The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 354 Ye Chen seems to have become a prey

Chapter 354 Ye Chen seems to have become a prey

"Besides, our alliance was originally for the trainers, so it’s not easy to say anything, so even if it is to make excuses to delay time, we can’t drive people away, so everyone in the alliance during this period of time is really All suffered."

Hearing that a big security guard has such feelings, Ye Chen only feels that he is really a bit sorry for them in this matter.

So Ye Chen held the security guard's hand tightly with his backhand, and said firmly, "Don't worry, this matter will be handled by me. After today, everything in the headquarters of our Pokémon Alliance will return to normal. Yes, trust me."

With Ye Chen, the leader promised himself, the security guard was so excited, he kept nodding, and his eyes were full of tears when he looked at Ye Chen.

"Okay, lord, all of us really can only rely on you this time, and we have nothing else to do, so this time it is all from Facade. I believe that this time you will be able to solve it smoothly. "

Faced with the firm encouragement and encouragement from the security brother, Ye Chen was a little embarrassed. He patted the shoulder of the brother Bao, and signaled him to do his own job first and go back to stick to his post. Worried.

The security eldest brother also knows that Ye Chen must start to deal with this matter (bdf) when he came to the headquarters this time, so he will no longer delay Ye Chen's time, no longer disturb them, and respectfully give Ye Chen After bowing, he returned to his original job position.

This time Ye Chen came to the headquarters of the Pokémon Alliance to release news.

So he didn't go directly to his leader's office or deliberately took Luyao and Lange around the Pokémon Alliance to the headquarters, starting from the offices of various departments at the grassroots level.

There were a lot of people in the alliance, and after Ye Chen deliberately walked around, the news that Ye Chen returned to the Pokémon alliance immediately spread.

Yaoyao followed Ye Chen, looking at the eyes and gazes of those people looking at Ye Chen, she was worried for Ye Chen.

On several occasions, she saw that several trainers could not help but wanted to rush to stop Ye Chen. Fortunately, the friends around them were able to stop them directly because they were more sensible.

In this way, after Ye Da swaggered around in the Pokémon Alliance headquarters, he slowly returned to his alliance leader office.

After closing the office door, Lu Yao and the others were the only people in the room.

After there were no outsiders, they all relaxed, and no longer felt as tight as they were outside.

They sighed long and hardly sitting on the sofa one by one, and said:

"Oh my God, I really scared me to death. I didn't expect these trainers to be so crazy one by one. Have you seen the eyes and eyes of those people looking at us?"

"It really looks like a cheetah, lurking around at any time, trying to rush to kill us.

Miss Sheng Lan also nodded, and said in harmony, "This is the first time I was stared at by everyone with such hatred. To be honest, I was terrified in my heart at the time. I really didn't know if they would not. He would rush directly in front of so many people. But fortunately, everyone is still more sensible."

ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

The important thing is said three times!!!!!.

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