The Era of the Law of the People: Full-level Talent at the Start

Chapter 290 Returning to the North Star Region

"Hahaha, I have to thank the seniors for this. The bells are full of Dao rhyme, and I broke through the realm after a while." Zhou Fan said softly.

"Of course, the bell pin on my body is a treasure left by the Supreme Reincarnation. It is naturally full of the laws of the Great Dao. If you go to comprehend and comprehend more, you may make greater progress." The planetary beast said. .

"Okay. Senior." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Boy, it's done. I'm going to speed up now." The planetary monster said.

Zhou Fan felt a loud rumbling sound on the entire beast planet, and the star core inside the planet began to spin frantically.

It didn't take long for Zhou Fan to feel the starry sky around him flashing past his eyes at an extreme speed.

He knew that the planet-level beast "830" was frantically driving towards the North Star Region.

Zhou Fan smiled, not expecting such a huge body to fly so much.

This beast is also an outlier.

Zhou Fan didn't care about this planet-level beast anymore, he put all his thoughts on the bell pin on the beast's neck, and realized it happily and carefully.

As his divine consciousness kept contacting the bell pin of the supreme level of reincarnation. More and more information about the Dao Law also poured into his mind.

These Dao Laws were accumulating more and more in his mind. At most, a complete cultivation method has been formed. A method on how to cultivate to the supreme state of reincarnation. But to succeed in cultivation, the conditions are extremely harsh. First of all, you must enter the star core of a hundred stars to absorb the power, and then you must leave the distracting thoughts and practice quietly for one million years, comprehend the laws of heaven, earth, and heaven, and successfully cultivate the mirror energy.

Zhou Fan didn't have time to do this now, so he put it down temporarily.

"Boy, it's here. Wake up." The planetary beast turned his huge head and said towards Zhou Fan.

Hearing his words, Zhou Fan slowly opened his eyes from the meditation, and then he glanced at the starry sky outside the domain, and found that he had come to the northern star domain.

There are countless extraterritorial demons around the star field, and they are gathered around them. Those extraterritorial demons are showing Bao's scarlet eyes and staring at them, as if they are staring at a prey.

Zhou Fan smiled bitterly and said towards the star killer, "We seem to be treated as prey. Haha."

"Yes, it seems that these extraterritorial demons have passed thousands of years, but they are still the same. When they smelled the breath of other creatures, they rushed up like a stinky fly." The planetary beast said.

"Senior, let me deal with them." After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he transferred the three divine swords in the Wushuang Sword Box to Xiaoyun. As soon as those divine swords came out, they flew a few times in the air.

"Hey, let me do it. Let you see the power of this yin-yang bell pin." Planet Star said.

"Okay, then it depends on the performance of the seniors." Zhou Fan said lightly, and put the three divine swords in the peerless sword box.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.

The huge bell pin on the neck of the monster rang, and there were bursts of crisp sounds. These sounds contained a powerful force, which reverberated in the entire outer starry sky.

Zhou Fan found that the bell pin was exuding circles of blue ripples, and these ripples spread towards the outer starry sky at an extreme speed. The extraterritorial demons who came into contact with these ripples were chopped to pieces.

It didn't take long for these extraterrestrial demons around the planet-level beasts to be destroyed.

"Senior, it's a good idea. Your bell pin is too powerful." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Of course. This bell pin is the almighty natal treasure. A bell pin can kill all things." Xing Xing Wu slightly said proudly.

"But senior, the ones we just killed were just some of the extraterrestrial demons. The extraterrestrial demons that just died were no more than Immortal Kings. To truly eradicate this human race's extraterrestrial demons, it is still Those Immortal Emperor-level, God-Emperor-level and Half-step Samsara Supreme-level Heavenly Demons must be wiped out." Zhou Fan said softly.

"You kid, what you said is reasonable." The planetary beast said lightly.

"That's it. I am inconvenient to move, and my bell pin is also a large-scale killing weapon. I have a large-scale solution to those low-level extraterritorial demons. You go and solve those top-level extraterritorial demons.." Planetary murderer The beast continued.

"So, just right." After Zhou Fan finished speaking, he got up and flew away from the planet-level beast and came to the outer starry sky of the Demon Domain.

After instructing the planet-level beast: "Be careful."

The two parted ways. Zhou Fan went to Ye Linger and Nangong Xiner. The planet-level beasts are heading deeper into the northern star field, where they will destroy those extraterritorial demons from planet to planet.

Linger, "How's the battle situation recently?" Zhou Fan came to Ye Linger and asked.

"It's not very good. Our human race has a lot of casualties. The other half-step reincarnation supreme realm on the opposite side and the three extraterritorial demons at the peak of the god emperor are very difficult to deal with, killing a lot of immortal kings and immortals on our side. An emperor-level cultivator." Ye Linger said softly when she saw Zhou Fan approaching her side.

"It's okay, my teacher is now half a step back to the Supreme Realm of Reincarnation. It's just a very simple matter to solve these extraterrestrial demons." Zhou Fan stared at the extraterritorial demons in the extraterritorial starry sky who were fighting with the human race monks, and said coldly.

"Master, you are progressing so fast. You have already stepped into the Supreme Realm of Reincarnation. But Ling'er is still at the peak of the Divine Sovereign Realm." Ye Linger was surprised to hear that Zhou Fan was half a step into the Supreme Realm of Reincarnation. said.

"They all said that I was born with the Supreme Being, and I was the most enchanting Tianji in the human race. I think the master is the most talented cultivator of the human race. 3.8." Ye Linger looked at Zhou Fan like a little fan girl.

"Haha. Your master is just lucky." Zhou Fan said lightly.

Then he looked at the bodies of the few extraterrestrial demons at the peak of the God Emperor Realm. On their bodies, Zhou Fan found a familiar aura, an aura that belonged to the descendants.

Could it be that those descendants were possessed by the extraterrestrial demons?

Zhou Fan felt that things were a bit strange, so he took Ye Linger to the sky outside the realm, and came to the front of the extraterritorial demons who were at the peak of the god emperor realm.

"Are you descendants?" Zhou Fan said coldly, looking at the three extraterrestrial demons.

After hearing Zhou Fan's words, the three god-king-level extraterritorial demons froze, and several pairs of scarlet eyes looked at him at the same time.

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