Chapter 353

"If so, please line up outside and wait a moment. Now our various departments are full of people, and many businesses can't be handled anymore!"

"If you are not very urgent, please wait a while. The electronic screen in the lobby will inform you which department is free and which department is busy in real time. If you see that the department you want to go to is free, just go by yourself.

Ye Chen didn't expect that he hadn't been to the alliance headquarters for a while, and they had developed to a fully automatic state, and even the electronic projection screen was used to broadcast the real-time affairs of each department.

It can also be seen that the people in the recent league are really annoyed by the trainers who come to find someone.

Moreover, those trainers who came to the Pokémon Alliance headquarters to find someone to cause trouble for nothing, let alone add some workload for them for no reason, and these things are not serious and very serious things, they are just some. It's a trivial matter.

But, after all, the other party is a trainer and is the object of their Pokémon Alliance's services. As long as the trainer really has this requirement, their Pokémon Alliance must help others to solve it within the scope of their ability.

So that's why they can't reject these trainers, they can't turn people out and close the door.

After hearing the security guard's words, Ye Chen smiled helplessly. He couldn't help but say, "Brother security guard, don't you look up and see who I am to talk?|||"

Although Ye Chen hasn't been faceless in the Pokémon Alliance for a long time, he is the leader at any rate. How can the security guard not know the voice of his immediate boss!!

Therefore, the moment he heard Ye Chen's voice, his whole body immediately became energetic.The moment he raised his head, his eyes were shining brightly, and he stared directly at Ye Chen. The expression can be said to be excited and almost crying!

"Leader, you are finally here!"

The security guard yelled, and almost rushed to give Ye Chen a sturdy bear hug.

The security guard was very excited, and Ye Chen hurriedly made a silent gesture to him, and then looked around in a hurry.

After discovering that no one noticed their side, I was relieved.

Turning his head, he smiled and said to Brother Security, "Don't get excited, Brother Security. I know that the Alliance has not been very peaceful recently, so, isn't I here to solve the problem for you?!"

"Don't worry, I already know what this matter is, giving me a few days will definitely restore the league to normal order, and there will be no more troubles.

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Brother Security was really excited and was about to cry. He barely controlled himself, holding Ye Chen's voice with trembling hands, and trembling along with him and said, "It's really too much for you to come back, lord. Okay, don't you know, our headquarters is really about to be overwhelmed by these trainings recently!"

"In order to find you, these people have to come to the headquarters for all major and minor matters, and they will stay (good) for a long time when they come alone. Many trainers have serious things to deal with. , And they were all delayed by people like them..

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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