This sudden voice, to the ears of the desperate two, was incomparably pleasant, like a dawn that shattered the darkness.


!" "You're finally here!"

This voice was the Shainin they had been waiting for for a long time.

At this time, Shainin was standing next to a tree less than a hundred meters away, although his clothes were ragged, it made them feel at ease.

In addition to the three daughters, there was also an unconscious soldier and Jin Feng, who was chased just now.

"Oh, a few more people who were sent to their deaths? The escapees were there, and that was wonderful. The

black-robed middle-aged man also discovered this group of people, but a group of students, he really didn't think there was anything worth being careful about.

"When I kill this guy who gets in the way, it'll be your turn right away, don't worry.

After the black-robed middle-aged man finished speaking, the dragon roared and stepped on it hard.

"Little mantis!"

With a 'whoosh', a silver light flashed out from behind Shainin, and the leg stepped on by the tyrannosaur broke in response, shattering into four pieces of flesh bursting with red pulp, and with a few 'bangs', it fell around the long-nosed tapir.


the dragon opened its mouth to spray flames, but the sonic mantis rushed upwards and kicked it in the neck, causing the flames to explode directly.

Under the severe pain, the tyrannosaurus wanted to retreat, but he forgot that one of his legs had been broken, and he fell to the side without standing firmly, and the black-robed man also fell from its back.

"Deception!" the black-robed man looked at Xie Ning in shock and hurriedly retreated, "How is it possible... Who the hell are you?"

"Dead people don't need to know much.

As soon as Xie Ning's words fell, the sonic praying mantis flew by, hooked and retracted his long arms, and the heart of the black-robed man was pierced and died on the spot.

When the battle was over, several other people came over.

Jin Feng stepped forward quickly, crossed Lu Bingyun's three daughters, and hugged Ye Chong and Zhan Yingying tightly, bursting into tears.

"Hey, I'm a girl!" Zhan Yingying wanted to break free, but she couldn't break free at all, so she gave him a blank look and shouted angrily.

Compared with Zhan Yingying's shyness and helplessness, Ye Chong trembled with fright, his face turned blue, and he

said in a panic: "Although I am a man, but brother, I am really bad at that, let me go first!"

Jin Feng hugged him tightly no matter what the two of them thought or said.

After a while, he calmed down, wiped his tears, and said with a serious face:

"It's good that you're all right, otherwise I would have lived in pain for the rest of my life."

"Haha~ I'm not handsome, God is not jealous, and I live a long life. The

three of them chatted for a few words, calmed down their excitement, and then looked at Xie Ning and the others.

At this time, the thunderfly and the long-nosed tapir have already taken some basic healing medicine and are recovering.

"Tell me what you know, why a soldier appeared in the secret realm.

Xie Ning and a few people walked over, Lu Bingyun said.

Returning to this topic, the expressions of the three of them immediately became very serious, and finally Jin Feng spoke first:

"When we were just about to complete our trial mission, we found that the recorder was out of order, and it didn't take long to see a whirlpool appear in the air, and then a soldier fell, and then we saw a large group of people appear, and they attacked the soldiers.

At that time, we didn't think too much, we took the soldiers and ran, but we still underestimated the strength of these people, just three people chased and killed us, we couldn't beat them, but relied on the bombs thrown by the soldiers to force them back, and then we met the sonic mantis in the process of escaping..."

Speaking of this, Ye Chong and Zhan Yingying also added some details, and finally everyone turned their eyes to the soldiers on the back of the diamond demon.

Lu Bingyun took some healing medicine and gave it to the soldiers.

It must have been half an hour before the soldier woke up.

Seeing Shainin and them, the soldiers were also very excited and told what was happening in the outside world.

After hearing his words, several people looked at each other, Jin Feng and the three of them were stunned, but Lu Bingyun and the three daughters all looked at Xie Ning strangely.

This thing is almost exactly the same as what Shainin said.

After the soldier finished speaking, he picked up the bottle and drank a few sips of water, moistened his throat, and said with difficulty: "Several candidates, you have to be careful! Those people are very strong, there are more than a hundred people, and there is a strong one, who is a cripple, and has the strength of silver, it is very likely that he is a fallen demon master who hunted the candidates, you are not an opponent... The people who are chasing and killing us are likely to come again, so you better run..."

"Mr. Officer, don't worry, the person who chased us just now is dead, huh..." Jin Feng pointed to the body of the man in black who fell on his back not far away, "The body is there, we are safe now."

Lu Bingyun also said: "As for the silver-level cripple, don't worry too much, he will report to the underworld one step earlier than the people chasing you."

These words once again made the three of Jin Feng enter a petrified state, and even the soldier did not slow down.

After a lot of talking, I finally got a few people to believe it.

"Then what do we do now?" Jin Feng looked at Xie Ning.

He could feel that among these people, it seemed that Lu Bingyun had the highest level and the most important identity, but it was actually Xie Ning who really made the decision. The three daughters obeyed his words.

Xie Ning thought for a while and asked, "Is there a way for you to find the location of other candidates, preferably including the location of those enemies?" "

The candidates have been disconnected before I entered, and they can only be reopened on the instrument outside the secret territory, but I can find the location of the enemy." After

saying that, the soldier took out his recorder, clicked a few times, and a virtual map was projected onto the ground, with a hundred red dots on it, some moving, some static.

These red dots are the enemies they are facing this time, they are not far away, they are almost centered on their position, and they spread around, because they spread, so they basically act alone or in two, and there are rarely groups.

Several people squatted on the ground and looked at it carefully.

After a few minutes, Xie Ning stood up and said, "Time is pressing, let's act immediately!" "

Jin Feng, Zhan Yingying, Ye Chong, the three of you go to the north, the speed should be fast, but try not to make too much movement, if you can fight, you will fight, and if you can't, you will take the opportunity to sneak attack, after saving other candidates, let them join in, and so on."

The three of Jin Feng nodded with a straight face, without raising any objections.

Then Xie Ning turned to Lu Bingyun and the third daughter, thought for a while, and said, "Lan Yu, you stay here, protect this officer gentleman, and if something goes wrong, immediately let the Heavenly Star Bird take you away and go to the west."

"Okay. Sapphire nodded.

Although she was unwilling, she also knew that in this place where she could not use her mobile phone, her sense of direction was no less than that of a blind person.

"Then Bingyun and Xiaoya, you go to the east, the same combat mission, after saving the other candidates, Xiaoya and the other candidates are in a group, continue to the east, you go to the south, and I go to the west. "

No problem!" Lu Bingyun nodded.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Xiao Ya learned the gestures of the officer she saw on TV, and compared with a serious face.

After looking around at everyone again, Xie Ning said in a deep voice: "Remember! Our goal is to use every means to destroy the enemy, bring in more candidates, no matter how far the task is completed, in 2 hours, we will still gather here

!" "Yes!"

Everyone shouted in unison, and the officers on the side burst into tears.

This is the future of Huaguo!

Has anyone seen it? This is what a teenager should be! The

officer picked up the water bottle and prepared to drink the little water left in the water bottle.

Xiao Ya suddenly asked, "By the way, what if someone refuses to come?" "

We don't force it, but don't forget to beat it!"

"By the way, remember not to be too light. Shainin added.

Bang Dang~

The water bottle fell to the ground and rolled twice.

Shainin looked at the soldier suspiciously and asked

, "Officer, what's wrong with you?"

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