The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1014 The team reunites and the new galaxy is quickly occupied

The Sky Demon Star Territory is in the vast star territory behind the frontline battlefield.

Starships are sailing between galaxies and in the void, exploring and searching everywhere.

Occasionally, you can even see the figure of a star port, also looking for it in various galaxies and in the void. The detection arrays, restrictions, etc. on these 'star ports' are far more efficient and powerful than all kinds of starships. Able to explore farther and clearer.

These are all the forces in the Star Alliance's development team. They have learned from the experience of the last "Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon" and know that under the impact and nourishment contained in the "Tide of the Power of the Sky Demon", these In the void and galaxies behind the battlefield, new life stars and galaxies may be born.

Now that the war is over, after all the forces have hurriedly cleaned up the frontline battlefields, they have begun to return to the rear areas to explore and search for the stars and galaxies that may harbor and birth new life.

Not only the various forces on the frontline battlefield, but also many small and medium-sized forces and teams at the rear of the battlefield have also joined in to explore and search.

After all, for these small and medium-sized forces and teams, they do not have enough strength and power to go to the frontline battlefield, participate in the frontline development, battle, and occupy the life galaxy.

We can only drink some of the soup leaked from the frontline companies and forces at the rear of the battlefield.

Now, the new life stars and life galaxies that are washed away by the "tide of the power of the sky demon" behind the battlefield are undoubtedly the greatest hope of these small and medium-sized forces.

The dangers behind the battlefield are limited, and the number of void monsters is also limited. If they can take this opportunity to find and occupy a new life star or galaxy, it will be enough for these small and medium-sized forces and teams to make a lot of money.

After the last ‘Tide of Heavenly Demon Power’, a few small forces and lucky people took the lead. Naturally, more and more forces participated in the exploration and search this time.

Liang Ji stood on the "Dragon Snake" starship, looking at the numerous and bustling starships in the void and galaxies around him. Occasionally, he saw star ports passing by above, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. :

"There is probably no hope this time. It's just luck again!"

"There are too many teams here to try their luck and explore and search for new life stars and galaxies. I am afraid there are not enough places in each galaxy."

Because he was returning to the void and galaxies behind the battlefield to explore and search for new life stars and galaxies by chance, Liang Ji did not board the "True Dragon" starship like a blank slate, but returned to the "Dragon Snake" again. On the starship, return to the rear with Peng Yue and others, and use the "Dragon Snake" starship to explore and search.

As for the 'True Dragon' starship and the 'Bing Soul' starship, they continue to stay in the 'Geyang Galaxy'. On the one hand, they continue to guard the galaxy, and on the other hand, they also participate in the management and development of the galaxy.

At this time, although the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' has ended, the Rose Sun Galaxy is still a frontline battlefield, and there are still void monsters entrenched outside the galaxy, and even gods and elemental spirits snooping in. Although There may be another attack on the galaxy.

After all, Liang Ji and the others have only successfully defeated the impact of another ‘Tide of Heavenly Demon’s Power’, rather than defeating all enemies and completely developing and capturing the ‘Celestial Demonic Star Territory’.

Therefore, galaxies on the frontline battlefields such as the Rose Sun Galaxy are naturally still in danger, and it is necessary to leave enough starships, power, etc. to guard and protect them.

Not only Liang Ji's team was like this, but Senior Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, Senior Xu Mao, etc. also basically left several starships to guard the "Guiyang Galaxy", and they returned with one or two starships. , exploring and looking for new life stars and galaxies in the void and galaxies behind.

For the seniors, seniors and others, these new life stars and galaxies emerging behind the battlefield are naturally a great opportunity that they do not want to miss, and they all want to try their luck and explore them.

If they could find and occupy a place, the benefits would be even greater than the "Peiyang Galaxy" they are currently exploring and occupying.

But now it seems that they may be the same as themselves and don't have much chance.

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue, Chu Yue, Wu Shan and others also looked at the situation in the void around them and sighed.

"It doesn't matter, just think of it as a trip after our team reunites again..."

Peng Yue smiled at this time.

Although it didn't take much time for their team to be divided into three teams, after experiencing the impact and battle of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power', everyone felt like it had been a long time before they reunited.

This time, everyone reunited on the "Dragon Snake" starship. Not only did they want to return to the rear to try their luck, but it was also a post-war reunion for everyone in the team. As Peng Yue said, it was just a matter of traveling together. Not bad.

At that moment, several people also calmed down their thoughts. While piloting the "Dragon Snake" starship to explore and try their luck in the void behind, they laughed and talked about their previous events and experiences in the "Tide of the Demonic Power" battle.

Of course, what was more important was listening to Liang Ji talk about his experience of creating stars and restoring the ‘Star Map Array’ in various galaxies on the front line.

Just as the "Zhoutian Star Formation" was finally showing its power and sweeping across the frontline battlefield, the "Dragon Snake" starship "Ship Spirit" suddenly sounded a prompt and alarm.

Liang Ji and others were slightly shocked. Could it be that they really had good luck again?

However, when they saw the light curtain manifesting in the main control cabin, they knew that they had thought too much.

What I saw in the light screen was the situation of the nearby void and galaxies. At this time, I saw a figure of a 'celestial giant' flying down from the void, landing in a galaxy in the distance, and then spreading over a large area. The starlight directly occupied that galaxy.

"There..." Seeing this, Peng Yue's grandma couldn't help but move her face slightly and said, "It must be a new life galaxy!"

"Alas! It's a pity that we are one step late!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look a little sad.

After all, according to the flight and exploration trajectory of their "Dragon Snake" starship, it is possible that it will pass through the galaxy in the distance.

As for Peng Yue's grandmother, she had been preparing to find an opportunity to determine her path to a high-level star master during the outbreak of the 'tide of demon power'.

As a result, during the outbreak of the 'Tide of Sky Demon Power', such changes occurred, which almost captured and overthrew all the galaxies on the front line of the Covenant's pioneering team.

Later, the Star Alliance side won, but Peng Yue's grandma's original plan was naturally disrupted, and she was unable to gain any benefit from the outbreak of the 'Tide of Demonic Power', or determine her own path.

Therefore, he set his sights on these newly born and nurtured life stars and galaxies, hoping to use the opportunities to find his own path to become a high-level star master.

After all, just like the principal of the 'Sky Serpent Academy', it is not a bad idea to use a newly cultivated life star to try to evolve your own path, and it may even be more likely to succeed.

But now, seeing that a place in front of them that might be a place where new life stars and galaxies could be nurtured was occupied by high-level star masters right in front of their eyes, she was naturally anxious and sad.

"We should also speed up and explore in another direction..."

Grandma Peng Yue immediately suggested.

However, before they could take action, the 'Dragon Snake' starship began to detect again, far or near in the void, many times with high-level Star Lords' Star Spirits flying past and rushing towards various places on the battlefield. Galaxies everywhere.

"This is……"

When Liang Ji and others saw this, they naturally knew that something was wrong. Apart from fighting on the frontline battlefield, they had never seen so many actions of high-level star masters in the rear.

At that moment, Liang Ji immediately contacted all parties to inquire about the situation. He saved many galaxies this time and developed many connections. At this time, he played a big role, and accurate information was soon available.

Suddenly feeling helpless, he said to Peng Yue and others: "We don't need to explore and search anymore. Several new life galaxies in the back area have been discovered and occupied."

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