The Era of Hard Work

Chapter 751 Family Farm

"Yes, third uncle is the most suitable!"

"The third grandfather is the party secretary, he is the most suitable representative of the village!"

"Third brother, don't be modest, you have to go when you have to!"

Lu Dong's proposal was greeted with voices of approval, after all, the leader of the Lu Family Village in recent years has been Lu Zhenlin.

The crowd did believe in Lu Dong, but they believed in the old party secretary even more.

In many villages, this is the most normal phenomenon.

Lu Zhenlin didn't respond for a while, as a member of the older generation, who will retire in a few years, he felt that the young people who won these honors would be of greater help to Lu's Village.

Lu Dong's words didn't stop, because Lu Zhenlin was silent: "Third Grandfather, I did come up with a lot of ideas about the development of Lujia Village, but I just talked about it, and I'm taking the big guy to do it, it's you! Everyone here Uncle, grandpa, elder brother, aunt and sister, if there is no third grandpa, the hearts of our Lu family village can be so united, can the big guys have the strength to work together?"

He told the whole truth: "The backbone of our Lu family village, who else can there be besides the third grandfather?"

Li Yanyan answered, "Dongzi is right!"

Lu Zhenfei coughed twice: "Third brother, what is there to think about? If you don't want to go, do you ask the juniors to go? Why do you want the juniors to look up and meet people in the village in the future? Why don't you ask people to poke your spine all day long!"

Lu Dong simply proceeded from reality: "Third Grandfather, people say that there is an old man in a family, such as a treasure, you have won these honors, and you are sitting in the village. You have to be old, you have to be senior, you have to be senior, who is here? Don't listen to your opinion? Can you have such an effect if you replace it with a young man?"

In China's social environment, age and seniority have always been very important.

Li Wenyue went on to say: "Let's promote democracy, or have a vote, and each party member votes for one vote."

Everyone in the conference room laughed, who else could be the first candidate besides Lu Zhenlin?

"That's fine." Lu Zhenlin's thick eyebrows were like swords: "I'll go up."

Lu Dong smiled and said, "Third Grandpa, you can't be the first one to go when our village encounters difficulties, and you back off when good things happen. There is no such reason."

Lu Zhenlin glanced at him: "Okay, just say a few words to me!"

Lu Dong stopped talking, anyway, the result was reached.

Today's meeting was on one theme, and a resolution was formed, and the meeting was adjourned.

Party members are key personnel in various positions in the village, but within two or three minutes, most of them leave one after another and return to their posts to work.

Li Yanyan invited Lu Dong to visit the tourism and culture company when he had time.

Lu Dong came down, said a few words to Lu Zhenlin, and followed Li Wenyue to the office.

Li Wenyue asked: "If the village reports it, how likely is it to get it down?"

Lu Dong took a glass of pure water and said, "I've contacted the set here, and I'll be recording the show soon. The third grandpa will go over and basically it will be settled."

He took a sip of cold water: "It's hard to talk about the model worker, but the problem shouldn't be too big."

Li Wenyue asked: "Age is important?"

Lu Dong said, "Wen Yue, think about it. Over the years, how many model workers have you seen in their early twenties?"

The more Li Wen thought about it carefully, it seemed that he really didn't.

Lu Dong pulled out his chair and sat down, and said, "Third Grandpa has worked hard all his life on the affairs of the village. These are the honors he deserves, and they are also the affirmation of Third Grandpa's life. We are still young, and we will have opportunities in the future."

Li Wenyue told the truth: "If the third grandpa hadn't won people's hearts, when our village was clanging poorly, people's hearts would have dispersed."

Lujia Village has never been a big village, and its population is not large compared to Taidong's rural areas. Even in Qingzhao County, Ningxiu Town has at least a dozen big villages with a population of 2,000.

However, the personnel structure of Lujia Village is relatively simple, and the people are relatively united. This is also a key to the success of Lujia Village.

Then there's the leader.

In a place like the countryside, the ability of a branch secretary or village head directly determines the development of the village.

This is not an exaggeration at all.

In addition to ability, there is also character. Many villages have developed, but it is not easy for them not to become family businesses in the end.

In addition to these, if you want to develop, you need someone above you. This is the root of whether you can stand up in the initial development process.

As we all know, this is very important.

Lujia Village has now passed this stage, and it can be said that it has gained a huge advantage in publicity and policy. It used to be developed by running, and it will develop by car in the future.

At this time, Li Wenyue said again: "It can be confirmed, the set of people asked to go to the capital, saying that they are participating in the recording of the program, and you will accompany the third grandfather there?"

Lu Dong said: "I just asked the third grandpa, he asked the eighth uncle to accompany him, it's okay, we have acquaintances over there, I will say hello in advance, and I can take care of it."

After chatting for a while, the two went out together to the old village.

"Country Love" is still broadcast in a set of evening prime time, and the TV series has received good reviews. Because it is close to real life, the response among ordinary audiences is even more enthusiastic. It can be said that it has become popular.

Lujia Village has hired a professional public relations promotion company, and the relevant reports in the major media have never stopped. Even people who don’t pay much attention to the background of the TV series know that this drama was filmed in Lujia Village, or it was based on Lujia Village. Adapted from some real events.

It doesn't matter if it's a real person or not, as long as it attracts people's attention, the reputation of Lujia Village will become more and more famous.

Recently, the National Civilization Commission announced the new list of national civilized villages, and Lujia Village was included in it, attracting much attention.

From the TV series to a series of publicity and reports, the most direct impact is that the reputation of Lujia Village is getting bigger and bigger.

With the continuous publicity, there is no need to worry about no one coming to Lujia Village. There are tens of thousands of tourists every weekend. In addition, other nearby amusement places are also opening one after another. The crowd effect can attract even more people. many.

People who come here are basically satisfied, because the management of Lujia Village is very strict, with strict requirements on the environment, sanitation and services.

After nearly half a year of operation, the reputation of the food street has spread, and the students who come from the nearby university town alone can support the traffic of the food street.

Among them, the Chongqu Store became even more famous because the leader had come in.

In other words, as Lu Dong once said, it is a must-see place for tourists.

However, unlike those online celebrity check-in stores, after Chongqu became famous, not only did it not increase the price, but as a directly affiliated store, Lujia Village further strengthened management and standardized services.

What Lujiacun wants is to make its industries bigger and stronger, not a meteor that flies by.

In the afternoon, there were many people in the folk tourist area. Lu Dong and Li Wenyue walked around and went to the tourism culture company managed by Li Yanyan.

Different from food companies and construction companies, the office of the tourism culture company is in the east of the old village. In the 1980s, Lujia Village failed to engage in a side business in a large courtyard, and built an old-fashioned two-story blue brick building as an office.

Li Yanyan knew that Lu Dong had a lot of ideas, so she came here to discuss whether there were any more attractive ideas about homestays and farmhouses.

Lu Dong provided an idea. In addition to concentrating the spare land in Lujia Village, planting trees and long grass to raise wild rabbits and pheasants, etc., there are also some small plots that are vacant, which can be used to make a fuss.

For example, many people who come over on weekends are from the city. You can set up a claim-style leisure farm, such as a family claiming a small piece of land, and plant some fruits and vegetables on it under the guidance of relevant personnel. If you have time, you can come and participate in the labor in person. When you are mature, you can enjoy the fun of picking by yourself. Even if you don’t have time to come, Lujia Village can pick and deliver the goods to your door, so that people can taste the fruits of their own labor.

Even, in the plots that are usually claimed, the growth of the planted crops can be photographed through QQ and other methods, and sent to the claiming personnel to increase interactivity and so on.

There is a piece of land planted here, even a small depression that is only a few meters long, and people have a continuous connection with Lujia Village, and they may come here once, twice, or even three or four times.

Even if you lose interest after one visit from planting to harvest, the number of times you come to consume is far more than simply coming to see and leaving once.

Not only crops, but also breeding of chickens, ducks and rabbits, you can even try.

Lu Dong roughly talked about the reality and some planting models of Internet software that were often used on the Internet, mainly to provide some ideas.

Before Li Yanyan returned to the village to take charge of the tourism and culture company, she was used to tourism projects. After hearing these descriptions from Lu Dong, she came up with relevant ideas. The people of the travel company went to operate it.

"Some of them are not practical at present, but they are very instructive." Li Yanyan said to Lu Dong with a smile: "No wonder you say you have a lot of ideas. The words you said today are worth tens of millions if they work well."

Lu Dong smiled: "I just talk about it, but I am an amateur in doing it. How to do it depends on you."

Li Yanyan nodded: "Our countryside also has the advantages of the countryside. This large area of ​​entertainment projects, connected by our village, is much more attractive than a single one. When people come, they have to consume. There is always something that can be invested in people. You What I said is more experiential than simply looking at and taking pictures. Being able to participate in it personally can make people more interested. Maybe people will lose interest after planting a crop, but plant it and name the crop. He will always miss it."

From her words, Lu Dong thought of an important point: "Naming! This is very important! A ditch, a row of vegetables, and a few chickens are raised here. I don't think it's a big deal, but if you name it, you will belong to it. Once you have thoughts and feelings, you won’t let go easily in a short time.”

Li Yanyan grasped what Lu Dong wanted to say: "This naming is very important! It has a great psychological impact on people!"

Lu Dong nodded: "Yes!"

He thought of Lu Lanlan, the little girl didn't like dogs very much before, and later she got the native dog, and she was also a hit or miss, but after giving the native dog the name Wangcai, it was completely different, walking the dog and feeding the dog Whatever, do it yourself when you have time.

Naming this matter has a great impact on people.

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