The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1020 Return to the front line and communication with Peng Yue

It is cast from the fifth-level ‘Ten Thousand Methods Furnace’ and sent into the origin of the stars. It is refined and nourished by the origin of the stars. At the same time, it also affects the entire star through the origin of the stars and the avenue of laws.

However, there is no qualitative change like the birth of the elemental spirit of the 'dragon beast'. After all, there is no qualitative change between the fifth-order 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' and the fourth-order 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace', both of which belong to the middle level.

At this time, under the influence of the fifth-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', the number of elemental spirits in the form of various 'dragon beasts' contained in the elemental spirit veins of each natal star has increased, their bodies have become larger, and their spirituality has increased. Becoming stronger and having higher combat power will not cause any qualitative change.

Similarly, under the influence of the subsequent six-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods', it is difficult to see any qualitative changes. They are both at the middle level, and at most they are quantitative changes.

But even this increase and change in 'quantity' can already greatly enhance the power of the 'Dragon Beast' elemental spirit, elemental spiritual veins, and the 'Elemental Wandering Dragon Formation', as well as the protective power of the natal stars.

Similarly, the higher-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' has caused greater conflict and influence on the Origin of Stars, and the 'Bang of Conferred Gods' and 'Bloodline Catalog'.

Liang Ji continued to activate the nineteen-color light of creation of the 'Dragon Pearl' to suppress it, regulating and unblocking the origin of the stars and the avenue of law, and then suppressed these conflicts and influences.

Later, Liang Ji did not stay in the Vientiane Star Palace and the Star Alliance for a long time. After building the fifth-level 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts', he bid farewell to the Vientiane Star Palace and once again passed through the teleportation of the 'Starlight Gate' to leave the Star Gate range and return. The frontline opens up the battlefield 'Sky Demon Star Territory'.

Even when he returned to the Star Alliance this time, he did not stop to contact or gather with his family, relatives and friends.

It is very clear that it is very dangerous for Peng Yue and others to explore and find new life systems on the frontline battlefield, and they urgently need his return to help.

He had left them behind and returned to the Star Alliance to learn the inheritance of the 'Forge of Ten Thousand Arts', in order to enhance his own strength and combat power.

Only with stronger strength and combat power can we better survive, combat and gain benefits in the frontline battlefield.

But after completing study and promotion, it is obviously inappropriate to spend more time gathering with relatives and friends, leaving Peng Yue and others to take risks on the front line.

Therefore, Liang Ji did not stay, or even contact his family, and directly returned to the "Guiyang Galaxy", the frontline battlefield of the Tianyao Star Territory, through the transmission of the "Starlight Gate" again and again.

The speed is even faster than returning to the Star Alliance before. After all, returning to the Star Alliance from the battlefield requires multiple checks and identity verification to prevent the enemy from taking the opportunity to sneak into the Star Alliance to cause damage. However, going from the Star Alliance to the frontline battlefield is difficult. It is undoubtedly much more convenient, and there are no time-consuming processes for various checks and identity verifications.

In the "Guiyang Galaxy", Liang Ji had already contacted Peng Yue and others before returning and agreed on a time to return.

Therefore, Peng Yue and others had already piloted the "Dragon Snake" starship back to the "Guiyang Galaxy" to join Liang Ji.

"We are not the only starship teams searching the frontline battlefields."

"Although the number is not as large as the teams searching the star field behind the battlefield, there are also many starships from large companies and top forces searching the battlefield in the front lines."

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Peng Yue and others exchanged search news with Liang Ji over the past few days.

Although they were able to have some contact with each other, they certainly did not have such detailed and practical communication in person.

"So far, I have only heard that a starship team from the 'Taiyi Star Palace' has searched for a new life galaxy near the frontline battlefield. Teams from other forces have not found anything in this frontline battlefield. "

"However, Senior Xu Mao discovered a strange place. He is not sure whether it is a new life star, so he invites everyone to check it out and make sure."

"If there are not new life galaxies, then this frontline battlefield has basically been explored. Next, we will go deep into the undeveloped 'Sky Demon Star Territory' ahead to explore and search for new life galaxies."

"When the time comes, even if something is discovered, it may not be easy to develop and capture."

Peng Yue told Liang Ji about the news on the front line. The only thing worth noting was a place discovered by senior Xu Mao.

Now, the other party has sent the location and coordinates to Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao, and Chen Zhao, inviting everyone to go and investigate.

If it weren't for the purpose of returning to the "Guiyang Galaxy" to pick him up, everyone would have already driven the "Dragon Snake" starship to the coordinates sent by the other party.

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao and others have already driven the flagship and rushed over first.

"In that case, let's not delay here and go directly to the coordinates."

"If anything happens, we'll talk about it on the way."

When Liang Ji saw this, he immediately decided.

Peng Yue and others naturally had no objections. The starship "Dragon Snake" immediately changed its direction, leaving the "Guiyang Galaxy", going deep into the frontline battlefield, and sailing towards the location and coordinates sent by Senior Xu Mao. .

On the 'Dragon Snake' starship, Chu Yue controlled the formation on the starship and drove the starship towards the target.

Liang Ji and Peng Yue exchanged their cultivation experience in the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' in the starship.

Although it is said that he has obtained the complete inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' from the Vientiane Star Palace, there is even a projection of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' from the Vientiane Star Palace in the sea of ​​consciousness, which not only contains all the inheritance, but also carries the guardianship of the Vientiane Star Palace. .

Logically speaking, the inheritance of the 'melting pot of all dharma' he now masters is more complete than the inheritance of Peng Yue's cultivation.

After all, Peng Yue has not graduated from the Vientiane Star Palace, has not yet obtained the complete projection and inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' in the Star Palace, nor has he obtained the protection of the Vientiane Star Palace.

Even worse than Liang Ji.

However, after all, Peng Yue has been practicing the 'Multiple Dharma Furnace' inheritance for hundreds of years. Step by step, he has climbed up from low-level cultivation, walking the most orthodox path and practicing the most orthodox inheritance.

However, Liang Ji only received the inheritance for more than ten days. In just a few days, he collected various elements and levels of 'spiritual crystals', and completed the casting and upgrade of the 'Ten Thousand Methods Furnace' from the first level to the fifth level in a short period of time. .

Although this speed is fast, the various practices, adaptive changes, cultivation, etc. are undoubtedly much worse.

These are the courses for the students of the Star Lord in the Vientiane Star Palace. Liang Ji's situation is different from them. He does not need to study these courses, but he cannot be ignorant of the content and courses.

At this time, by communicating with Peng Yue, we can strengthen our understanding and mastery of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas', and we can also better manage and develop the natal stars, and enhance the power of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' and its effect on the natal stars.

And Liang Ji could also tell the other party about the complete inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' he had obtained, as well as the development and changes of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas' in the three star palace inheritances in parallel with the natal stars.

Peng Yue does not necessarily need to learn these contents, but they have some reference and reference functions, which will help him improve his own path.

Both parties can be considered to have gained something.

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