The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 221: Water Vein Stone Successfully Obtained!

Chapter 221: Water Vein Stone Successfully Obtained! [Listen for subscription and support!)

"Flygon! Fly to the sky! Use Sand Tomb!"

Ye Chen took the lead in commanding Flygon to launch an attack.

Although neither side has Sandstorm's bonus, Shiny Boss Lairon after Mega Evolution has amazing combat effectiveness.

But the quality of Flygon is higher than Shiny Boss Lairon after all, and the level is also 20 levels higher.

These gaps cannot be filled by a single Mrga Evolution.

Ye Chen intends to let Flygon continue to use Sand Tomb to wear out Shiny Boss Lairon.

Shiny wave "nine-five-zero" Lairon quickly responded.

Shiny Boss Lairon first condensed the surrounding steel elements to burst the alloy and broke the first wave of Flygon's Sand Tomb.

Then give up the weight loss, fall to the ground, and distance from the Flygon.

Because Flygon was high in the sky, Shiny Boss Lairon on the ground was completely out of Flygon's attack range.

As a result, Flygon either took the initiative to lower the flight altitude, allowing Shiny Bos Lairon to enter its attack range, and at the same time, it also entered the Shiny Boss Lairon's attack range.

Either it will continue to be high in the air, neither side will be able to hit anyone, and the situation will continue to be deadlocked.

It can be said that Shiny Boss Lairon did a very clever job, and gave Flygon the right to choose. He only needs to act accordingly.

"Flygon! Fly down from the air! Use your own Gravity! Use Dragon Rush!"

Come down, I'm afraid you won't make it?!

Ye Chen took the initiative to let Flygon break the situation. There is no environment. Helping Hand's Shiny Boss Lairon's combat effectiveness is quite weak, so he doesn't need to be afraid.

Even if the dragon-based skills attack the steel-based Pokémon, the effect is weakened, but with the bonus of Flygon's Gravity, I believe that this attack on Shiny Boss Lairon is absolutely overwhelming.


Shiny Boss Lairon stomped on the ground with both feet, stabilized his figure, and used Protect.


Shiny Boss Lairon used Protect and wanted to directly block Flygon's attack.

But it still underestimated Flygon's attack, Shiny Boss Lairon was directly blown out.

It took a long time for Shiny Boss Lairon to wobbly stand up.

"Flygon! Use Hyper Beam! Give it the final blow!"

In view of the fact that Shiny Boss Lairon said Koichi very much before, Ye Chen did not take advantage of the time Shiny Boss Lairon got up to launch an attack.

Instead, he waited for Shiny Boss Lairon to stabilize his figure before Flygon used his most powerful skill.


Shiny Boss Lairon was overturned by Flygon's Hyper Beam and returned to normal form from Mega Evolution form, completely losing combat ability.

With the fall of Shiny Boss Lairon, this last battle also ended in Ye Chen's victory.

Seeing Shiny Boss Lairon using his fighting ability, Ye Chen hurriedly took Flygon back into Poké Ball.

Then I took out the excellent Potion and fed it to Shiny Boss Lairon. After all, I still need water stone for it.

It is the boss of these little Pokémon.

Since Shiny Boss Lairon itself has a relatively strong resilience, coupled with Ye Chen's Potion effect is very good, after a while, Shiny Boss Lairon woke up.

"Om! (Young trainer, you are great!)

"Om! (This time in the competition, you won!)

"Om! (According to the agreement, you can go get the water stone!)

Having said this, Shiny Boss Lairon motioned to Cradily to remove the protective cover near the water stone and let Ye Chen go and fetch the water stone inside.

Shiny Boss Lairon motioned Ye Chen to quickly get the water stone, and then tilted his head to another place with a painful expression on his face.

"Okay, thank you!" Ye Chen understood what Shiny Boss Lairon meant, "rest assured, I only take a few dollars.

After all, there are only ten water stones in it, which were collected by Shiny Boss Lairon.

Although it's okay to take all of me and follow the agreement, it's a bit too much.

So Ye Chen took five water stones from the inside and came out, and signaled Cradily to reopen the protective cover.

Ye Chen put the water stone in the system backpack, greeted Shiny Boss Lairon and left.

Next, it's time to help Lugia plant the sacred blue fruit tree.

Ye Chen, which has both the sacred blue fruit seeds and the water stone, can be said to be ready for everything but the east wind.

Ye Chen still doesn't know how to plant the sacred blue fruit tree, so he has to find 5.8 more secure methods.

After all, there are only five water stones, or Shiny Boss Lairon they worked so hard to collect.

You must make good use of these five water stones.

In case of messing around by yourself, not only did you fail to plant the holy blue fruit tree, but also used up the water stone, but you lost your wife and broke down.

Ye Chen thought for a while, and decided not to summon Mew for now.

Although Mew probably knows how to plant the holy blue fruit tree, it is always troublesome, so I will look for it when there is no other way.

Ye Chen decided to go to the Pokémon Alliance to check the information on the Saint Blue Fruit and the Water Stone.

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