The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 998: Fusion of the power of the nineteenth-color star to create the ‘blood sun’ and return t

In the center of the Rose Sun Galaxy, in front of the stars.

Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' saw the seventh-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' suppressing the seventh-level mountain spirit throughout the whole process, and even refining and returning it to its origin as the elemental origin, integrating it into the 'Elemental Sea', and sending it to Peng. Enjoy the process in the 'melting pot'.

In his heart, he marveled at the power of Instructor Peng Yue and the restraint power of the seventh-level ‘Metal Furnace’ of the Wanxiang Star Palace against the elemental spirits.

At the same time, looking at the effect of the seventh-level 'Metal Furnace', Liang Ji suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart. He vaguely felt that he might have found the way to fuse the 'Power of Rose Sun', and even prevent 'Guey Sun' from attacking the blood. Yang' changes, or even the way to change it back.

"The Forge of All Laws!"

"It's really amazing!"

Liang Ji's thoughts turned around and he made a decision.

This 'melting pot of ten thousand arts' was originally one of the three star palace inheritances that Liang Ji decided to learn and master before advancing to a high-level star master.

However, after he advanced to the sixth-level Star Master, he chose to learn and master the 'Bloodline Catalog' which was more difficult to obtain first.

But now, after seeing the mystery of the seventh-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', he seemed to have some different perceptions and ideas about the fusion of the power of the sky demon to create stars.

At the moment, Liang Ji contacted Peng Yue directly and proposed the idea of ​​conducting some experiments with the help of the other party's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods'.

Peng Yue naturally agreed directly. The "Elemental Sea" origin that had just been devoured and the seventh-level mountain spirit origin of the "Ten Thousand Methods Furnace" did not take back the natal stars, but were sent directly to the stars and Liang Ji.

After Liang Ji thanked the other party, he sent the 'Dragon Pearl' and the 'Power of Rose Sun' collected previously into the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' in front of him.

Afterwards, he carefully experienced the changes of the 'Dragon Pearl' and 'Power of Rose Sun' in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'.

After a long time, he frowned and said in a deep voice, "It's still not enough."

After thinking about it, he summoned the 'Bloodline Catalog' which was collecting the power of seventh-level bloodlines from all over the battlefield in the void, activated its power, and immediately shot out a stream of blood light, which was also submerged into the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts'.

The three powers of the Dragon Ball, the power of the Rose Sun, and the "Bloodline Atlas" are colliding, merging, and experimenting in the "Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods" according to Liang Ji's vision.

At the same time, Peng Yue also activated the power of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' in accordance with Liang Ji's request.

Although the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', which has just been integrated into the origin of the 'Elemental Sea' and the seventh-level mountain spirit, is still at the fifth level, it undoubtedly has a mysterious power.

This continued for more than ten days. Although the situation in the "Guiyang Galaxy" was stabilized again, a steady stream of void monsters poured in from the holes and cracks in the "Star Map Array", and they still fought with Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others. Teams of men fought and fought endlessly, and the casualties continued to increase.

But before sitting cross-legged on the star, Liang Ji's 'Dragon Soul' did not move or care at all. Instead, he stared at the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' in front of him, constantly stimulating the power of the 'Bloodline Illustrated Record' and the 'Guiyang'. The power is sent into it, and attempts and experiments are carried out.

Finally, on this day, a dragon's roar seemed to come from the 'melting pot of ten thousand arts'. Liang Ji's frowning brows completely unfurled, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"Sure enough it happened!"

Then, he stretched out his hand to strike at the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', and a bright 'Dragon Ball' flew out from it, blooming with spiritual light in the void.

But at this time, what the 'Dragon Pearl' bloomed was no longer the eighteen-color light of creation, but turned into nineteen-color light of creation. On top of the original eighteen-color light of star power, there was one more The light of the power of the Rose Sun!

With the help of the power of the 'Metal Furnace' and the 'Bloodline Catalog', as well as his research on the light of creation of the 'Dragon Ball' over the years, as well as the research on the 'Power of the Rose Sun', he indeed succeeded in breaking the 'Dragon Ball' The limit is reached, and the power of the nineteenth kind of sky demon to create stars is integrated into it.

"Haha..." Liang Ji held the 'Dragon Ball' that bloomed with nineteen colors of light of creation in his hand, and laughed with satisfaction: "With this dragon ball, which combines the power of creation of blood yang and rose yang, I finally We are somewhat certain to stop this blood-yang mutation and even return it to Guiyang!"

After the words fell, Liang Ji raised the 'Dragon Pearl' and activated his power. A dragon's roar sounded, and the light of nineteen colors of creation shone out from it, directly shooting towards the star in the center of the galaxy.

Compared with the stars of a galaxy, the 'Dragon Ball' is undoubtedly as small as dust, and the nineteen colors of light of creation emitted from it are undoubtedly very dim among the bright light of the stars shining on the galaxy.

However, within such small, dim power and light, there is a different kind of power of creation.

It fell on the star, and the star that was transforming towards the Blood Sun suddenly stopped changing.

Even, under the light of Liang Ji's continuous activation of the 'Dragon Pearl', the blood color on the star in the center of the galaxy began to fade away, and the rose color returned.

The star that was originally changing towards the 'Blood Sun' gradually began to return to its origin, changing towards its original 'Rose Sun' appearance.

This second outbreak of the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power', although it contains the terrifying creation of the Sky Demon, can distort and shape the entire star field, causing new changes in the stars in various galaxies in the entire 'Sky Demon Star Field'. Creation, distortion, change.

The nineteen colors of light of creation contained in the 'Dragon Pearl' sacrificed by Liang Ji are undoubtedly like fireflies to the bright moon.

But although the light of the bright moon is bright, it needs to shine on the entire star field.

Although the light of the fireflies is dim, it only needs to illuminate the area in front of you.

Therefore, despite the mighty tide of the Sky Demon's power, it swept through the entire Sky Demon Star Territory and swallowed up the entire Rose Sun Galaxy.

But at this time, under Liang Ji's urging, the weak light of creation contained in the 'Dragon Pearl' still successfully prevented the change of the star in front of him and returned it to the color of 'Rose Sun'.

In the process, Liang Ji suddenly gained a deeper understanding and understanding of the power of the sky demon to create stars.

Next, he is even confident that he can use his own power to integrate more different types of power of the stars created by the sky demon into the "Dragon Ball", and achieve the integration of more types of power of the stars created by the sky demon.

"Of course, with the help of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', this fusion will only be faster and more successful!"

"It seems that after this tide of demon power ends, we still need to get the inheritance of the Wanxiang Star Palace, the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods', as soon as possible, integrate it into the natal stars, and gather the inheritance of the three star palaces."

"Otherwise, always relying on Peng Yue's 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' for fusion experiments is not an option."

"After all, it is her 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Techniques'. Only my own 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Techniques' can better carry out various fusion attempts and experiments."

Liang Ji's thoughts swirled in his mind and he suddenly made a decision.

"I just don't know. If I find a way to restrain the changes in the stars, resist the tidal creation of the power of the sky demon, and save the Star Alliance to open up the front line of the battlefield, can I directly get the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' from the Vientiane Star Palace? "

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