The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 999 Harvest from Distorted Stars and Galaxies Deterioration of the Situation on the Frontlin

In the Rose Sun galaxy, Liang Ji sacrificed the 'Dragon Pearl', blooming the light of nineteen colors of creation, preventing the changes in the creation of the sky demon in the star, and twisting it from the 'blood sun' back to the 'rose sun'.

As the stars changed, new changes also occurred simultaneously in the entire Rose Sun galaxy.

The originally displaced stars gradually moved back to their original positions under the influence of the power of the stars, and the changes in the mysteries of life and death in the stars gradually returned to normal.

Among the two life stars, the Snow Wolf Star and the Fire Lion Star, all kinds of doomsday disasters have gradually subsided, stopping the change from the life star to the death star.

What's more important is that with the changes in the stars in the galaxy, the 'star map array' that was originally distorted, deformed, and even broken by the changes in the galaxy gradually began to return to normal, and even many of the cracks on it began to Recover under the starlight.

The power of the recovered 'Star Map Array' was greatly increased, and it immediately resisted and suppressed the overflowing Void Monsters inside and outside the galaxy, and stabilized the precarious situation in the Rose Sun Galaxy.

Captains Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao, etc. immediately drove the starships and ordered the immortals, dependents, etc. to take the opportunity to launch a counterattack to attack the void demon tide, high-level void demon clan, etc. that had invaded the galaxy. , they were all defeated and killed, and they regained control of the "Geiyang Galaxy".

Liang Ji saw that the situation in the "Guiyang Galaxy" had initially stabilized, and more of his mind and consciousness were focused on the creation of "Dragon Ball", as well as changes in stars and galaxies.

In the process of confrontation and distortion between the creation of the 'Dragon Ball' and the changes in the stars, Liang Ji was able to gain a lot of useful insights from it.

The several changes between 'Blood Sun' and 'Rose Sun' can give him a deeper understanding of the power of various heavenly demons to create stars. There is no doubt that he will be able to integrate more types of powers of heavenly demons to create stars in the future. is of great help.

The process of the 'Dragon Ball' creation's confrontation with the creation in the tide of the power of the sky demon also allowed him to understand and appreciate the power of the creation of the sky demon contained in it more deeply and clearly, both for his monks and for those who will follow. Research on the power of the demon will be of great benefit.

Finally, between the two star changes of 'Rose Sun' and 'Blood Sun', as well as the changes in the stars and void power in the entire galaxy, he can also gain more insights and gains.

After the star master monk advances to the seventh level star master, he corresponds to the third level void refining realm. This realm requires the stars and various stars derived from the innate spiritual treasure "Celestial Star Array" in the void around the natal stars. , all refined, from false to real, from false to true.

It can be said that the cultivation of seventh-level star masters has expanded from the cultivation of natal stars to the cultivation, arrangement, and transformation of surrounding galaxies.

This time, Liang Ji feels and understands the changing processes of stars, stars, void power and other things in the Rose Sun Galaxy, which will undoubtedly be of great help to him later in refining and arranging his natal star galaxy.

At least when he arranges his natal star system, he can borrow the successful experience and learn the lessons of failure from these two changes in the galaxy.

Time passed quickly as Liang Ji twisted stars and galaxies, and understood the changes and power within them.

The 'Star Chart Array' in the 'Guiyang Galaxy' has been completely restored, suppressing the inside and outside of the galaxy.

And Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, with the help of this 'Star Map Array', regained control of the situation in the 'Guiyang Galaxy' and blocked a large number of void monsters from outside the galaxy. Crisis Lift.

Even, perhaps because the "Star Map Array" of the "Guishang Galaxy" has been restored, the void demon tide coming from the depths of the "Celestial Demon Star Territory" with the power of the sky demon has a great impact on the "Guishang Galaxy". 's attacks have been reduced a lot.

After all, these high-level void monsters who drove away the tide of void monsters were also very intelligent.

Now, on the frontline battlefields where the Star Alliance occupies various 'life galaxies', in addition to the Rose Sun Galaxy where the 'Star Map Array' has been restored, there are also galaxies where the 'Star Map Array' has been broken and has wide open holes. , for them to launch impact and attack.

In this case, these intelligent Void Monsters will naturally choose to give up the stronger defense of the Rose Sun Galaxy and turn to the distorted and broken star map formations on the frontline battlefield, which have greatly reduced defense. Galaxies' attack and claim victory.

In this way, even the two slightly closer galaxies near the Rose Sun Galaxy suffered more and stronger attacks from the void monsters in a short period of time, all of which were transferred from the Rose Sun Galaxy. The attack launched by the Void Demon Clan.

This has greatly increased the risks faced by these 'living galaxies'.

Within a few days, news came one after another from the frontline headquarters. This time, under the tide of the power of the sky demon, in the 'life galaxy' occupied by the Covenant front line, there were once again galaxies that were breached and captured by the void demon tide.

Among the Star Alliance's pioneering legions, there were once again a large number of casualties, and even the death of a seventh-level star master!

Compared with the first eruption of the tidal wave of the power of the sky demon, the Covenant was undoubtedly better prepared this time. However, the changes in the creation of the power of the sky demon contained in the tide caused changes in the stars of various galaxies, and the Covenant was still defeated. The Pioneer Legion was caught off guard.

Coupled with the sneak attacks and attacks from super-civilized enemies such as gods and elemental spirits that sneaked into the battlefield, the Covenant's frontline battlefield was not able to persist as long as the first time under the second wave of demonic power.

Not even halfway through the tidal wave of sky demon power, many galaxies have already begun to be breached, or even reoccupied and captured by the void demon clan.

The casualties caused, the death of high-level star masters, etc. have far exceeded the losses caused by the last tidal explosion of the power of the sky demon.

Of course, the void demon clan only accounts for a small part of the casualties and deaths caused, and more are caused by super-level civilized enemies such as gods and elemental spirits that sneak into the battlefield.

However, the distortion and rupture of the ‘Star Map Array’ in various galaxies, resulting in a drastic drop in defense, is undoubtedly one of the main reasons for these losses, casualties, and deaths.

Therefore, when the Covenant opened up the battlefield frontline headquarters and connected the "Star Map Array" in various galaxies to enhance defense and stabilize the situation, it was discovered that the star changes in the "Rose Sun Galaxy" had been restored, and the distorted and broken "Star Map Array" 'It has returned to normal. When summoned, I contacted Bian Yujiao and others and asked about the reason.

"Junior Liang Ji, the frontline headquarters is looking for you!"

Naturally, Bian Yujiao and others did not hide anything, and directly called back Liang Ji, who was meditating in front of the star in the center of the galaxy, to remind him.

At the moment, Liang Ji's soul returned to its true form and directly contacted the Star Alliance's frontline battlefield headquarters through the 'True Dragon' starship.

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