"Ming, I didn't expect that there are our same kind here." An extraterritorial demon said in a hoarse voice.

"To be able to find out that we are descendants, are you also a descendant?" Another extraterrestrial demon said coldly.

"That's right, you are the descendant. Otherwise, you won't be able to find us. If you guess correctly, you should be Zhou Fan." An extraterrestrial demon fluttered his flesh and blood wings.

"Well. I'm Zhou Fan. Which force do you belong to? Why don't you help the human race, but help the extraterrestrial demons." Zhou Fan said lightly.

"Hehe, Zhou Fan. We are people you can't afford to offend. We belong to the seven supreme forces of Chaos Heaven." An extraterrestrial demon smiled coldly.

As for "Why do we want to join the extraterrestrial demons and help them. That's because you are sure to lose." Another extraterritorial demon continued.

"Humph. We have six reincarnation supreme beings and hundreds of millions of racial creatures, many of which are powerful people who can arbitrarily rule the ages. How do you know that we will be defeated." Zhou Fan looked at it with cold eyes After glancing at the three extraterrestrial demons, Leng 04 said coldly.

"Hahaha, Zhou Fan, have you been here for too long and your brain has become stupid. This time, the ultimate mission released by the Holy Tower of Samsara: to kill the source of darkness and turmoil. It is impossible for you to complete it. Because of the source of darkness and turmoil. It is the Creation God who has created countless universes and countless creatures. How can ordinary creatures compete with the Creation God?" An extraterritorial demon fluttered - under its ugly flesh and blood wings, said coldly.

"This billions of universes are destined to become the slaughterhouse of the extraterritorial demons. We just joined it early to follow the trend. Follow the general trend and assist the extraterritorial demons to unify the universe and all realms. When we go, we can also get good ones. Evaluate rewards, and even get tickets to the Holy Land." Another extraterrestrial demon said lightly.

"Hmph, the bullshit trend. Even if it is the trend, I will reverse him. And we have sent three Supreme Reincarnations along the river of time to kill the two demonized creation gods. " Zhou Fan said softly.

"Zhou Fan, you're not really stupid enough to pin your hopes on those three supreme beings of reincarnation. In addition," an extraterrestrial demon said.

"I tell you, the three reincarnation supremes have already died in the long river of time." The extraterrestrial demon with flesh and blood wings added.

"Impossible. Reincarnation Supreme is the strongest among the billions of universes. How can he die?" Zhou Fan said coldly.

Hahaha". The God of Creation sensed that there were three Supreme Reincarnations going upstream along the long river of time, so he sent ten extraterrestrial demons of the Supreme Reincarnation level to go to the time node to kill them. Your three extraterrestrial demons The dead can't be dead again." The flesh-winged extraterritorial demon sarcastically said.

"The God of Creation is so powerful that he can produce ten extraterrestrial demons of the supreme level of reincarnation." Zhou Fan took a deep breath after listening to their words.

He felt that the two demonized creation gods were like a mother's nest, capable of generating powerful extraterrestrial demons in an unlimited amount through demonic energy. Then put it into each node in the long river of time to invade the creatures of the universe.

"Okay. Zhou Fan. We are looking at Datong as the descendant, and tell you that it is so late." The flesh-winged extraterritorial demon continued.

"Now you're done listening. You and the lady beside you can die."

"I heard that this young lady is still born with a supreme bone or something. I will dig her bone when I kill her." Another extraterrestrial demon said coldly.

"Really? You are so sure that you can kill me with only three God Emperor Realm. The reason why I didn't do it just now was just to hear you finish. Now you can die too." Zhou Fan said coldly. His eyes looked at the three extraterrestrial demons in front of Xiao, and said coldly.

"Presumptuous. Zhou Fan. We are all veteran powerhouses in the seven supreme forces of Chaos Heaven. How dare you speak to us like this. Today I will let you die, and your true spirit will be destroyed forever." The three God-Emperor-level extraterritorial demons attacked and killed Zhou Fan at high speed.

Zhou Fan smiled coldly as he watched their figures flying up.

"Feiyu." Zhou Fan called out and moved the Feiyu Divine Sword from the Wushuang Sword Box.

After hearing Zhou Fan's order, Fei Yu quickly moved towards the three extraterritorial demons to kill Xiao.

But he was dodged by the extremely fast movements of the extraterritorial demons.

Seeing this, Zhou Fan shouted again.

"Thunder, dragon scales."

As his voice fell, the two divine swords were hooked from the Wushuang Sword Box and fell onto Zhou Fan's hands.

Zhou Fan used his half-step Reincarnation Supreme Realm cultivation, and used the Thunder Sword to move towards the three extraterrestrial demons.

Tens of thousands of lightning flashes released Yunlai from the tip of the Thunder Sword, wrapping the three extraterrestrial demons.

And Fei Yu was also flying at high speed next to the three extraterritorial demons, looking for an opportunity to attack.

"Hmph. Zhou Fan. I didn't expect you to have this kind of ability." The flesh-winged extraterritorial demon said coldly.

"But we are not vegetarian." After the other extraterrestrial demon finished speaking, a mantra was uttered in his mouth very quickly.

As he spells 830, his thoughts move faster and faster.

A large area of ​​black qi appeared around him, and these black qi formed a nether realm, which completely offset the thunder of the Thunder Sword's release rhyme.

And this nether realm is constantly expanding, and there are countless skeleton soldiers and skeleton generals with spears in the realm.

"Aah. Zhou Fan. We know that you are a half-step reincarnation supreme realm. You are stronger than us." The extraterritorial demon with flesh and blood wings said coldly.

"Although the three of us are in the realm of God Emperor, we have magical powers and treasures bestowed by the God of Creation on our bodies. You can't beat us." Another extraterrestrial demon said lightly.

"The move just now is called Nether Realm, which can produce unlimited powerful skeleton soldiers and skeleton generals. They will continue to attack you." The flesh-winged extraterrestrial demon said coldly.

After listening to his words, Zhou Fan looked at the Nether Realm exuding endless deadness and pondered.

This Nether Realm is tainted with evil spirits. Except for the extraterrestrial demons, ordinary monks in the Divine Sovereign Realm will die if they touch it.

And if he gets a little bit of it, his strength and cultivation will be greatly limited.

If you stay in it for a long time, it is estimated that the Supreme Reincarnation will also dissolve in it. ,

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