The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 750 Final Candidate

In Lu's Catering Building, Geng Hongju came to the office of the personnel department again, discussed in detail with Xue Tian, ​​and after providing a series of copies of relevant documents, formally signed an entry agreement with Lu's Catering.

Like Zhao Jinghui who is in charge of Unrivaled Logistics, Geng Hongju is a rare high-end talent.

Lu Dong came over in person, and met Geng Hongju in Xue Tian's office.

"Welcome to Lu's Catering." Lu Dong shook hands with Geng Hongju, "I believe this is the beginning of a successful cooperation."

Geng Hongju said with a smile: "Thank you Mr. Lu, I hope to create brilliance together with Lu's Catering."

Lu Dong took the initiative to give up his position, and Xue Tian and Du Xiaobing handed over the rest of the work. These two people accompanied Geng Hongju to the business department to familiarize themselves with the working environment, introduce relevant personnel, and so on.

Geng Hongju started to work that morning. Regarding the recruitment of talents with relevant work experience by the business department, she brandished her hoe without hesitation and dug up the corners of the old company.

Many salesmen in the Yum Taidong region are Geng Hongju's old subordinates, and they are also brought out by her.

Since Yum let her shoulder all the responsibilities, Geng Hongju has no pressure to do these tasks.

In modern commercial companies, there is a huge turnover of personnel. It is not uncommon for people from other companies to be poached, or people from their own company to be poached.

Lu's Catering is well paid and has a high reputation. The Western-style fast food business of Burger King is very familiar to the people of Yum!

Although Du Xiaobing and Lu Dong have never said anything about it, they have always known in their hearts that Lu's Catering hired Geng Hongju, not only a business director, but also a team with working ability and experience.

Therefore, even if he took some risks and needed to do a lot of screening work, Lu Dong still asked Xue Tian to do it.

Lu Dong then went to Wang Dong's 8 o'clock online company. The game "Bubble Hall" was officially launched. 8 o'clock online is changing from a pure Internet cafe chain company to an online game company.

At present, excluding the chain Internet cafe business of University City and Qingzhao, Eight Points Online operates two Taidong regions of "Legend" and one Taidong server of "Miracle".

Then there is the sole agency of "Bubble Hall" in China.

Thanks to the experience accumulated through "Legend" and "Miracle" and the relationship network in the game circle, the game "Bubble Hall" has only been online for more than half a month, and the maximum number of online players at the same time has reached more than 80,000.

Looking at the real-time operation data on the big screen, Lu Dong asked, "How do the players rate it?"

"I did a survey in many Internet cafes." Wang Dong seemed quite excited: "The recognition is very high, and we don't charge point cards, we use a free form, and there are many girls playing in it. In the words of the players Speaking of it, when you use bubbles to blow up other players, it's just as cool, it's no less than getting a top-quality piece of equipment in Legendary!"

Lu Dong nodded slightly. Because of his investment in Wang Dong's 8:00 Online, he has some understanding of the development of this industry. In the past year, the Internet and online game industry have developed rapidly in China, and games and game portals have also grown rapidly. With continuous follow-up, the market is no longer what it used to be. There are very few online games, and the number and types of online games to choose from are increasing.

Even more funds and manufacturers are pouring into the online game market.

It seems that this market can also drive the development of surrounding industries, such as Professor Yang, the thunder king.

Recalling the King of Thunder and Lightning, Lu Dong suddenly remembered that Lu Chun was injured when he captured a drug dealer last time. Professor Yang's thunder and lightning technique was used in the wrong place.

At this time, Wang Dong said again: "Playing "Bubble Hall" is online and operating. I looked around the Internet cafes in the province. There are many people playing "Bubble Hall" inside, which is beyond my imagination."

Perhaps the data and what he saw with his own eyes gave him confidence: "Lv Dong, I can guarantee that by the second half of the year, "Bubble Hall" will have 300,000 people online at the same time!"

Lu Dong asked: "Currently the game is free, have you considered how to make money?"

This question got to the point, Wang Dong sighed, and said: "How to make money from free games is now a difficult problem in the industry, and even Lianzhong has not found a suitable way."

Lu Dong didn't know much about these things, so he recalled a bit and asked, "Didn't someone spend money on game equipment in Legends and Miracles? Can you add a store in the game to sell game items?"

Wang Dong is no stranger to this, he has heard of it before, and said: "This is also a method, I will bring someone to study it."

The deeper Lu Dong didn't understand anymore. After thinking about it carefully, he said, "I feel like it's okay to do it like this."

Wang Dong was somewhat inspired: "In role-playing games like Legend, don't charge by point cards, but sell props?"

He had a feeling of enlightenment: "There is a special function in the legend called weapon upgrade, but the weapon upgrade may fail. No matter how many times the super expensive equipment has been upgraded, as long as the upgrade fails, the weapon will be shattered. The loss is not ordinary. big!"

Lu Dong has never played Legendary, but he has played World of Warcraft before. After listening to Wang Dong's words, he could vaguely understand what it meant, and immediately answered: "If you add an item that can be purchased with money and increase the success rate, many people will definitely think about it." Buy."

"Yes!" Wang Dong took his index finger with a broken knuckle and lightly tapped his trouser leg: "A game similar to "Legend", this kind of game... Lu Dong, I'm going to call people for a meeting..."

Lu Dong glanced at his wristwatch: "As long as you are busy, I have to go too, there are still things to do in the village."

Wang Dong said embarrassedly: "Your words have given me a lot of inspiration."

Lu Dong smiled: "I'm just a layman, and I have to rely on you professionals for details. Go get busy."

After Wang Dong left, Lu Dong left the 8 o'clock online, called Song Na, told her that we would not have lunch together, and asked Lu Kun to drive back to the village.

After lunch, the party members in the village came to the meeting room of the branch to attend the village branch meeting in the afternoon.

The conference room was very large, more than forty people sat in two rows around the long conference table, and sat in a row next to the wall.

Today's meeting is presided over by Lu Zhenlin, and there is only one topic, which has been notified in advance.

It was what Lu Dong and Du Xiaobing discussed. After Lujia Village became a national civilized village and established as a model of new rural construction, the higher-ups planned to give Lujia Village a corresponding opportunity to participate in the evaluation of individual honors in addition to collective honors.

There is only one candidate, and who to choose will be discussed at this meeting.

In fact, everyone understands that there are only two truly qualified candidates in Lujia Village, and the others are useless even if they apply, and it is impossible for them to be evaluated.

As the secretary of the branch, Lu Zhenlin presided over the meeting, said a few words, explained the theme of the meeting, and said before everyone else: "The candidate I personally propose is Lu Dong!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a short whisper in the conference room, but it soon fell silent, because since 1998, Lu Dong's various performances were enough to convince them.

Lu Zhenlin kept talking: "Other people may not understand the situation. All of you here are party members who know the situation in our village clearly. Let's not talk about what happened before 1998. It doesn't make much sense if it's too far away."

Because before 1998, Lu Dong was a jerk in the village: "During the great flood in 1998, Lu Dong was an advanced individual in flood fighting and disaster relief, and a member of the top ten league members in Quannan. That winter when our village started a business, I first chose to build a brick kiln factory. , it was Lu Dong who insisted on opening a food company and made various plans and plans, which led to the transformation of our village from poverty to prosperity."

"Afterwards, the construction company was established, and the tourism culture company was established. The initial opinions all came from Lu Dong!" Lu Zhenlin pointed to the old village in the east: "You have all seen the popularity of the folk tourism area. The flow of people and tourists continues to rise. The earliest plans for these also came from Lu Dong.”

"It's difficult to attract people with just a Lu family village. Lu Dong brought the Girl Mountain Resort, Fuhua Amusement Park and Ocean Polar World. Who didn't notice these things?"

In the conference room, other people's eyes fell on Lu Dong. Lu Dong was sitting at the front of the conference table, with Lu Zhenlin on the right, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

But the backbones of the village believed in Lu Dong, because they knew what kind of key role Lu Dong played in the rise of Lujia Village.

Lu Zhenlin is getting older, but his voice is still loud: "Lv Dong is the key to the development of our Lujia Village to today! Now the superiors have asked to select an advanced representative of the village. In my personal opinion, this candidate must be Lu Dong!"

As the loud voice fell, the conference room fell silent, and everyone saw what Lu Dong did. If Lu Zhenlin said that the candidate was Lu Dong, it would be Lu Dong, and the others would not say anything.

To this day, Lu Zhenlin is still the backbone of the Lu Family Village!

It was precisely because of this that Lu Dong felt that Lu Zhenlin was more suitable!

It's not that Lu Dong is boasting, he is indeed enough to convince everyone in Lu's Village, but the best choice for this person is Lu Zhenlin.

Leaving aside other things, the age of twenty-three alone, if reported to the higher authorities, would probably get stuck.

The above is just to give Lujia Village a chance to be selected. Considering the current social environment, it is still not convincing to apply for a young boy, even if this young boy has indeed made a lot of achievements.

The biggest possibility is to fight chickens and eggs, and lose an excellent opportunity.

Therefore, without waiting for others to open their mouths, Lu Dong was the first to stand up, rarely objecting to Lu Zhenlin's opinion.

"Third Grandpa, I'm only twenty-three years old, too young." Lu Dong didn't deny what he had done, and there was no need to deny it. The selection is not only a personal honor, but also a collective honor of our village. The person we send must be someone who can truly represent our village. If this person wins, it means that our village has won an award!"

He glanced at Li Wenyue, Li Hongxing, Lu Jianshe and the others, and said, "To be fair, besides the third grandfather, who else is qualified for this candidate?"

Li Wenyue and Li Hongxing said in unison: "Yes, third grandpa is the most suitable!"

Lu Jianshe also said, "Third Uncle, you are the branch secretary, who else will you go to if you don't?"

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