The Era of Zhoutian Star Lord

Chapter 1029 Rewards and Requests from the Command

"Ha!" Seeing these void monsters appearing in the 'Feiyang Galaxy', several eighth-level star masters in the headquarters couldn't help but sneered and said in a deep voice: "I didn't expect that there is such a way to distort and cover the galaxy. , and even hid the Void Monster Clan as an ambush!"

At this time, the leading star master still put his hands into the "Feiyang Galaxy" and suddenly started to stir.

Liang Ji then saw the stars and voids in the Feiyang Galaxy, as if they had become chess pieces and sand tables under the leading star master, spinning under his pair of "giant star hands", as if It turned into a galaxy 'millstone', crushing and obliterating the void monsters hiding in it.

Touch the galaxies and control the void!

Liang Ji looked dumbfounded. The large number of void monsters that had caused them a lot of trouble before were now easily crushed to death by the hands of the leading star master.

He couldn't help but wonder again, was the leading star master an eighth-order star master or a ninth-order star master?

Just when Liang Ji was thinking and marveling, the leading star master had completely cleaned up the Void Demon Clan hidden in the Feiyang Galaxy and restored the Feiyang Galaxy. The stars and void everywhere were restored. As it was, it looked like there was no damage at all.

People are even more amazed by its power to control the galaxy and the void.

"Okay." At this time, the leading star master said, pushing his 'Feiyang Galaxy' with both hands, and it was sent into the depths of the universe again to its original location.

Then he touched the void with his hands, and the torn void immediately returned to its original state.

He looked at Liang Ji and Peng Yue and said, "It seems that the information you reported is true."

"The creation and distortion of the galaxy by the sky demon has further deepened. It has actually been able to distort and cover up the original galaxy, thus hiding many void demon clans in it."

"If this is not discovered in advance, these Void Demon Clan ambushing us behind our back, I am afraid it will threaten the entire battlefield, and even cause a major setback in the entire war to develop the 'Celestial Demon Star Territory'!"

"Bian Yujiao, Liang Ji, Xu Mao, Chen Zhao, Peng Yue, you have made great achievements this time!"

"Don't worry, the frontline command and the Star Alliance will definitely give you enough rewards for your meritorious service!"

"Also, the newly discovered 'Red Sun Galaxy' also belongs to your team."

"I have already cleared away the void monsters in it, and now the galaxy is in a distorted and obscured state of the 'Red Sun Galaxy'. Do you have the confidence to distort and restore it to the 'Red Sun Galaxy' after passing there?"

Liang Ji, Peng Yue, Bian Yujiao and others were filled with excitement when they heard this, and they thanked each other one after another.

After all, although Liang Ji and others were just busy escaping at the time, they had a certain understanding of the situation in the "Red Sun Galaxy" that was distorted and covered by the "Fei Yang Galaxy".

It is very clear that it is a newly born "life galaxy". There are many opportunities in such a life galaxy, and it is exactly what the major companies and forces on the front line are actively exploring and looking for.

But now, this "Red Sun Galaxy" has been exposed, and the frontline command has recovered it, captured it, and eliminated the void monsters in it.

In this case, the frontline command is fully qualified to allocate the ‘Red Sun Galaxy’.

Even if the frontline command does not make distribution or occupy this galaxy, the big companies and big forces outside that can gain a foothold in the frontline command and influence the decision-making of the command can completely take action and destroy this 'Red Sun Galaxy' Take it.

Liang Ji and others originally thought that this new life galaxy had nothing to do with them.

Although they suffered heavy losses in this galaxy, many family members, immortal teammates, and even Senior Chen Zhao's flagship self-destructed in this galaxy.

But they were very satisfied that they could successfully escape from the galaxy trap and save their lives.

Don't dare to think too much.

But now, the most powerful Star Master in the frontline headquarters should also be the person with the most power in the headquarters. He has promised to continue to hand over the "Red Sun Galaxy" to them. Naturally, no other big companies, big forces, etc. will be able to Go make up your mind.

Naturally, Liang Ji, Bian Yujiao and others were surprised and grateful.

After all, they have suffered heavy losses in this galaxy, which may even affect their subsequent development and offensive operations on the frontline battlefield. Now they are in urgent need of such a new life galaxy to provide them with resources, supplement their interests, and restore their losses and combat power.

Therefore, Liang Ji also stepped forward directly and said: "Thank you, senior, I can re-distort and restore the 'Fei Yang Galaxy' to the 'Red Sun Galaxy', and then occupy the 'Red Sun Galaxy'."

Hearing what he said, everyone looked at him. The gazes of the eighth-level star masters made Liang Ji feel a little stressed.

"Star Master Liang Ji!" At this time, the leader nodded and said: "I know you are the most successful person in the Star Alliance in researching and integrating the power of different types of heavenly demons to create stars."

"This time, it was your action that changed the tide of the demon's power and saved the entire frontline battlefield!"

"Senior, that's a big reward."

Liang Ji didn't dare to take credit for this. Later he saw the "Zhoutian Star Array" directly twisting the galaxy and restoring the power of the stars; now he saw the other party's method of twisting the galaxy and twisting the stars.

He knew in his heart that the Star Alliance pioneering team should have been able to solve the distortion caused by the tidal force of the Sky Demon back then, even without his intervention.

At most, the method is more troublesome, the force is greater, and the loss is more.

But it would not be possible for the entire frontline battlefield to fall, such a serious loss.

Therefore, Liang Ji really didn't dare to take credit for saving the frontline battlefield.

"Haha..." The leading star master smiled when he heard this and did not dwell on this issue. Instead, he said: "This time, it was you who discovered and broke through the conspiracy of the Void Monster Clan hidden in the Feiyang Galaxy. of."

"It can be seen that you have played a great role in researching and mastering the power of the sky demon to create stars!"

"Can you let us see the power of the sky demon you fused to create stars?"

Liang Ji vaguely guessed the other party's purpose, and nodded immediately: "No problem."

As he said that, he placed some "Dragon Balls" in the command center, and twenty colors of light of creation bloomed.

"Hey, it has actually been integrated into the power of twenty kinds of heavenly demons to create stars!"

Obviously, several eighth-level star masters present were very clear about his fusion of the power of different types of heavenly demons' creation stars, and even knew how many types of heavenly demons' creation of stars he had fused.

Liang Ji was not modest about this, and nodded directly: "Recently, my practice and research have increased. I have made improvements in the research and mastery of the power of the sky demon to create stars, and successfully integrated the 'power of the rose sun' It is two different types of power from the sky demon to create stars, and the 'Power of Feiyang'."

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