The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1021 Welcome from seniors and Feiyang full of destruction

"Captain, we are here!"

In the "Dragon Snake" starship, Liang Jie and Peng Yue were exchanging their practice experiences in the "Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharmas" when Chu Yue suddenly reminded them.

Liang Ji turned to look outside the starship, and sure enough he had arrived in front of a galaxy.

The flagship starships of seniors Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao, and Xu Mao have also arrived here in advance, sailing around the galaxy to explore something.

Xu Shi discovered the arrival of Liang Ji's "Dragon Snake" starship, and the communication systems of the three starships immediately contacted the "Dragon Snake" starship.

Seniors Bian Yujiao, Senior Chen Zhao, and Senior Xu Mao all appeared on the light screen in the main control cabin of the 'Dragon Snake' starship. Liang Ji also appeared in the main control cabin of their starship. On the light curtain.

The four of them contacted directly through the starship's communication array and held an online meeting.

"Junior Liang Ji, welcome back!"

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and others first welcomed Liang Ji's return.

Senior Chen Zhao even looked at him in surprise and asked:

"Junior Liang Ji, have you really also studied the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Dharma' inheritance from the Wanxiang Star Palace?"

Liang Ji had previously left the front line and returned to the Star Alliance to accept the inheritance of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Methods' from the Vientiane Star Palace. This was not a secret, at least the seniors, senior sisters and others who worked with him knew it.

And he had already studied the inheritance of the two star palaces of the 'Apotheosis of the Gods' and the 'Bloodline Illustration' before. Although it is not widely known, it is not a secret.

In particular, Liang Ji was able to pass on the 'Bloodline Illustration' concurrently through the recommendation of his instructor Chi Yu.

Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others, who were under the same sect of Master Chiyu as him, naturally knew better.

Therefore, even Bian Yujiao, Chen Zhao and others were surprised when they saw that Liang Ji had also studied the third Star Palace inheritance on the basis of the two Star Palace inheritances.

"Yes." Liang Ji nodded, casually opened a small 'Star Gate', and summoned the projection of the 'Furnace of Ten Thousand Arts' from the natal stars to show it.

"Awesome!" Seeing this, Senior Chen Zhao couldn't help but exclaimed: "Junior Liang Ji, you have cultivated three Star Palace inheritances by yourself, which can be regarded as a new record in the Star Alliance."

"If you can successfully integrate the inheritance of these three star palaces and advance to a high-level star master, you will surely cause a huge sensation in the entire Star Alliance and usher in a new era for the entire Star Alliance!"

Hearing this, Liang Ji smiled and said modestly: "It's not that exaggerated. I'm just trying my best to open up some new paths for the Star Alliance."

"Besides, nothing is absolute. Although I have some confidence, I dare not say that I will be able to successfully integrate the inheritance of the three star palaces and advance to a high-level star master."

Hearing what he said, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao shook her head and said, "Others may not be able to do it, but I believe Senior Brother Liang Ji will definitely succeed."

"I have never seen anyone at the intermediate star master stage who can compete with the power of creation of the ninth-level sky demon, distort the star's creation, and repair the 'Star Map Array'!"

"I believe that in your hands, Junior Liang Ji, we will be able to create miracles."

In the light curtain, seniors Chen Zhao and Xu Mao nodded their heads in agreement with Senior Bian Yujiao's words.

"Haha, thank you all seniors and sisters for your encouragement." Liang Ji responded with a smile, then turned the conversation and asked, "What's going on here?"

"Have the seniors and sisters discovered anything?"

"Is this a new life galaxy under the 'tide'?"

After hearing his inquiry, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao and others no longer dwelled on the original topic. They also turned back to the conversation and said, "This place was discovered by Senior Xu Mao. Please introduce it to Senior Senior Xu Mao."

Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, looking at Xu Mao's figure manifested in the light screen on the other side.

"No problem." In the light screen, Senior Xu Mao nodded in agreement, and then said: "My flagship has also been transformed and upgraded twice. Although its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Senior Liang Ji's 'Dragon Snake' starship, it is also Some magical weapons and restrictions with special functions have been arranged.”

"This time, it was a special fairy device on my flagship that accidentally detected that there seemed to be a lot of vitality in this galaxy, much like a newly born life galaxy."

"However, my flagship has searched inside and outside this galaxy many times, but no new stars of life have been found."

"Even later, the fairy weapon failed to detect a lot of vitality again."

"I even thought it was an illusion, but the data recorded in the flagship actually exists. I'm not willing to give up like this."

"After all, most of the places that can be explored and searched near the frontline battlefield have been explored by various frontline teams."

"If we give up here, we will have no choice but to continue searching deep into the unexplored 'Sky Demon Star Territory' ahead."

"So, I sent a message to everyone, hoping that everyone can come together to search and investigate to see if there is any problem."

Senior Xu Mao stopped when he said this.

At this time, Senior Sister Bian Yujiao on the side took over the conversation and said: "Senior Senior Chen and I received the summons from Senior Xu Mao, and we also drove here on the flagship to explore the entire galaxy inside and outside."

"Our flagships have all been modified and upgraded, and each has its own strengths, but there were no unnecessary discoveries during this exploration process."

"It seems like this galaxy is just an ordinary, normal dead galaxy."

"Perhaps the only thing that is unusual and abnormal is that the stars in the center of this galaxy have also been distorted and changed by the power of the sky demon."

"But such twisted and twisted stars are a common phenomenon in the Sky Demon Star Domain, and we have also studied the power of the stars and found that this twisted and twisted star power does not seem to contain life, only destruction, destruction, It seems that the meaning of death cannot contain life stars in this galaxy, which is very consistent with the situation of this dead galaxy."

Liang Ji listened to the words of his seniors and sisters, and couldn't help but cast his eyes on the star in the center of the galaxy. It was a crimson star that he had never seen before. It was something he had never studied or mastered, and was beyond the nineteen powers of creating stars. 'The power of the crimson sun'.

At this time, Chu Yue had already controlled the formations on the "Dragon Snake" starship, collected some "Feiyang Power", and conducted preliminary research and analysis through the formations on the starship, and "Feiyang Power" Force' is indeed as Senior Sister Bian Yujiao said, it is full of destruction, destruction, death, etc.

It is even more extreme than the power of the Black Sun and the Blood Sun, and is completely unlike the power of a star that can contain vitality and life.

Under the illumination of this 'power of the crimson sun', it is impossible for life stars to be born in this galaxy, let alone become a new life galaxy.

Everything seems to prove that Senior Xu Mao’s previous investigation was wrong.

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