"If that half-step reincarnation supreme realm comes to attack you, you will immediately call the patrol army from the universe. There are two reincarnation supreme-level bosses there, who can easily deal with this extraterritorial demon." Zhou Zhou Fan went on to say

"Okay, Master." Ye Linger said softly.

"Okay, husband. We remember it." Nangong Xin'er said lightly.

"Well, remember, I want you to defend this time. Don't attack casually. The special police is you, Ling'er. You must listen to your wife's words." Zhou Fan looked at Ye Ling~er dotingly, and then warned.

"Master, Linger remembered." Ye Linger said softly.

"Well. Good. Just remember to let it dry. Go ahead. Just use my Nine Dragons Immortal Ship to fly. I'll just wait for a person to cross the starry sky to find that fierce beast." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Master, you have to be careful." Ye Linger said worriedly.

"I will." After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he flew down to hang the Nine Dragon Immortal Ship, and flew towards the direction pointed by Dean Taiqing.

Ye Ling'er and Nangong Xin'er, after seeing Zhou Fan's back disappear into the cosmic starry sky, also drove the Nine Dragon Immortal Ship towards the North Star Territory.

The planet where the beast was located was not very far from where the Nine Dragon Immortal Ship was just now.

Zhou Fan, who didn't fly long, came to the sky above this planet.

He looked at it carefully and found that the planet was very large, and the whole body was blood red. In the atmosphere of this planet, there was a lot of dead energy. It must be the death energy generated by the monk killed by the beast.

And the strangest thing about this planet is that half of its stars have been assimilated by beasts. Its star became the body of a beast.

The beast grew up with the entire planet. And the original star is still being swallowed by monsters. I believe that it won't be long before such a huge blood-red planet will be merged with Wu Rong.

Seeing this, Zhou Fan was shocked.

It was the first time he had seen a beast the size of an entire planet.

And the bell pin of the supreme level of reincarnation is hanging on the neck of this super large beast. The whole body of the bell pin was green, and it was covered with carvings of flowers, birds and insects.

With a slight sway of the bell, several asteroids around the blood-red planet turned into powder.

It seems to be aware of an approaching creature. The super-large beast that rose with the blood-red planet slowly opened its black eyes.

After looking at Zhou Fan, it said to Zhou Fan in a strange language: "Human, what are you doing here?"

"To help senior. I want to borrow the bell pin on senior's neck. When I'm done, I will return it to senior." Zhou Fan said with sincerity.

"I want to borrow my bell. What do you want?" said the huge beast.

At present, "the human race universe has been invaded by extraterrestrial demons. The junior wants to use the bell pin of the senior to suppress the extraterritorial demons." Zhou Fan continued.

After hearing Zhou Fan's words, the huge beast gasped heavily.

"Haha. Those extraterritorial demons are coming to spray again. It seems that the lesson the master gave them back then was not enough." The super beast continued.

"Let's do it, kid. I don't need to lend you the bell. I'll go directly with you. Let's go to destroy these extraterrestrial demons. Back then, the master devoted his whole life to suppressing the source of the dark turmoil. Now that the master is dead, As the most powerful Lingwu under his command, I will naturally take over his last wish to suppress the extraterrestrial demons." The super beast continued.

"In this way, I, Zhou Fan, will thank my seniors." Zhou Fan saluted the planet-level giant beast.

The super large beast gasped for two breaths, then opened its mouth wide and devoured the remaining half of the star. The entire planetaryization becomes its body.

Half of its body is now flesh and blood, while the other half is a whole planet. The two are intermingled with each other.

Then it took two heavy breaths and slowly flew towards the depths of the starry sky.

As it flew away, the satellites that were originally around it and revolved around it lost their gravity in an instant. Several satellites collided with each other, and with a bang, they exploded, turning into the dust of Xiao Universe.

"Boy. You are the king of this generation of the human race. You are at the pinnacle of the Divine Sovereign Realm. You have six swords in the unparalleled sword box, and you can master the Six Paths Samsara swordsmanship and the Qinglian sword song. It's okay." The beast said.

"Come up and put it on my back, boy. If you cross the starry sky for a long time, it will also be a huge drain on your body." The planet-level beast raised blood and said.

0… Ask for flowers.

After listening to its words, Zhou Fan immediately jumped on the back of this planetary beast.

Not to mention the back.

This vicious beast has already been integrated into one planet, and it is extremely huge. Zhou Fan can only be regarded as falling on a certain piece of land on this beast planet.

Zhou Fan felt the land, Zhou Fan found that the land was agitating slightly, as if breathing.

Then there are countless huge bloodstreams that flow down from under the land. Anyone who knows that these are the blood vessels of this beast.

Standing on the land, Zhou Fan's eyes looked at the bell hanging on the neck of the planetary beast again.

On the bell pin, he felt the Taoist meaning flowing from the Supreme Being of Samsara.

Slowly, he was attracted by this Taoism, and his consciousness was completely integrated into this Taoism.


He saw countless human beings' reincarnation supreme seniors in this Taoism. They are all resisting powerful demons outside the realm.

Slowly, Zhou Fan also felt the method of cultivating into the Supreme Reincarnation from the seniors of the Supreme Reincarnation of the human race.

He gathered his mind and practiced according to these.

Not long. He felt that the barriers to his cultivation at the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm were loose. As long as it works hard again, it can reach the realm of half-step reincarnation supreme.

Zhou Fan was overjoyed. He didn't expect that this Reincarnation Supreme item would have such a powerful effect.

He communicated that the supreme rule was born and modified the rules of heaven and earth on the bell, and he obtained the perfect method to cultivate into the supreme being of reincarnation.

Afterwards, he gathered his mind and worshipped the three demonized creation gods, Nuwa, Pangu, and Fuyihou in his heart.

He practiced according to this method.

Three months later, he successfully broke through to the realm of half-step reincarnation supreme.

Zhou Fan opened his eyes and laughed.

Reincarnation Supreme, although it was only half a step, he finally broke through. In the true sense, he stood in the queue of the strongest in the billions of universes.

The Feather Clan Samsara Supreme said it was not wrong. If you really believe in the three demonized creation gods, the curse of the creation gods about the shackles of cultivation will disappear.

"Aah, boy. Not bad. Just by understanding the yin and yang bells, I have broken through to the half-step reincarnation supreme realm." The planet-level beast said. little,

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