionally unstable, but he still comforted him: "Don't worry, he will definitely come." Have you forgotten what the officer said just now? They came in to hunt the candidates, but there were a large number of people, maybe Shainin and they also encountered them.

"Can I not be worried?" Yingying is already injured, and the demon's injuries are not light, and if we are chased again, we will really be dead.

"With the strength of Xie Ning and Miss Lu, it will definitely be no problem to deal with those, as long as they come, we will be saved, and then hold on." Zhan Yingying covered her dislocated shoulder, her face was covered with cold sweat, but she still clenched her gums, did not say anything painful, and even comforted Ye Chong in turn.

As he spoke, the demon quickly crossed the stream and ran towards the exit of the mountain stream, and there was a faint sound of chasing behind him, getting closer and closer.

The thunderbolt rose up, condensed a thunderbolt the size of a basketball, and sent it behind him.

The thunderball was hit and shattered by the flames halfway, and the remaining flames continued to unabate, like a long arrow, piercing into the wings of the thunderfly, making it lose its ability to fly, and with a violent beating, it fell into the stone stool.

"Xiao Lei!" Zhan Yingying shouted, gritting her teeth and jumping off the diamond demon.


!" "What are you doing?!"

Jin Feng and Ye Chong were frightened and hurriedly shouted.

"You go first, I'll hold them back!" Zhan Yingying said without looking back.

Looking at Zhan Yingying's back, Ye Chong smashed his thigh hard, and shouted unwillingly: "What the hell is this thing called! A good secret realm trial has become a hunting candidate!"

After speaking, he suddenly got up and jumped down.

"Li tapir, come with me!" Ye Chong finished speaking, and hurried towards Zhan Yingying's position, "Little Jinzi, the officer will be handed over to you, you must hold on until Xie Ning arrives! Lao Tzu is no longer pretending to be a grandson, Lao Tzu is going to fight

!" "Ye Chong!" Jin Feng's eyes were about to crack, and his face was unwilling, but he gritted his teeth and turned around, urging the diamond demon to advance.

This soldier is more important than the lives of the three of them at this moment

! Zhan Yingying looked at Ye Chong who was running over, and her eyes widened: "You are insane! What kind of personal heroism are you playing?!"

"Hehe~ Aren't you too?" Ye Chong smiled and listened to the footsteps that were gradually approaching, "I've been suffocated to death this way." If you have to die today, then pull one to count one, pull two to return to the capital, and three to earn blood.

Zhan Yingying sighed: "Okay, it's a little different for you."

Ye Chong grinned, his dark face looked like an advertisement for a certain toothpaste.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound from the woods in their distance, and then a dark cyan tyrannosaurus more than five meters tall walked out.

"Tired of running, little cubs. On

the back of the dragon sat a black-robed man, his hat had been taken off, revealing a face full of scum, and he was looking at Ye Chong and the others playfully.

"Run, run your grandmother's legs, Lao Tzu is waiting for you here!" Ye Chong scolded, but his eyes were looking around.

Zhan Yingying whispered, "Strange, why is there only one?"

The black-robed man seemed to know what they were thinking, and said, "Don't look at it." Since it's a hunt, of course I'm not stupid enough to chase after me. If you don't stop, you'll probably see my companion in a few minutes. "

What!" Ye Chong and Zhan Yingying's faces changed, and they became even more gloomy.

"I won't talk nonsense with you, let's kill it quickly, so I can chase the escaped mouse. After the black-robed man finished speaking, he patted the back of the tyrannosaur.

The tyrannosaurus roared and rushed over, its two small front paws clenched tightly.

The sound of its heavy footsteps as it ran hit the hearts of the two of them with each blow, just as their heartbeats were unrelenting at this time.

"Thunderfly, use the electric spear!" "

Power tapir, entangle it!" Thunderfly

stood up, the thunder and lightning condensed on his back, turned into a spear, swept through the space with a 'whoosh', stabbed at the tyrannosaurus, and at the same time, the power tapir also howled and pounced, its long and powerful nose contracted, and the highly compressed water gun sprayed out.

The tyrannosaurus roared, the two small front paws were closed, grabbed the electric spear, pinched it hard, the electric spear disappeared in the air, and then met the water gun without dodging, and scratched it with its small claws after being hit.

The black-robed man smiled contemptuously, "I really don't know whether to live or die, I'll let you see what real strength is."

After speaking, the tyrannosaurus took a sharp breath, his belly bulged, and then he opened his mouth, and a stream of flames with a fishy smell swept towards the tapir.

"Get out of the way!"

the tapir quickly ran a few steps to the side, but it was still burned a little, let out a howl of pain, and after struggling to survive the flames, it rushed to the Tyrannosaurus, and the proboscis erupted, slamming into the Tyrannosaurus's body.


tyrannosaurus was in pain, and as soon as he turned around, his tail like a python pumped on the tapir's body, and it flew upside down, smashed stones on the ground, fell into the stream, and struggled a few times before it could get up.

"That's all you have? Then you can die. The

black-robed man looked downcast, as if he was doing something insignificant.


Ye Chong and Zhan Yingying gritted their teeth, looking unwilling, but they also understood that the disparity in strength between the two sides was too great, and it was not something that could be defeated by hard work at all.

For a while, the two looked at each other, and they both saw despair in each other's eyes.

Looking at the tyrannosaurus approaching step by step, the two of them couldn't help but tremble their legs and feet, and their faces turned pale.

After all, they're just students who haven't seen much blood yet.

Suddenly, the black-robed man remembered something, and pointed in the direction where the long-nosed tapir fell, and the tyrannosaurus turned with it.

"It suddenly occurred to me that it was too cheap to kill you directly. Let you dare to meddle in your affairs!

Listening to the words of the black-robed man, Ye Chong was suddenly startled, he didn't think too much, and hurriedly ran

towards the long-nosed tapir: "Run, power tapir!" "Stand up! Run~"

Ye Chong walked towards the power tapir with some crying, but the speed was far less fast than the tyrannosaurus, and the long-nosed tapir was also struggling hard, but he couldn't get up.

He hadn't run a few steps before the dragon came to the position of the long-nosed tapir.

"Hey, I'm still struggling, how painful, I'll give you a ride. As

the words fell, the Baron, who had received the order, raised his big foot and stepped on it suddenly.

"Power tapir !!"

Ye Chong's eyes widened, his tearful eyes were bloodshot, and his hideous expression made him look extremely desperate.

Zhan Yingying, who was further away, closed her eyes and hugged Lei Fei tightly, unable to bear to look at it.

Just then, a voice rang out:

"That... Excuse me, are you embarrassed?".

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