The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 224: Goggles! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Chapter 224: Goggles! [Listen for subscription and support!)

After giving the slate to Ye Chen, Lugia thanked Ye Chen again and said that he could ask him for help in the future.

After the sacred blue fruits are mature, you can also come to get some sacred blue fruits.

After all, the sacred blue fruit is of great benefit to Pokémon of Water Type, eating one in battle can restore a lot of physical strength.

For the Water Type Pokémon, the effect is much better than the excellent Potion.

Ye Chen, who got the slate, didn't plan to trouble Lugia any more, after all, Lugia was not an easy master.

If you mess it up again, it is estimated that the nearby island will suffer again.

Ye Chen said goodbye to Lugia and left Lugia's cave with the stone slab.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Helping Hand Arceus retrieved the Water Type slate!"

"Task progress 5/17!

Received "Reward: Special goggles!"

Ye Chen was stunned. He didn't quite understand the use of this goggles, nor did he understand whether the task progress was not 4/17 but 5/17.

According to past experience, the things presented by the system are definitely good things, and 950 will play a big role in future tasks.

And Arceus should have found another slate, plus this Water Type slate in his hand, which made the task progress to 5/17.

As for how to find it, Ye Chen didn't want to go into it.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen gave up thinking about it. Anyway, he couldn't figure it out. It's better to take one step at a time and let the flow take its course.

The top priority should be to find a relatively safe place, summon Arceus, and give it a slate.

So Ye Chen rode Flygon to an uninhabited island in the sea east of Slateport City.

After carefully observing the people and little Pokémon who were not following him, he began to summon Arceus.


The surrounding space was distorted in an instant, and Arceus appeared in front of Ye Chen out of thin air.

"Arceus! I found the Water Type slate!"

Seeing Arceus appear, (bdfi) Ye Chen was a little happy.

After all, it seems that Arceus has recognized itself and is working very hard to maintain the order of this world.

"Thank you!" Arceus approached Ye Chen and nodded in greeting, "I don't know if I can help you, do you have a little Pokémon from Water Type?"

"I got the Water Type slate and restored my control over the power of the Water Type."

"If you have a Water Type Pokémon, you can release it. I will help your Pokémon improve."

"Don't be too polite, after all, I can't help much. I can only do things that I can."

After Ye Chen heard what Arceus said, his eyes lit up and released his Gyarados from the Poké Ball.

"Then thank you, I only have this little Pokémon in Water Type.

"Send! Your Gyarados is already a sub-shen? The quality is not ordinary!"

Arceus was a little surprised. He didn't expect Ye Chen to have such a Gyarados.


As Arceus controls the lighting of the Water Type slate, the water element that is unknown how many times stronger than the water stone surrounds Gyarados.


With a "buzz" sound, these water elements merged into Gyarados' body, and then Gyarados' body glowed with the light of Evolution.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host! Gyarados realizes the power of Water Type slate! The quality is improved! The level is improved!

"Current Quality: Level Two God!"

"Current level: Iv120!"

As the system prompt sounded, the light on Gyarados's body gradually dissipated.

The color of the scales on Gyarados's body after the quality has been improved is more faint, and the whole body is covered with a light mist of water.

Seeing Gyarados Evolution becoming a second-level god, Arceus nodded and was very satisfied. Sure enough, the power of his Water Type slate was extraordinary.

Before Ye Chen was relieved from the surprise, Arceus began to speak to Ye Chen again, as if time was tight.

"I didn't respond to your call before because I was looking for a fighting slate. Responding to your call will cause you unnecessary trouble.

Currently "I have got the fighting slate. Also, do you have a fighting Pokémon?"

Ye Chen shook his head, a little regretful, but it was a pity that he didn't have a fighting player Pokémon, so he missed such a good opportunity for nothing.

"By the way, I have already sensed the location of the rock slab, which is in the Phantom Desert in the Kanto Region.

"Due to some laws of heaven and earth, I can't find the rock slabs by myself."

"So, I can only trouble you."

"By the way, you have to pay attention, the Sandstorm in the Phantom Desert is different from the normal Sandstorm.

"The Sandstorm there is faster than the Sandstorm in the ordinary desert, and it will appear and disappear sometimes throughout the day."

At present, "Human goggles can't resist the Sandstorm in there, so you can only figure out a solution by yourself.

"I have left my mark on you, and this mark will be automatically triggered when you encounter life-threatening."

Arceus paused and continued.

"This imprint triggering will form a protective cover that can't be broken even by a first-level beast, and I will perceive it, and I will rush to you to protect you."

"So, don't worry and do it boldly!"

"Thank you for helping me find the Water Type slate! I'm looking for other slates! Good luck!"

Having said this, the surrounding space was distorted again, and Arceus disappeared out of nowhere in an instant.

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