Chapter 468

At the moment, Petalburg Woods is crowded with people, and trainers come here deliberately everywhere.

They didn't expect that Rayquaza would attack suddenly, and there was no time to react, and even too late to summon their Pokémon. They could only rely on themselves to safely avoid Rayquaza's attack.

But even so, someone was accidentally hit by Rayquaza's attack.

Seeing the sudden riot in front of him, Ye Chen's face was pale, he rubbed the Poké Ball in his hand tightly, his eyes were cold, but there was no movement.

Lange and Yaoyao beside him were anxious, standing beside Ye Chen and shouting loudly: "Ye Chen, think of a way!"

"This Rayquaza started attacking indiscriminately so suddenly!"

"Ye Chen, think of a way!"

The ears were not only the sharp Growl, cry for help, and miserable Growl from the trainers who were attacked, but also the urging sounds from Lange and Luyao.

It seems that at this moment, no matter what happens at the moment, Ye Chen should be allowed to go.

However, they forgot that Ye Chen is also an individual and an ordinary person with limited abilities!

How could he be so strong that he can cope with everything and plan everything!

It's just like everyone is screaming and screaming, either desperately avoiding the attack, or they are injured, lying on the ground with despair!

Because these three Rayquazas were summoned by Ye Chen, everyone took it for granted that Ye Chen had already come out to clean up this mess and come out to solve this matter!

But what they didn't know was that Ye Chen himself wanted to come out and solve this matter. The three Rayquazas were indeed summoned by him. When they saw that the three Rayquazas did not obey orders and started riots without authorization, Ye Chen's The first thing I thought of was to collect them again through Poké Ball!

Doing so is the quickest and simplest way to solve things!

But what he didn't expect was that the three Rayquaza Poké Balls were destroyed by themselves after releasing Rayquaza, and they could no longer be used!

So now Ye Chen has no way to summon these three Rayquazas back.

In desperation, Ye Chen had to choose another method, which was the simplest and rude way to play against the three Rayquazas.

But when Ye Chen wanted to summon his Rayquaza, Mew, and other Pokémon, he subconsciously touched the Poké Ball on his waist.

He didn't touch his Poké Ball as he imagined, but after touching his empty pocket, he reacted suddenly.

It turned out that all of his Poké Balls had been transferred by Song Yang.

It is precisely because of this that these three Rayquazas can be transferred to their side.

At the same time, Ye Chen suddenly reacted and figured out Song Yang's plan.It turned out that Song Yang planned to put Ye Chen into such a dilemma from the beginning, and wanted to make him a place for everyone to lose. No goal!

He first spread the news that Caterpie could evolve to become Rayquaza. After it attracted widespread attention from everyone, he once again increased the intensity of the rumors, focusing all the fishing vessels and guiding them, and all the guidelines were in Ye Chen's body.

And this point to increase the intensity of the rumors is the power of Zhao Mew among the rumors!

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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