Chapter 424-Arrest Warrant

Anyway, the current Boss Kim is in anger. He is unhappy at seeing anything. After seeing that he has said something, no one responds to him. Kicked him and said, "If there is nothing to report, you can get out of here and don't get in the way of Lao Tzu's eyes.

The man got up from the ground numbly, patted the dust on his body, just about to escape from this dangerous place, suddenly he remembered something, and rolled back in a hurry.

"Boss, I suddenly remembered something, but I'm still not sure about the authenticity of this thing, because we haven't had time to make sure when it happened suddenly."

"whats the matter?

Boss Jin only feels that his current patience is about to be polished by this group of people.If there is something, they can't report to him in one go. They have to act in batches again and again to make themselves truly. It feels messy and unpleasant.

The person said: "I heard that Officer Jenny and their surprise inspections this time were not just an ordinary inspection. The line (bdf) moves!"

"However, the accuracy of this news is not certain, because it happened too suddenly. We didn't hear any news from the eyeliner of the police station. So far, he can't be contacted. So we don’t know whether this is true or false."

When Boss Kim heard that Officer Jenny was holding the search warrant and arrest warrant approved by the superior in their hands, his face changed instantly!

With both hands hard, he violently grabbed the collars on both sides of his hands and lifted his whole person directly. He looked at the man with a full face and said fiercely: "This news intelligence, why don't you Tell me earlier? What are you hesitating about?"

Boss Jin grabbed his collar by his collar and strangled his neck. He was uncomfortable and couldn't catch his breath. He was struggling and he didn't know how to get rid of Boss Jin.

But Boss Kim caught him tightly, and didn't want to let him go. That person could only hold back to accept this posture, and replied to his boss, "I just remembered it just now, after all, this matter We are still not sure about the accuracy, so we dare not report it at all. We are worried that if our intelligence source is wrong, it will delay other major events of the company group after a while.

Boss Jin’s temperament is placed here. It is not a ten thousand sure thing. The people under their hands usually don’t dare to report it like this, for fear that nothing happens after making a fuss for no reason. .

So generally speaking, the people under their hands are not fully sure, and they dare not report to Boss Jin.

It can also be reflected from the side that Boss Jin is such a terrifying leader in normal times.

This subordinate may not know what the police mean with the arrest warrant and search warrant, but Boss Jin clearly knows the meaning behind it, so he immediately changed his face after hearing the news. , The whole person is not as calm and calm as just now.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

The important thing is said three times!!!!!.

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