Chapter 440

The current boss Kim has no more leisure and no work to pay attention to this group of mindless men. Live them."

Then he turned his head and said to Ye Chen, "Boss Ye, now that the incident suddenly happened, I am afraid that I can only apologize for you and me to leave the entertainment city temporarily.

Ye Chen pretended to be ignorant, and asked in a daze, "What's wrong, why do you have to evacuate suddenly?"

Boss Jin had already started to panic. While explaining to Ye Chen, he packed up the table and left those things. At the same time, he did not forget to check the surroundings carefully.

It can be seen that he is very careful and meticulous, trying not to leave any clues.

He said: "If the police have already applied for an arrest warrant, then I think they must have found other evidence and can prove it forcefully. That's why I am confident that I will apply for an arrest warrant to my superiors and come to arrest me."

"So, if we want to survive, this time we must hurry up and evacuate."

After saying this, Boss Jin had just left them on the table, and all the things discussed about the cooperation contract and so on were all sorted out.

He turned his head to look at Ye Chen and said, "Boss Ye, if you don't want to have an accident, you can choose to evacuate directly with me. If you don't believe me, after leaving the casino, you can also choose to go alone. !"

"Anyway, I don't insist on how you choose to look at yourself, but since you are my partner now, I hope you don't have any accidents. After that, we will make a lot of money together."

From what Boss Jin said, it can be seen that he is quite sure that he can escape from the entertainment city and escape this search.

In that case, how could Ye Chen leave alone by himself?

"Boss Jin, now they are all my partners, how could I not trust you, and this is your place, it will be safer if you are there, so I will go with you!"

"Okay, then don't hesitate, everything is under my direction."

Ever since, Ye Chen followed Boss Jin and left, and immediately began to evacuate from the pool party on the top floor.

It turned out that Ye Chen thought that there should be a lot of secret passages in this entertainment city, but he didn't expect that Boss Jin took Ye Chen and left from the front door in a fair manner.

...For flowers,

And they didn't expect that Boss Kim's time point could be so delicate. The moment Officer Jenny and their police vehicles arrived at the main entrance of the entertainment city, they walked out of the entertainment city.

When the police officers pulled up the cordon and began to evacuate the surrounding onlookers, they were already mixed in the crowd and were evacuated together.

Then when the cordon was opened, the two of them had completely stood outside the cordon.


Watching people from the police force surround the entertainment city on the third and outer floors, countless boring crowds began to watch outside, wanting to join in the fun.

Ye Chen couldn't help feeling that this boss Jin was quite clever. He walked slantingly and didn't even think about the secret roads and other methods. Instead, he left the front door in such a fair manner, and then mixed in with these ordinary people. Even if the police stand in front of him, it is difficult to be spotted.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!P,

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