The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 220: Conquer with ease! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Chapter 220: Conquer with ease! [Listen for subscription and support!)

"Om! (Let's continue)

Shiny Boss Lairon, who crawled out of the big pit, yelled at Ye Chen and signaled the fight to continue.

It seems that Shiny Boss Lairon also talks about Koichi very much, and did not take advantage of Ye Chen and Flygon's situation when they didn't figure out the situation.

Immediately afterwards, Shiny Boss Lairon looked up at-Flygon at low altitude.

"Flygon, keep flying high!"

After Flygon returned to high altitude, the battle continued.

After Mega Evolution, Shiny Boss Lairon condensed steel elements and rock elements faster, and soon a layer of protective cover was condensed on the body. The defense of this protective leather seemed to be higher than before.

"Flygon, use Bug Buzz!"

Ye Chen wanted Flygon to interfere with Shiny Boss Lairon again, making it unable to concentrate.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!

Shiny Boss Lairon controls the surrounding Sandstorm and increases the wind speed of Sandstorm, completely unaffected by Flygon Bug Buzz.


Shiny Boss Lairon's protective cover is condensed, and Flygon loses the initiative again.

Shiny Boss Lairon used weight loss, and then used the surrounding magnetism to float himself in mid-air.

This time, Shiny Boss Lairon became a lot smarter, knowing that he could not condense the shield within the attack range of Flygon, and had to wait for the condensing of the protective cover to complete before rising into the air.

"Flygon, use Sand Tomb! Destroy the shield of Shiny Boss Lairon!

No matter how hard his protective cover is, Ye Chen decided to break Shiny Boss Lairon's protective cover first.


Obviously, Shiny Boss Lairon after Mega Evolution has improved in all aspects, and the recovery speed of the protective cover has also been greatly improved.

The power of Flygon against Sandstorm's Sand Tomb was greatly reduced, and it was completely impossible to smash the Shiny Boss Lairon's protective cover.

However, Shiny Boss Lairon is very leisurely. As much damage as Flygon causes to the protective cover, it uses the surrounding elements to repair as much.

It looks very relaxed, with no physical exertion at all.

This is no way to continue, after all, the physical strength of Flygon is limited.

Shiny Boss Lairon uses the surrounding environment to repair the protective cover very easily, with little physical exertion.

Ye Chen was a little anxious, how could he break the tortoise shell of Shiny Boss Lairon?

Suddenly, Ye Chen's eyes lit up and thought of a feasible solution.

Since Shiny Boss Lairon can control Sandstorm and use the surrounding elements, why can't his Flygon work?

Flygon was originally born in the desert, and its ability to perceive elements in the desert should not be worse than Shiny Boss Lairon.

"Flygon! Lower the flying height! Control Sandstorm as much as possible! Feel the elements in the surrounding environment!"

Since you can't break your tortoise shell at the moment, then I will take away the source of your tortoise shell!

Attacking Shiny Boss Lairon's protective cover can only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, after all, the protective cover can still be condensed.

If your Flygon can really grab the control of Sandstorm, then the battle will be half the battle.


After Flygon lowered the flying altitude, Roar rose in Sandstorm.

At the same time, Shiny Boss Lairon also realized that Flygon and himself were grabbing control of Sandstorm.

...For flowers,


How can Shiny Boss Lairon, who has an advantage, give up the advantage he has already established?

The flow of Sandstorm began to become turbulent, and dust was flying everywhere.

At the junction between Flygon and Shiny Boss Lairon, a diversion of Sandstorm occurred.

Half of the Sandstorm flocked to Shiny Boss Lairon, and half of the Sandstorm flocked to Flygon.

And there was an area without Sandstorm in the middle, and the space was squeezed and deformed a bit.


As Flygon and Shiny Boss Lairon compete for Sandstorm more and more fiercely, Flygon's blindfold becomes more and more red, and the blue light in Shiny Boss Lairon's eyes becomes deeper and deeper.

With a loud noise, an Explosion took place in the area where there was no Sandstorm in the middle, blasting Flygon and Shiny Boss Lairon into flight.

Affected by the explosion, Sandstorm, which had a certain order for both sides, began to become completely disordered.

Gravel flies everywhere, and both Flygon and Shiny Boss Lairon have lost control of Sandstorm.

Since Flygon was in the sky just now, he stabilized his figure quickly after being bombarded by the explosion, and suffered only a small injury.

The Shiny Boss Lairon was directly bombed to the nearby stone wall. Due to the existence of the protective cover, he was not injured, but the protective cover was completely damaged.

This is an acceptable situation for Ye Chen, after all, his Flygon has a lot more physical strength than Shiny Boss Lairon.

Using a small injury from Flygon to exchange Shiny Boss Lairon's loss of control and protection of Sandstorm is not a loss, and there is even a small profit.

This is better than the anxious situation just now, at least the situation has been opened up. Of,

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