The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1000 Eighth-Level Star Master Invitation from the Star Alliance Frontline Command

In the main control cabin of the 'True Dragon' starship, Liang Ji saw one of the Covenant's frontline battlefield commanders on the screen of starlight.

Judging from the light screen, the other party was just a middle-aged man with an ordinary face, but Liang Ji did not dare to underestimate him. To be one of the frontline commanders of the Star Alliance to develop the "Sky Demon Star Territory", he must be a high-level star master. Cultivation level, and origin must also be a high-level star palace or star alliance.

He is one of the people who truly stands at the top of the Star Alliance today.

After Liang Ji saw the ceremony, the middle-aged man in the light screen looked at him and said, "Are you a student of Akadera?"

"Yes, senior." Liang Ji nodded and said, "Junior has just graduated from Instructor Chiyu."

The man nodded and said, "I am the vice-principal of Kunlun Star Palace. I am at the same level as Chiyu. You can call me Huntian."

Liang Ji was slightly shocked when he heard this, and immediately greeted him again: "Student Liang Ji, I have met Principal Huntian."

In the Kunlun Star Palace, only eighth-level star masters can hold the position of vice principal.

As far as Liang Ji knows, after advancing to the eighth-level star master, the red jade instructor has now been promoted from instructor to professor in the Kunlun Star Palace, and also serves as the vice president and other positions.

Since the Huntian Star Lord in front of him is also the vice-principal of Kunlun Star Palace, it means that he is also an eighth-level star master, and is only one level away from the highest-level ninth-level star master.

Lord Hun Tian nodded slightly, looked at Liang Ji and said, "Did you distort the changes in the stars in the Rose Sun Galaxy?"

"It's a junior."

Liang Ji naturally had no intention of being modest at this time and admitted directly.

"How did you do it?"

Lord Huntian asked again.

"President." Liang Ji offered the 'Dragon Pearl', blooming the light of nineteen colors, and said: "This junior has done a lot of research on the power of heavenly demons to create stars in this star field, and has also gained some achievements. The mastery of the power of these sky demons to create stars prevents the transformation of the 'rose sun' into the 'blood sun' and re-distorts it back to the 'rose sun'."

The Huntian Star Master looked at the 'Dragon Pearl' that Liang Ji held in his hand through the light curtain. His eyes seemed to be able to shoot directly from the light curtain, and he could see through the situation of the 'Dragon Pearl'.

After a while, he nodded and said, "I remembered that several of the successes of the 'Power of Sky Demon Creation of Stars' project led by Yuan Mu seemed to have been developed and submitted by you."

"However, only the experimental results of the fusion of eighteen kinds of heavenly demons' power to create stars were submitted before."

Liang Ji nodded and said: "Yes, this fused nineteenth star power 'Power of the Rose Sun' is exactly the result of this junior's research and experiments in the 'Rose Sun Galaxy' in the past few years."

Seeing this, Lord Huntian nodded, then shook his head and said: "The research and experiment on the power of the sky demon to create stars really depends on talent and chance."

"Yuanmu and the others, as well as many high-level star masters, have been studying the fusion of the 'power of the sky demon to create stars' over the years, but the results they have achieved are not as good as your juniors."

Liang Ji heard this and immediately said: "This junior can achieve this research result thanks to the support of mentor Yuanmu's experimental group."

"It was Tutor Yuanmu's experimental team that provided the juniors with a steady stream of the power of various heavenly demons to create stars as materials for research and experiments, and also applied for the support of the 'Three Lights Sky Dew' for the juniors, so that they can restore the origin of their natal stars in a timely manner. Only now can we achieve what we have today.”

Although it is said that most of the various research results of the experimental group led by Instructor Yuanmu are his results, the experimental group has indeed spared no effort in supporting him.

If it weren't for the endless supply of the power of various heavenly demons to create stars provided by the experimental team, as well as the support of the 'Three Lights of Sky Dew', Liang Ji would not have been able to easily complete the graduation examination of the Kunlun Star Palace, and later develop the 'Peiyang Galaxy', or even The battle to defend the 'Guiyang Galaxy'.

Therefore, Liang Ji was very grateful for the support given to him by the experimental team led by his mentor Yuan Mu.

After listening to Liang Ji's words, Lord Huntian nodded and said no more. He turned back to the subject and asked, "With this method, apart from the 'Guiyang Galaxy', you can prevent the star changes in other galaxies on the frontline battlefield, and even distort them back." , repair the 'Star Map Array' of each galaxy?"

Liang Ji nodded, shook his head, and said: "This junior currently masters the fusion and change of the power of the nineteen heavenly demons to create stars. Only within the scope of these nineteen powers of the heavenly demons to create stars, can the changes be prevented. And twist back.”

"But if it goes beyond the scope of these nineteen kinds of celestial demons' power to create stars, unless I am given enough time and resources to study and master it, it will be difficult to stop and circulate it."

Lord Huntian looked at Liang Ji offering up the nineteen colors of light blooming in the 'Dragon Ball', nodded and said: "Nineteen kinds are enough. These nineteen kinds of power of the sky demon to create stars have already occupied the control of the Star Alliance. Most of the 'living galaxy' everywhere has changed."

"And as long as you can prevent and distort more than half of the changes in the galaxies, the Covenant will be able to stabilize this frontline battlefield and withstand this eruption of the tidal wave of the power of the sky demon."

Liang Ji nodded when he heard this: "In this case, this junior is willing to contribute a small amount to the Star Alliance's development of the frontline battlefield of the war."

"It's just that I hope the Star Alliance can provide some support."

"Say it." Lord Huntian nodded.

"First of all, the method used by this junior requires a large amount of consumption of the power of these nineteen heavenly demons to create stars, as well as the original power of the natal stars."

"So, I hope to get the support of the Star Alliance for the power of these nineteen heavenly demons to create stars and the origin of their natal stars."

Liang Ji put forward conditions and requested.

"No problem." Lord Huntian directly agreed: "I can make the conditions provided by the Yuanmu Experimental Team to you several times more."

"Thank you, principal." Liang Ji immediately responded with a face full of joy, and then put forward a second condition: "Secondly, I can go to various galaxies to provide assistance, but I am worried about the safety of the Rose Sun Galaxy. I hope the Star Alliance can take care of it a little bit. The Rose Sun Galaxy prevents it from being breached by this tidal burst of the power of the Sky Demon."

"Yes!" Huntian Star Master agreed without hesitation: "I will send a seventh-level star master to the Rose Sun Galaxy to stay until the end of the tide of the power of the Sky Demon to ensure your Rose Sun Galaxy. 'Safe from falling."

"Thank you principal, now I have no problem."

Liang Ji said immediately.

"Okay." Lord Huntian nodded and said, "Just prepare a little, I will send someone to pick you up immediately and go to the star systems in critical situations on the Star Alliance's frontline battlefields. The rest will be up to you."

"Yes, principal!" Liang Ji immediately said seriously: "The students promise not to let the principal or the Star Alliance down!"

Having solved his worries and won the support of the entire Star Alliance, Liang Ji was naturally ready to go all out to save the stellar changes in various galaxies.

This will not only be of great benefit to him in understanding the power of stars, the power of creation, the power of galaxies, etc., but it is also a great opportunity for him to establish meritorious deeds.

If you do well this time, it will probably be much easier to directly apply for the inheritance of the ‘Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods’ in the Wanxiang Star Palace.

I wish all book friends: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

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