The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 749 Meeting is not as good as being famous

Sally Beauty has taken on a completely new look today from the environment to the personnel. The atmosphere is more solemn than welcoming the provincial leaders to inspect. The shrewd and capable Zhuang Ling, accompanied by a middle-aged man who doesn't look very eye-catching, inspects every department of the company. The smile on Zhuang Ling's face when the young man spoke his approval was comparable to that of an elementary school student who has been praised by both parents and teachers.

After walking around the company, Zhuang Ling brought her career and soul mentor Chen Anzhi to the company's reception room. While talking with the teacher, she patiently waited for the other two important people.

Chen Anzhi talked and laughed happily, and he was able to use all kinds of chicken soup skills at his fingertips, which made Zhuang Ling, a believer, full of energy and high spirits.

At 9:30 in the morning, Lu Dong and Song Na appeared in the reception room of Sally Beauty on time, and Zhuang Ling introduced them to each other.

After a few polite words on both sides, Lu Dong soon got to the point, about training.

"Mr. Chen, I've heard of you for a long time."

To Zhao Laogen and Zhang Yuanfang, Lu Dong could call "Teacher" respectfully, but facing Chen Anzhi, perhaps because of his previous impression, he himself felt awkward when he thought of the term "Teacher Chen".

What Chen Anzhi thought was completely different from what Lu Dong thought.

He is not alone. He has a whole team under him. Since last year, he has been developing the northern market and has done some research on northern companies, especially private companies.

The name of Lu's Catering has long been heard, and it is also a well-known catering company in the whole country.

This Lv Dong, young and rich, can be called the richest of the rich.

Lu Dong was willing to meet Chen Anzhi because he was more curious about this once powerful figure.

In addition, there are some other ideas to some extent. If Chen Anzhi is really good at training and can help Lu's Catering Company, it is not a bad idea to cooperate in a short time.

Just like Guangmei Electric and Zhao Laogen.

But what Chen Anzhi was thinking about was completely different from what Lu Dong was thinking about. He only wanted to develop the couple in front of him into his own clients.

"President Lu and President Song's company, I've heard of it, it's amazing."

People like Chen Anzhi, if they want to look like a master, they must first raise their airs: "Are you two satisfied with your current achievements?"

Song Na glanced at Lu Dong and said nothing.

Lu Dong smiled: "Of course I'm not satisfied."

Chen Anzhi's questions were like a cannonball. As soon as Lu Dong finished speaking, he asked the next question: "Can you know your goal, Mr. Lu?"

"Become the first-class enterprise in the country." What Lu Dong said is what he really thinks: "The top enterprise in the country."

Chen Anzhi had a serious face: "Forgive me, Mr. Lu's situation is small."

Hearing this, Song Na's face remained unchanged, but she couldn't help but slander in her heart. The target structure of the top domestic companies is too small? Is there any mistake, such a layout is small, what is big?

Chen Anzhi's words followed one sentence after another, as if emphasizing in this way and increasing his persuasiveness: "Whether it's starting a business or running a business, you must first set up a big goal. Why can't Mr. Lu look at the global market and become a global leader?" A top company? Ambitious goals are very important, you must have the ambition to succeed, and the bigger the better! With the goal, and then go all out, the dream can take off!"

Regarding the chicken soup that might be fresh and delicious in this age, Lu Dong used to take the initiative or pass it down too much, and he couldn't taste the taste anymore.

He asked slightly surprised: "Is it useful to set up a target?"

Chen Anzhi can be praised by so many successful people, and he has his own set of logic in terms of speech: "State your goals, make promises, and make public promises to your employees and the public. Promises are the only way to achieve successful goals. , Use the power of public supervision to force yourself to fulfill your promise! When people have no way out, their potential will be stimulated!"

He waved his hand: "Don't worry about not being able to do it, just improve by one percent every day. After a long time, you will find amazing changes."

But Lu Dong asked about the details: "How to improve? How to change?"

This small problem, how can it be hard to stop Chen Anzhi: "The secret of success lies in learning and hard work. Learn from the top people, associate with the best people, and do what the best people do! You must remember , With a goal, there must be action, action can be successful, and learning can change life!"

Lu Dong asked: "I'm considered to have some achievements now..."

"Mr. Lu is of course very successful, there is no doubt about it, but Mr. Lu, the market is unpredictable and the company's survival is difficult." Chen Anzhi was heartbroken: "I have seen the return to poverty after getting rich overnight, and the failure caused by slack after success. , have seen too many companies collapse.”

What he said sounds very reasonable: "After a business is successful, it must continue to succeed, success after success!"

Lu Dong thought for a while, no matter how you look at it, the few words Chen Anzhi just said are not wrong.

Chen Anzhi said so, of course there is a purpose in using so many words: "Learning and humility are the guarantee of continuous success! Many things cannot be explored behind closed doors, and you will not get lost if you ask for directions!"

Listening to what Lu Dong and Chen Anzhi said, especially what Chen Anzhi said, at the beginning, Song Na felt that what he said was indeed somewhat reasonable.

These words are high-level, deafening, and very instructive.

But because of Lu Dong's relationship, Song Na had been suspicious for a long time. In addition, she had worked with Lu Dong from the bottom, so she met all kinds of scammers over the years.

Strictly speaking, there is a big fool around him—Uncle Qi is the existence that can make the traffickers willing to make him the boss.

People are more or less immune.

It sounds reasonable in the front, but after listening to it, I gradually come back to it.

Chen Anzhi's words are indeed from a strategic location, that is, from a strategic location, he said his hard work, and every word of it is inseparable from success, which is absolutely correct.

But these are all floating in the sky, without any specific content. No matter how tall and beautiful the house is built, it lacks a foundation built of bricks and stones.

Lu Dong fell silent, not because he had nothing to say, but because the two sides were not on the same channel at all.

Before meeting Chen Anzhi, he still had some ideas. After all, the development and operation of a company still depends on the power of people. From Lu Dong's perception, Chen Anzhi is very good at being a human being. kind of.

But the styles of the two sides do not match at all, and they are completely different.

It's not a question of whether to fool or not, but that Lu Dong implements pragmatism, while Chen Anzhi has a completely different style.

Seeing Lu Dong's silence, with a thoughtful look on his face, Chen Anzhi thought that his words had played a role, and hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Mr. Lu, I am going to hold a high-end executive training class at the Peninsula Hotel in Gangcheng next month. It will last for five years. God, if Mr. Lu has time, we can discuss and exchange successful experiences."

Lu Dong was practical and asked directly, "How much does it cost?"

Chen Anzhi thought that Lv Dong asked about the fee because he intended to participate, and said, "It only costs 880,000!" He turned to Song Na: "If Mr. Song is interested, you can join together. Get more rewards."

Song Na finally understood that Chen Anzhi told the two of them so much that they co-authored it to sell courses and let them pay for the so-called CEO training class.

Five days, 880,000 yuan, which requires recruiting a few more people, and the income is not generally considerable.

Song Na believes that Chen Anzhi can recruit people, because in today's society, there are many people who believe in this.

For example, Zhuang Ling.

Thinking in another way, if it wasn't for Lu Dong, maybe she would believe it too.

If people believe it right from the start, the words that are said later sound reasonable, and people will only believe it more and more.

After confirming that it is not a style at all and not suitable for Lu's catering, Lu Dong's curiosity about Chen Anzhi, a legendary figure, gradually disappeared. He smiled and said, "Recently, I am very busy with work, so I may not have time."

This is a tactful refusal for Zhuang Ling's sake.

But Chen Anzhi didn't give up immediately. Lu's Catering is a well-known company. If Lu Dong can be recruited to participate in the training class, he can use his name to make a fuss to attract people to sign up.

"Mr. Lu, I often see some entrepreneurs who always fly the plane based on their feelings." Chen Anzhi said that he was used to all kinds of words, and he didn't even need to think, and the relevant words came out of his mouth: "They always I will say these words, I am very busy, I will make decisions later, you are a big company, understand this situation, people will fall into trouble, surrounded by crises, and make no progress in their careers..."

Lu Dong pointed directly: "I will attend many meetings in the province and the capital next month. I can only say sorry for Mr. Chen's invitation."

Having said that, Song Na said tacitly: "It's almost time, we have to go to the city for a meeting, go there early, don't let the leader wait."

Lu Dong shook hands with Chen Anzhi and left Sally Beauty.

Going out and back upstairs, Song Na asked, "I was curious at first, but it's better to be famous than to meet him. After hearing what he said, I'm very disappointed."

Lu Dong said: "Maybe many people like and believe in this kind of motivation."

Song Na immediately thought of Zhuang Ling: "Zhuang Ling believes in Chen Anzhi so much, and plans to use Chen Anzhi to directly train the store manager and management of Sally Beauty. Will there be any problems?"

Lu Dong thought for a while and said, "Probably not. I guess many people have gotten used to the things that Sally used for beauty treatment since Zhuang Ling. The power of getting used to it is quite strong. If you change it suddenly, the side effects may be even greater."

Speaking of this, Lu Dong thought of how many times Chen Anzhi had been trained for Sally's beauty before.

Perhaps the combination of the two industries of beauty and success can make people burst out with extraordinary energy.

These things of Chen Anzhi, after the Internet was extremely developed, were regarded by many people as spiritual opium and spiritual pyramid schemes, but when they act on different people, they may have different effects.

In terms of Zhuang Ling's performance, it is not an exaggeration to say that Chen Anzhi and his success theory are her beliefs.

Suddenly change a person's beliefs, maybe people will collapse.

Song Na and Lu Dong had a brief discussion, and decided not to make mandatory changes to Zhuang Ling and Sally's beauty belief, Chen Anzhi, as long as it doesn't affect the development of the company, let nature take its course.

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