The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1015 The methods of the top forces of the Star Alliance

When the first 'Tide of Sky Demon Power' broke out, all parties in the Star Alliance did not understand it and had little preparation.

Therefore, I never expected that after the "Tide of Sky Demon Power" erupted, some life stars and galaxies could be created and produced again in the star field area occupied by the Covenant Alliance behind the frontline battlefield.

Therefore, this first time, the small and medium-sized teams such as Liang Ji took advantage of the rear and occupied several newly born life stars and galaxies.

But now, after having the first experience.

Before the outbreak of the 'Tide of Demonic Power' this time, many forces in the Star Alliance, especially top forces such as some star palaces, large companies, large groups, etc., had already been eyeing the 'tide' for a long time. These forces in the rear star field The stars and galaxies of life created by creation and origin.

The top forces of the Star Alliance, such as these star palaces and large companies, are indeed extraordinary in their means and strength. They each have their own means to lock down the galaxies in these rear star fields. After the 'tide' ends, as long as those galaxies have good fortune, With vitality, they can quickly discover and lock it.

Then high-level star masters were sent directly to these galaxies to occupy these newly created and born life galaxies.

In this way, it is impossible for many small and medium-sized forces and teams behind the battle line to explore and try their luck in the rear star field to make a big deal like they did after the last 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power'!

After Liang Ji learned about these situations through some new contacts and relationships, he couldn't help but sigh and said in a deep voice:

"The methods of these top forces in the Star Alliance are indeed extraordinary."

"Any resources and interests cannot escape the first carving up by these top forces."

"We, the small and medium-sized forces, will just follow behind and drink some soup."

In the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Peng Yue, Chu Yue and others listened to Liang Ji's explanation, their faces were quite ugly, but they could not say anything more.

If you are not as strong as others, you can only follow others and drink some soup.

This is a consistent tradition and phenomenon in the Star Alliance. The Star Palace, senior executives of the Star Alliance, and those large companies and forces that span multiple star fields have always enjoyed the most and best resources in the Star Alliance. and interests.

The following monks, star masters, forces, etc., share what they casually missed. This has long been a tradition, and there is nothing to say more.

It seems that after the last "Tide of Sky Demon Power", several small and medium-sized forces tried their luck in the star field behind and discovered and occupied several new creations and life-bearing stars and galaxies. This is a relatively rare situation in the Star Alliance. .

It is precisely because of the rare 'lucky man' situation last time that after the end of the 'Tide of Heavenly Demon Power' this time, it is now like this. Many Star Alliance forces, no matter how big or small, come to the rear star field to explore. Just hit your luck.

But by this time, these teams and forces, large and small, who are trying their luck, should probably recognize the reality. After all, the resources, interests, etc. in the Star Alliance are ultimately decided by the top forces.

"Then what do we do now?"

Peng Yue's grandma asked reluctantly:

"Are you going back like this?"

Several life stars and galaxies nurtured by the 'tide' have been captured by the top forces in the Star Alliance's pioneering team. It is useless for them to continue to explore and search, and naturally they are not in the mood to continue gathering and traveling.

Everyone was thinking about going back. If they had this time, it would be better to go back to the Rose Sun Galaxy.

After the impact of the "Tide of Heavenly Demon's Power", although the changes in the "Guishang Galaxy" are not as good as the vast star field behind it, some new resources and treasures have also emerged.

It would be better to go back to search and mine, and make some profits.

Liang Ji looked at the information he had collected and found that there were two types of forces that occupied the newly created and born life galaxy.

They were all the relationships and connections he had made when he was escorted by the Gao Yuan Star Lord, created stars on the frontline battlefield, and restored the 'Star Chart Formation'.

However, although he saved the frontline galaxies occupied by these forces, received a lot of thanks from these forces, and formed a deep personal relationship, but if he wanted to use this to find them, in these newly created and born It's probably impossible to get a hand in the galaxy of life and get some important benefits.

After all, saving the galaxies on the front line was ultimately a task assigned by the front line command. He just carried out the task in accordance with the order of the command, and the command also gave him sufficient rewards afterwards.

These forces that were saved from the galaxy really didn't owe him anything.

If you are willing to make friends with him and accept his favor, it depends more on his extraordinary ability and willingness to invest.

The other party may be willing to give him some small benefits and interests based on friendship and investment; however, the real greatest benefits among those created and reborn life galaxies, such as innate energy, evolution of star civilizations, and other opportunities, are It will definitely not be let out.

However, some wild resources, treasures, etc. may allow the 'Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce' to contact these forces. Through friendship and connections, it would be no problem to get involved and earn some profits.

At that moment, Liang Ji discussed with several members of the team and finally had no intention of continuing to wander.

Although it is said that under the impact of the 'tide of the power of the sky demon', these galaxies and the void will also contain many new resources and treasures, just like after the first 'tide', Liang Ji emerged from the Bitter Sea Star Palace. The various spiritual seeds, treasures, etc. containing the power of the heavenly demon that Senior Tong obtained from the transaction.

Now after the second 'tide', there will definitely be many Yunsheng in the many voids and galaxies behind.

But for Liang Ji and others, they already looked down upon those 'spiritual seeds' and treasures that had failed in creation. It was better to destroy the frontline battlefields and the Guiyang Galaxy to look for opportunities and treasures.

What's more, in this rear area, there are too many large and small teams exploring resources and treasures. Fighting with so many teams is laborious and not worth the gain.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, the 'Dragon Snake' starship directly changed direction, left the star field behind the front, and returned to the front line and the Guiyang galaxy to look for resources and opportunities.

Of course, Liang Ji also did not forget to contact the top forces occupying the new life galaxy in the rear, build up relationships and connections, and then pave the way for the "Dragon and Snake Chamber of Commerce" and attract some business.

Although he cannot make the maximum profit, the various wild resources and treasures produced in these newly nurtured and created life stars and galaxies can still make a lot of profit. Since Liang Ji has such access and connections, , it is natural to make a fortune from it.

After all, as he advances to the sixth level Star Master, the resources and wealth he will need to spend on his subsequent cultivation will only increase, and now he can earn some.

After the few people returned to the "Guiyang Galaxy", before any new actions were taken, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao suddenly came to the door and said that they had something important to discuss.

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