The Era Of Pokemon: God-level Gacha System

Chapter 469 Ye Chen's Biggest Crisis

Chapter 469 Ye Chen's Biggest Crisis

Because Ye Chen is the leader of the alliance, it is not a secret thing that he owns Pokémon Mew.

The reason why he emphasized Caterpie in the rumors is that he needs the power of Mew, that is, he wants everyone's attention and focus to be on Ye Chen, so that it is convenient for follow-up actions to be carried out and can better target Ye Chen.

Then he used the blue style to wrap the Pokémon on Ye Chen, and transferred the three artificially forged mechanical Rayquaza to Ye Chen. In the jungle, he pushed the direction of the matter again and provoked the trainer and Ye Chen. The contradiction between them, to push everyone to speak up, look at Ye Chen’s Pokémon

So, this allowed Ye Chen to release the three Rayquaza that had been tuned.

With Ye Chen's hand, he not only planted Ye Chen to blame Ye Chen, but also further provoke disputes. He has never appeared from beginning to end, and he has always controlled everything with Ye Chen's hands.

Ye Chen is doing these things from beginning to end. In the eyes of others, the culprit is Ye Chen.

In this way, it has indeed reached what Lange once said to Ye Chen, Song Yang wants to ruin Ye Chen, and taste the things that Song Yang experienced in the first place!

Suddenly, Ye Chen finally figured out everything, and finally figured out exactly what Song's plan for the Yang series was.

It turns out that his purpose is so simple and pure, after winding around such a big circle, he wants to ruin himself and push all the black pots on himself.

Perhaps later, he will come forward to solve this series of disasters, and it will logically become a hero in the eyes of everyone's savior.

Ye Chen sneered. Unexpectedly, Song Yang planned all this carefully, trying to step on himself to make him succeed.

It's really a trick


Accurately calculated to everyone, every step!

But Ye Chen also had to admit that Song Yang's meticulous plan really made him join in.

Originally, he confidently agreed with Lange's promise to Song Yang to deal with his Pokémon.

What he thought at the time was nothing more than Song Yang's own Pokémon, Pokémon would belong to him after all, and it was absolutely impossible to obey Song Yang's orders.

It's just that what he thought was completely different from Song Yang's. He thought that Song Yang had tuned his Pokémon, perhaps the Pokémon he wanted to annex.


It's just that Ye Chen didn't think that Song Yang's real purpose was not to annex his Pokémon as his own, but to transfer the machine Rayquaza he arranged to manufacture to Ye Chen's side through the adjustment of the package. .

Thus there is such a scene now.

After thinking about Song Yang's plan, Ye Chen's face was extremely ugly.

He didn't even think that he still lost to Song Yang one section, and he really calculated it.

Because Song Yang had transferred all his Pokémon away, all the Pokémon he could use now were not by his side.

And if you want to defeat these three Rayquazas, even though they are artificially forged, you can see that they are still very powerful. With the Pokémon in these ordinary trainers in the forest, I want to team up and solve the three Rayquazas. It is almost impossible.

Ps: Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Ask for full order, ask for custom order, ask for flowers, ask for monthly ticket, ask for evaluation ticket, all kinds of requests!!!!!

Say the important thing three times!!!!!

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