The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 225: Welcome to the desert!

Chapter 225: Welcome to the desert! [Listen for subscription and support!)

Is the system giving itself so that you can enter the Phantom Desert?

This system really provides a lot of convenience for myself.

Ye Chen took out the special goggles from the system backpack. Without further ado, head to Kanto Region and set off!

"Jing Jing Jing Jing!"


Just when Ye Chen was about to take Flygon to take off to Kanto Region, Ye Chen's phone rang.

Who would call him?

Ye Chen took out the phone and saw that Professor Oak from Pallet Town called him, so he picked it up.

"Ye Chen! Is that you? I have something urgent to ask you."

"Can you hear my voice?"

Professor Oak's voice was a little rush, very anxious.

"Professor Oak, don't worry. This is Ye Chen, please tell me something."

Ye Chen heard that Professor Oak's tone was not right, and quickly responded to the voice on the phone.

"Doduo beep!"

"Doduo beep!"

Just as Ye Chen was waiting for Professor Oak to respond there, a busy tone came from the other end of the phone.

"Professor Oak! Are you there? A word back!"

Ye Chen was a little anxious and kept asking what was going on on the phone, but no one responded.

All that was heard was a constant busy tone.

What is going on?

Ye Chen is a little confused, did Professor Oak have any accident?

Anyway, Pallet Town is also in Kanto Region, so I went to the Phantom Desert by myself.

Why don't you go to Pallet Town to see what happened to Professor Oak?

"Flygon! Fly to Pallet Town in Kanto Region at full speed!"

As he didn't know the situation on Professor Oak's side, Ye Chen was a little anxious and decided to go to Pallet Town as soon as possible.

The Flygon flying at full speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for Ye Chen to take the Flygon to the sky over Pallet Town.

The whole Pallet Town was very quiet, there was no sound, and no one was seen.

The bazaar, which used to be crowded and very lively, now has no one, which is very abnormal.

Only some fruits and vegetables are left in the market, unattended.

Strange, where did the people go? Everything was displayed at the market, but the people disappeared.

"System, investigation!"

Ye Chen understood that something must have occurred. For safety reasons, Flygon was not allowed to land directly.

Instead, the system's reconnaissance capabilities were turned on, and it flew around Pallet Town in a circle.

However, no little Pokémon and unusual elemental powers were found.

"Flygon! Landing!

There is no other way but to let Flygon land, and then go door to door to see if there are any clues.

With Arceus's mark on himself, Ye Chen is not worried that someone or Pokémon can kill himself directly.

After all, as the creation god of this world, Arceus has terrifying power. It is impossible to destroy Arceus's mark and kill Ye Chen in one blow.


Ye Chen opened the door of a house, and it was still silent and dark.

"anyone there?"

Ye Chen shouted loudly, hoping that someone would respond and tell himself what happened.

However, there was still deathly silence in the darkness, without any response.

Ye Chen could only lean against the wall and fumbled to turn on the light.

After turning on the lights, Ye Chen found a couple lying on the carpet in the room inside, wondering what the situation was like.

...For flowers...

Ye Chen hurried over, tried the couple's breath and checked their physical condition.

He didn't suffer any injuries, and his breathing was regular, so he fell asleep.

"Wake up! Wake up!

Ye Chen yelled and shook, trying to wake up the couple and ask what happened.

But to no avail, the couple still fell asleep deeply, with no trace of waking up.

Ye Chen had no choice but to go to a few nearby houses to see if there was anyone who could tell himself what happened.

However, these households are in exactly the same state as the first household Ye Chen entered.

People fell asleep deeply and couldn't wake up at all.

What happened? Ye Chen started to become a little irritable.

By the way, Professor Oak called himself before, he must have known something.

There must be a clue to him.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen went to Professor Oak's laboratory non-stop.

After pushing the door open, Ye Chen found that the several research institutes were lying straight on the ground. Like the residents before, they all fell asleep.

Ye Chen hurried to the bottom of the laboratory and found that Professor Oak was also lying on the ground asleep.

Professor Oak was still holding the hung-up phone in his hand, and the correspondent displayed on the interface of the phone was Ye Chen.

It seems that Professor Oak realized something just now and wanted to call himself to explain the situation.

It’s just that an accident happened before it was over.

Just when Ye Chen was helpless and wanted to continue looking for clues in the laboratory.

A mysterious force flooded into Ye Chen's head, and a strong sleepiness came.

Ye Chen became sleepy instantly, his eyelids pulled weakly, as if he was about to close his eyes and fell asleep at any time. Of

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