The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1028: Interview with the Command Headquarters, a lucky attempt by the Void Monster Tribe

"I've met Senior Gao Yuan."

At this time, a Star Master flew in on a starship. He first greeted Star Master Gao Yuan and then turned to Liang Ji and others:

"The frontline command has learned about the situation you reported."

"Next, your starship will dock at the designated 'star port' according to the instructions. Please ask Bian Yujiao, Liang Ji, Chen Zhao, Xu Mao, and Peng Yue to come with me. Frontline Command I need to know more from you about what I believe.”

The person who came to invite them was a fourth-level star master. It could be seen that his background must be extraordinary to be able to serve as a herald in such an important place of frontline command.

Star Master Gao Yuan obviously knew the other party. After seeing the other party's greeting, he nodded in return and said, "It's Hao Yatou. In this case, they will be left to you."

"In this rescue, I didn't expect to encounter an eighth-level void demon clan. However, I suffered heavy losses and must reimburse some of the losses."

As he spoke, he turned to Liang Ji and others and introduced: "This is a junior of Principal Huntian. He is currently working as a herald at the frontline headquarters. Since the frontline headquarters has summoned you, you can follow Hao Yatou. That’s it.”

Hearing what he said, Liang Ji and others immediately understood the origin of the other party. Sure enough, he was of extraordinary origin, a descendant of an eighth-level star master, and could be said to be similar to fellow student Liu Xu.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Hao."

At that moment, Liang Ji and others thanked each other and then divided into two groups to take action.

Chu Yue and others drove the starship to the designated location to berth according to the instructions in the 'Star Network', while Liang Ji and others boarded Xuemei Hao's starship and went to the frontline headquarters to report the situation.

The starship turned and flew directly towards the star in the center of the galaxy.

After getting closer, Liang Ji and others discovered that among the seemingly normal stars in the center of the galaxy, there was actually a palace standing there.

According to Hao Xuemei, the palace in the star is where the frontline command headquarters is located, and those who can enter and exit it are high-level star masters or beings with special arrangements.

Just like the starship they were riding on, after they got close to the star, a beam of starlight shot out from the palace on the star, pulling them into the star.

Seeing this, Liang Ji remembered that in the twisted and ambushed galaxy, he had seen the eighth-level void monster suppressed in the stars. It seemed that there was some other plan or ambush.

It wasn't until they were about to escape from the galaxy and expose the secrets of that galaxy that the eighth-order void demon clan broke out of the star and chased them.

Now looking at these palaces built on stars, it is obvious that they cannot be just for good looks. There must also be some arrangement involving stars, which should be a trump card and means of the frontline command.

Entering the palace on the star, there was no sense of the terror and power of the power of the star outside. Hao Xuemei led a few people directly to a hall in the palace complex.

Here, there are already several figures of 'Star Spirits' waiting. Although they all restrained their aura and power, Liang Ji still felt the power and mysterious feeling from them that was no less than that of Principal Huntian.

Obviously, those who can make decisions on the spot here are all eighth-level Star Lord level beings.

"I've met some seniors!"

At that moment, Liang Ji and others hurriedly greeted him with courtesy.

"No need to be polite."

One of the leaders among the people said, reaching out and lifting them up with a flick of his hand.

Then, they saw the other party reach out and swipe in the air, and the space in the palace was directly torn open. The opposite side turned out to be the galaxy where they had been ambushed before and almost fell into it.

At this time, the galaxy has completely transformed into a "Red Sun Galaxy", but many of the void monsters originally hiding in it have disappeared, leaving only a normal galaxy, which is still a newly born life galaxy.

The leading star master reached out towards the torn space and grabbed and pulled it. Liang Ji saw that there seemed to be a giant hand of starlight directly grabbing the 'Red Sun Galaxy' and pulling the galaxy directly to everyone's eyes. .

Star magic, star-catching hand!

When Liang Ji saw this method again, he was still amazed. As he expected, this was no longer just "catching the stars", it could even capture a galaxy.

And from this understatement, it can be seen that the cultivation and strength of the leader in front of him is probably higher and stronger than Principal Huntian.

Liang Ji had never seen what a ninth-level star master or a first-level heavenly immortal looked like, and he even had some doubts that the leader was a ninth-level star master or a first-level heavenly immortal.

"You were ambushed in this galaxy?"

At this time, an eighth-level star master looked at Liang Ji and the others and asked.

"Exactly here."

Liang Ji and others immediately nodded and confirmed.

"There is indeed something wrong with this galaxy. There are signs of movement in the stars and the void."

"However, it can actually be twisted into a dead galaxy, blocking this living galaxy, and even containing a large number of void monsters and even eighth-order monsters?"

The eighth-level star masters present used various methods to observe and detect the galaxy that seemed to be approaching. Although they made some discoveries, they still found it difficult to believe the encounters and intelligence of Liang Ji and others.

But on the other hand, the various scenes recorded by Liang Ji and others' starships, and even the scenes of the eighth-order void monsters chasing and killing them, were also played in the palace at this time, so that several eighth-order star masters had to believe their reports. Information.

At this time, the leading star master once again stretched out his hand into the galaxy that was in front of him, and his hands turned into two 'giant hands of starlight', moving the stars in the galaxy, twisting the void everywhere, like friction. It's the same as making time and turning back time.

The stars and void in the galaxy gradually returned to their original positions in the "Feiyang Galaxy" under his hands.

As these stars and the void change, the 'Red Sun' in the center of the galaxy gradually changes, turning into a 'Crimson Sun' again.

This leading star master does not have the power to create stars and distort galaxies like the sky demon, but he has the ability to distort galaxies and then influence and distort stars like the "Celestial Star Array".

It was an eye-opener for Liang Ji and others.

As the galaxy changed, the 'Fei Yang' appeared, and a new dead galaxy appeared in front of everyone, which amazed everyone and further verified the intelligence of Liang Ji and others.

At this time, they suddenly heard the roar of beasts, and everyone saw the 'Red Sun Galaxy' where no Void Monster Clan had stayed. Now, after twisting and turning into the 'Fei Yang Galaxy', there was actually another "Red Sun Galaxy" in it. Some Void Demon Clan.

These Void Demon Clan were previously hidden in the 'Red Sun Galaxy', and the 'Fei Yang Galaxy' was exposed; now that the 'Crimson Sun Galaxy' is exposed, the Void Demon Clan hiding in it has also been exposed, and they are actually doing the opposite, The 'Red Sun Galaxy' is exposed, while it is hidden in the 'Feiyang Galaxy'.

I don’t know if I should say that they are too smart, or that they are just a lucky attempt.

However, when Liang Ji saw that there were not many void demon clans hiding in the Feiyang Galaxy, and there were not even high-level void demon clans, he understood that this should be a fluke of those void demon clans who were unwilling to give up. tried.

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